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I had woken up from Finn's attack.

"Where's our mother?" Nik scream with fury.

I look over at Cassie who is on the verge of tears.

"Where am I? What's happening?" She asks.

Nik loses his temper and speeds over to her. He grabs her in a choke hold and she struggles against him.

Elijah steps in to stop him. "Leave her. She's a puppet. Niklaus, look at her! She has absolutely no idea."

He looks at her and drops her.

"What are you talking about? Who are you?" She cries more.

"Shut up! Stop talking right now!" Nik yells.

She shuts her mouth as I walk over to both my brothers.

"Our mother orchestrated this entire evening just to torture us, and then simply vanishes." I ask them.

Nik paces then looks at Cassie


Elijah looks at us horrified. "What if we are not the only minds she was hoping to poison tonight?"

I widen my eyes in horror. Hayley and Crawford.


Elijah called Hayley but she got cut off.

"Why would she want Hayley? or even Crawford?" Elijah asks.

"To kill them? To punish us? To learn the truth about the child? For one of any number of reasons, all of which will be rendered moot when I send her screaming back to hell." Nik rushes out.

"Wait, what do you mean the truth about the baby?" I stop.

They both look at me with guilt. "Our baby has been alive the whole time. She's staying with Rebekah.." Nik admits.

"So my niece is alive and you all kept it from me? The one that is the most powerful of all of us?" I ask them.

"We thought it was for the best.." Elijah tried to reason.

"Crawford and I are moving back to the Bayou when we rescue them." I simply say.


We arrived at the shop.

"I assume you've had the misfortune of speaking to our mother?" I question.

She picks up a handful of dust and throws it towards Nik and I.

"You hide behind your spells like a coward!" Nik accuses.

"I did not come here to wage war!" She picks up more powder and throws it at Elijah.

"Everything you do is an act of war. If you touch her, so help me--" Elijah gets angry.

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