Now... please explain my life exist.

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Okay. So the things he said sounded crazy. But I listened carefully. I forgot everything. Everything around me was blank, I could only see and hear Victor and his words.
"Okay. First thing first. You know, the greek gods, like Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Hermes and others, they are not myths.....they are real.
He looked down at the water. I could see mine and his reflection. I was bewildered.
"Greek gods are real, and they're over a thousand years old. Sometimes they come down to the mortal world.They fall in love with mortals, and when they give birth, the child is called a halfblood or demigod, as they have half the blood of a god, and half the blood of a normal mortal or human."
I gazed at him, I wasn't able to register what he said. I know, this all sounds crazy, and really unbelievable, but here I was, sitting at the lake, staring at him, listening to what he said, and believing him. He seemed trustworthy. I remembered, when I was conscious, and the sage like man and Victor were talking, and the sage like man asked if I was a 'halfblood' to which Victor had replied yes. He was looking at my eyes very blankly, as if he could sense something.
"So... I'm a demigod?"
He didn't need to say anything. I already knew the answer.
"And how can I be sure you don't lie to me?"
I set up the question, but again, I already knew the answer.
"The monsters. You saw them too right."
I was waiting for him to tell me that "This is a joke, I am playing a prank on you, none of this is real. MUAHAHAHAHA" but I knew that wouldn't happen. The tense look in his face, the starlight in his eyes, I could already sense he was telling the truth.
"So monsters hunt demigods?"
Wow, this was the day I was asking irrelevant questions like Victor, because I already knew the answer, yet again.
"Yes. They often leave mortals alone"
"People that are not a demigod monster or god. Like your step-mother." I didn't know why I was believing him with my heart and soul, but all of this was reality, I really could sense it! Victor wasn't lying.
"But why can't mortals see monsters? They have attacked me in school. They don't even notice or try to help me. It's only you who-" my voice faltered. I realized Victor had helped me so much during my hard times, and here I was, not making him my friend because of this stupid talk which I wouldn't even believe back in the old times. But now, his expression told me everything.
"The mist" Victor answered.
"The mist?" I had no clue what that was.
"The mist" He had a small smile on his face. I understood the expression :to tell me that it will take me a lot of time to understand and process all this.
"The mist is something that restricts normal humans or mortals too see all these monsters, weapons, gods and all the mythology related stuff which you and I can. That is the reason why they don't help. They always see you creating the trouble, not the monsters. Some people can control the mist, like Thalia and Hazel."
I didn't know who those two were, but I decided not to ask. We had more important questions for now.
"So where am i?" Another important question which was going in my mind since I entered.
"Camp halfblood" he said.
"Camp halfblood?" I asked again.
He grinned so hard that I had to give him a 'friendly' slap on the arm to get him to his senses.
"This isn't funny Victor!Tell me where I am or-!" I acted as if I was removing my knife, but it wasn't meant as a danger.
"Take it easy girl. I already told you. You're in Camp halfblood."
I rolled my eyes.
"Ok, thanks. I understood that. But 2 more things. Where and what is Camp halfblood?" I asked again. I had a lot of questions today.
He took his hairy legs out of the lake.
"Also, you never answered why you are a goat!" I was shocked. "Also, you never answered why you are a goat!" I was shocked.
"Okay. I will try to explain. Camp Halfblood is on a long island, New York. It's the only safe place for demigods where monsters can't get in. And I'm a satyr. Half human half goat. Us satyrs are often the ones who take demigods to Camp." he tried his best.
It began to make sense, but there was still one question I had to ask.
"So... who's my godly parent?"
He looked at my blue eyes.
"Well... we don't actually know. Do you know if it's your mom or dad?"
I looked down at my reflection.
"Well my dad is dead and my mom left me, but... gods are immortal so it must be my mom." It hurt a little to talk about my parents.
"Well... we don't actually know. But according to the agreement your mom should claim you tonight."
"Which agreement?" I asked, cause I hated when I didn't know about matters.
"Just something the gods promised after the titan war" Victor sighed. He must have been tired now, but I still had more.
"Titan war?!"
He took his gaze off me.
"I'm not exactly the right person to answer all your questions. Like I told you earlier, I am new to being a satyr and rescuing demigods, you are one of the first ones I have."
"Well, did you enjoy protecting me!?"I splashed the water at him with my feet, so he got wet all over.
"Hey!" He yelled, laughing. He splashed water at me with his hands. I stood up and ran before he could wet me more. He had a wistful smile on his face, just like I did.
"You will never get me!" I yelled.
I ran through some small houses, over a strawberry field. There were many kids running around in orange shirts. We kept running, until we reached a beach. The sun was beautiful! But nearly no one was there. Only a boy and a girl who sat with the arms around each other. I ran down to get closer to the water.
"One step closer and I will put water all over you!" I yelled, smiling when I saw Victor coming with a water gun.
The boy and the girl looked at us, surprised.

"A new one Victor?" The girl asked, with a smile on her face.
"Yeah, and also, she made me wet, she is definitely gonna pay for that.
"Well... wet isn't the worst thing in life. I like wet!" The other boy said, laughing.
"Maybe not for you, seaweed brain, but for everyone else." The girl playfully slapped him on the arm and kissed him on the head.
While I was listening to them and their cute talks, Victor took the opportunity and spurt water form the water gun at me.
"Hey! That's unfair!" I tried to get enough water from the beach to wetten him, but he was too far away.
"Victor! Give the girl a chance!" The boy 'seaweed brain' said.
"Back for a minute wise girl"
"Oh come on Percy!" That is cheating, you are literally the water master here!" said the girl a.k.a 'wise girl'. The boy ignored her and just ran to me. He looked about 18 years, with black shaggy hair and sea green eyes.
"Hey there. I'm Percy. Nice to meet you by the way. You can use me as a water gun when goat boy is cheating". He ended, and he was grinning like crazy.
I looked at him, confused, and Victor used the moment to spurt water at me, again
"This is unfair! You can't use Jackson! Victor was yelling, with a huge smile.
The boy, 'Percy Jackson/Seaweed brain' turned to me.
"Look" he said, still grinning like a madman and spreading his arms. He moved them in an upward motion. It looked stupid, until I realised that the water behind me was risingwith the sync of his hand.. Then he pushed his hand forwards like if he threw a ball, and the water flew all over Percy, Victor and me. We all laughed so hard. It was really fun to play with these guys, even though they were all so much older than me, and the fact that we just met. We played until it was dark, and the girl a.k.a 'wise girl' joined our fun. We all got so wet, except for Percy. That guy was a master with water...

Once aigain i wanna give a thank to my amaZHANG editor Aashini!!!❤️❤️❤️

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