Memorys, dreams, and we are gonna die.

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Milly's husband was named Naitan, and he really loved the happy version of Milly

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Milly's husband was named Naitan, and he really loved the happy version of Milly. Yup. You heard correctly. The happy Milly. Strange, right? When I looked down in the memories, I saw Milly wearing yellow (I know!) Summer dresses, and the flowers were beautiful in her hair. And her voice ... it was beautiful. She could sing like an angel. Better. How did an angel's voice become ... what the hell is it now. She was about 20 years old and she was married. Natian and she had such a good time together. I saw a lot of different memories, but I do not think you will hear the details of their relationship. No, you certainly will not hear the details. But that all changed.
I (well okay Milly) was going out shopping. I went into a grocery store and bought some different things: tomatoes, sugar, pencils, a lamp, and some new headphones for Naitan's birthday. He loved everything that nerdy. But then I saw him. Not just a guy in the store. No. He was strong and had the most beautiful hair.
I said and the man smiled at me. The smile was so beautiful. It was not human. You could say it was divine.
"Hey Milly"
He said. And then Milly remembered no more of that memory. Or maybe she would not. I was home again. It was this home, it just looked more new.
."You were out in 10 minutes and now you want to look up!"
It was the brown-haired man; Naitan. New memory.
"I ... I'm pregnant"
I said slowly.
Said the man from the store.
"I am pregnant."
I just repeated. But the man did not look happy. He looked down at the table in what seemed like an eternity before looking me in the eye.
"So goodbye"
Wait. What?! I say I'm pregnant and he says goodbye ?!
New memory. I'm at a bar. There are a lot of people and the music us so loud that I'm afraid my eardrums will explode. But worst of all: in front of me were 10 empty cups. And I do not think there was water in them ...
New picture. I was home again and a 5 year old boy was standing in the kitchen in front, me.
He shouted at me.
"What is it Gustav"
I asked, hard, not with the soft angelic voice I had become so accustomed to. I was about to walk out the door.
"You ... you do not drink again. Well?"
He asked. I did not answer.
"I'm coming back at 12 o'clock. There's pizza in the fridge."
And then I walked past him, on my way out the door.
I was back. Back in the living room.
Milly looked into my eyes.
She got up and I did not like how much bigger she was than me.
She yelled.
I asked now very confused.
"Out of my house!"
She yelled.
I asked, slowly starting to walk backwards.
"Hey Ken we ..."
Sady started until she saw what happened.
"Get out of here in ..."
Miss Arsenake did not quit, but instead grabbed the gun and lay down on the table. She pointed at us.
"Out now!"
We all went backwards and I only got a quick glimpse of what was on the table: 5 empty cups.
I whispered and they did not wait a second to do as I said.
"Do you just love guns!"
I shouted at him.
"You should just take one, shouldn't you ?!"
He held it in his body as if he was afraid I would take it. He just smiled at me and still ran towards the woods.
"You know that as a precaution. If there should be a handsome boy attacking you again!"
I looked at the sky and almost fell over a rock.
"Then I guess I'll have to use a gun."
I said sighing.
Sady started and I loved the tone of her voice.
"We got you a knife"
She said, taking one out as she had a jacket pocket. Any adult in the whole world (perhaps except Mrs Arsenake and the Greek gods) would have said: one must not run with knives!
Yes! Maybe it was not bow and arrow, but it was better than running around with a gun. Sady handed it to me and I put it in my belt, the place where the last one was.
"Well, I do not understand why you do not like guns. They are cool! Although I need a little practice in aiming."
Said Gustav.
"I only killed the love horse because it was so close to me."
We ran around and talked a bit until we reached the forest. It was actually fun. Maybe Gustav was not so bad. Maybe he was actually funny. But we'll see. He's just on trial.
We slept again on the forest floor and it was only Sady who did not care. But Sady is Sady. She can sleep anywhere! Although she does not like it, some of her powers are pretty cool. It all went well. We survived Gustav's qsycho mother, we killed a beautiful boy, and I survived the chicken attack. So all that was needed to complete the perfect Thursday was a nightmare. And of course, it should be a new one that I was not prepared for ...

"No, you do not understand"
A whispering voice.
"It's not just her"
The woman's voice told her as if she could not think of anything more disgusting.
"It will be more. Imagine it. All together. All twenty."
A flashlight was turned on, but at first it was so powerful I could see anything. I could only hear.
"Sorry, but what are you exactly?"
A hoarse, melodic and harsh voice asked. My eyes got used to the light and I could see the two people talking together. If you could call them that.
"I'm Lamia"
The female voice responded and I could feel fear tingling through my body, like lots of spiders. Spider. Nice comparison!
The man looked confused. I felt like I knew him somewhere.
"And what do you want from me?"
He asked and put on that mask again, spm he lost when he saw her.
"We want the same"
Lamia said as she slowly "walked" around him.
"No, we will not."
Said the man. Lamia put his arm around his shoulder.
"Won't you take revenge on her?"
She asked and she already knew the answer.
"Of course, but I do not care about Vect ..."
"We can help each other."
Lamia whispered in his ear.
The man shouted.
"I'll do it myself!"
He shouted. Lamia put her left ear on her shoulder. Tilted her head.
"It's your choice"
She said before disappearing. The man smiled and then it hit me. I've seen him before. Twice. Once in my second nightmare, but it was only there that it struck me that I have seen him a reality before. The 'mortal' enters the hotel! So that's why he asked about our parents ...
I opened my eyes, looked around and got to my feet. The moon shone in the sky full of stars. But I did not care right now. The only thing important was to find the cause of my best friend's screams ... oh no. We're dying...

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