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You never truly get used to it when giant monsters attack you

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You never truly get used to it when giant monsters attack you. It'll always be scary, no matter how many times it happens.
The mist spread out, and we could see the monster. It looked like a man, 7 meters tall (almost 23 feet), and well... not so human. This time, I knew the monster right from the start, but that didn't comfort me at all.
Leshy: A giant monster man, who can either lead you on the right way through his mist - or the wrong way, so you get deeper and deeper in, till you never find your way out... the problem is, you never know if he's helping or not. Worst of all, is that I know how to defeat it.
We ran but we didn't get very far, before I heard Jacob run into a tree. Boys. At least us hunters know better than running straight into a tree.
"Let's stay together!" I yelled to him. We ran. I didn't take his hand because... he's a boy and I'm a hunter. I can't do that kind of stuff. And for everything in the world, I didn't want to get kicked out of the hunters.
It was foggy, and I was afraid to fall because I couldn't see anything.
"It's Leshy, isn't it?"
I closed my eyes - and ran straight into a tree. Not that I could see more with open eyes, so it probably wouldn't have changed anything.
"Let me lead you out of the mist!" He offered.
"Yep," I whispered to Jacob, pointing out the obvious.
"But doesn't that mean..."
"No," I interrupted and stood up again. "I can't do it."
We stopped and I turned around. When I looked back, Jacob had his green t-shirt on the inside out.
We started running again. We were surrounded by the dark smoke. Jacob kept running by my side. He looked terrified.
"You need to do it!" He yelled.
"I can't!" I yelled back. The wind pushed the hair in my face.
"Listen Kendra. I know this means a lot to you, but I'm sure she'll allow this one thing!"
I looked at him. I was afraid that I ran into a tree doing it.
I opened my mouth to answer, but nothing came out.
About the Leshy: The only way to make sure the Leshy isn't leading you the wrong way is to wear your shirt inside out.
"I can't just change clothes in front of you!"
"But if you don't, we're going to die!" He yelled back. I knew he was right, but the hunters were my new family. I couldn't give it up. Sure they had some secrets, and sure Kayly doesn't like me, but things can change!
"Stop hiding and let me help you!"
I could hear the giant's steps, and I knew that if we kept running, we would get lost in the forest. But... I couldn't. If I took off my shirt... Well it would be embarrassing, even if I wasn't a hunter. He's a boy! He can change in front of me, but I'm a girl, and well— it's a little different!
"Kendra you have to!"
"I'm so sorry Jacob," I whispered. "But I can't."
I know it was selfish. I was killing an innocent boy, who just lost his twin, and got rejected (big time) by his crush.
"Come out- argh!"
"Stop it you little brat!"
I could barely see through the fog. Jacob and I stopped and turned around, looking at the monster. If I could see, I could aim... I fired some arrows at Leshy, and the fog started to clear. I slowly started to get my vision back, but the giant grew angry.
"Stop it you idiot!"
Okay that was too much. I could live with being called a brat, but you can't come here and say that I'm an idiot. I can call myself an idiot, but no one else can. Maybe that was what gave me the power to keep firing arrows.
At this point you might be thinking: Yay! We won! Kendra survived another day! Woohoo!
"What are you doing?!" Jacob asked me. I realised that I was walking even deeper inside the forest.
"Get lost and..." Leshy looked like the arrows that I fired were just flies. "...and die alone."
Well he's a little intense. But seriously, why was I going further into the forest? Stop it legs!
It got darker and darker around me, and Leshy was further away from me. No. I was further away from him.
"Kendra!" It was Emma. She and Thalia were standing, ready to attack. It was probably them who hurt Leshy at first. Thalia stuck her spear in Lesh, like it was something she did every day, but Leshy didn't seem to mind.
"Kendra wha-" Then Emma realised who we were fighting.
"Thals, where are you-" A girl with buns in her hair shouted, but I could barely see her because of the mist. And the dark... It was even darker than normal. I was getting farther and farther from them. 10 meters, 15, 20 (33, 49, 65 feet). I couldn't see them anymore.
"Mag, hide!"
I could hear screaming and fighting. It was terrifying to be in the darkness without knowing what was happening. It was just... dark. My feet kept moving. I couldn't stop.
ZAP! Okay maybe my impression of how lightning sounds was bad. It was bright for a second but the light quickly faded.
It took me some time before I realised what changed. I stopped. I... I wasn't walking anymore! But that meant...
I ran forward to meet the other. It surprised me how deep into the forest I was. If I walked any longer, I'm not sure I would've made it out...
Jacob stood beside a tree. He was zoned out while Emma and Thalia sat on the ground.
"What's wro-"
But then I got closer, and I didn't have to ask anymore. That scream... the girl with buns in her hair was laying on the floor. Magoa Sogo, daughter of Hades.
"I'm fine," she said, but her twisted ankle told another story.
"You need medical assistance, now." Thalia was standing still.
"But how are you supposed to walk?" My question left us in silence. I looked around. We were deep in the forest. We were probably on the other side of the forest. City lights peered through the trees. We were in Wasington.
"Can't Ayanna..."
"Ayanna is with Artemis and the others," Magoa sighed.
"They said they were going to the city. I said I would go looking for you."
I looked at Leshy who was slowly fading.
"But you can't go while your foot is like that."
Magoa tried to stand up to prove a point, but she just fell down again.
"It's broken." I pointed out the obvious.
"We need to fix it before you can go anywhere else."
"What do we do?"
Leshy was finally gone from Earth. Welcome to Tartarus!

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