"Um... Hey giant ants?"

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I screamed aigain

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I screamed aigain. A giant ant was still NOT GOOD. And that look in Its eyes. It looked hungry.
I hear a scream and the ant turn around. I use the second to get my bow, and when it looked back, i shoted it beetween the eyes. It pulverised. I sighed. The danger was gone. I looked at my bed. It seemed so attractive. But i had a mission, that i needed to get done. I goed out of the tent. I didnt know what i espektet to see. Maybe Sady and Gustav sitting and talk? Maybe Sady and Gustav making breakfest? Sady and Gustav playing a game? But whatever i thought to see it was defenely not a Big army if giant ants, starring at me.
"Dont move"
I heard Gustav half whisper half yell. He standed in front if hes own tent, and Sady stood in front of her tent.
I looked at the giant ants expecting them to attack. But they just stood still. With out even moving.
"Um... hey giant ants?"
I said. I was afraid. Yes. I was afraid of ants. How heroic. The ants synconised at the exact same time, tipped theyre heads. Still starting at me.
"So are we allowed to..."
I started, but the ants just tipped theyre heads back to the one side, and it was so creepy that i didnt even dare to talk. I looked at Sady for a answer, but her look told, that she was just as confused as me. It would have been easyer if they attacked. I slowly took the bow up to aim. Took the arrow back and... the ant nearest me took a step ahead me. I took the bow down. If i maked them scared would they attack? I didnt hope so.
"So we really need to..."
The rest of the ant army took a step after what looked like it was theyre leader.
"We have this mission..."
I stopped aigain. Why didnt they attack? Why didnt they just make the profecy come true?
The leader ant did a move whit Its head, and then i looked it in the eyes, and did that "mind reading" thing, as i dessidet to Call it.
A girl. No a woman. She had long curled Brown hair, with and normal cowboy pants, to a red T-shirt. Her face was beautiful, and the eyes was grey. It looked like some Grey eyes, i have seen on all of my siblings. But this time they didnt look stormfull and scary. They looked... loving?!?! Athena LOVED someone. And then i rememberd something. When i looked into peobles memorys, it was seeing from the persons side. Wich meens that Athena looked lovely on a ant?!?
But then i looked down. I wasnt a ant. I was a... girl?! Im confused. So Athena was in love with this girl Wich is now ant?
But then the picture changed. I Saw Athena aigain. She stood with a plow in her hands. And she looked dissapointed.
"Im Sorry but i have no choice"
She said. Then she pointed at me, and when i looked down aigain, i was a ant!!!
But then i slowly began to remember. I didnt know Where i rememberd from. I just did. I guess Thats a child of Athena thing.
Once upen a time, there was a woman. Myrmex was her name. She was loved by many peoble. But one of them where Athena. They loved each other for a long time, until the day Myrmex took credit for Athenas envention of the plow. After that Athena turned her into a ant, and that kind of ended theyre relationship. Some of the myhts say, that she hated her all after. And some of Them say, that she still loved Athena, her wisedom, and the beautiful Grey eyes.
And it was then, the plan came to my head. I really hopped that the myht with her still loving Athena was the true one. Or else i Will die. We will die.
The ants looked intresed at me. The only reason they didnt attack, was because right now, my eyes must be grey. They do that when i know stuff, and i knew the myth.
"We need a Way to come to the next city."
I sayd. I tryed to remember something smart, that could make my eyecolur change.  Um... minor gods. Yes. Name as many minor gods as i Can. That must make my eyes grey.
Janus. God of choises.
Eris. Godess of chaos.
Hestia. Godess of home.
It worked. Tree of the ants stepped to each of us. They goed down on the knees.
Hypnos. God of sleep.
Astraea. Godess of inoccent.
Khione. Godess of snow.
My eyes stayed grey, while i sat up on the giant ant.
"Gustav take the back. Sady. Nectar, ambrosia and money. Leave the rest and sit on a ant."
I must have looked scary, cause even Gustav did as i sayd. One of the ants looked at me.
Iris. Godess of rainbows.
Nemesis. Godess of revenge.
Algea. Godess if suffering.
I smiled a little smile, remembering my self to blame Algea more often.
The ants Saw the grey eyes, and when Gustav and Sady came, they started to run. It was weird. To sid on a ant. It was about same size as a horse, but the back was just SO thin. When i took my hands around, i was sometime wondering if i even hold around something. And it goed farst. Farster than any horse. The hair slayed on my face, but i didnt Care. For the first time in so long time, i feeled free.
But Gustav and Sady didnt look the same way. They looked scared, and they tried theyre best to stay on the giant ant.
My ant looked me in the eyes, and i hurryed to make Them grey.
Hekate. Godess of magic.
Nice. Godess of winning.
Nyx. God of the night.
A move. I looked Where it came from, but the ants was farst. They goed over there before i even Saw a thing. Killed the monster.
We rided in hours. I didnt even notice that the Sun started to go down. I feeled tired. I could see lights. From a city. We rided a bit more, and i feeled like i could sleep in the second. The ant looked at me, and stopped. It did a Wild stunt, and i falled on the head down at the ground. It hurted. Really bad.
Why did it suddenly kick me of?
I looked at Sady and Gustav, and they looked the same Way. And the ants just ran into the forrest aigain.
"What happend?"
Sady asked, and i realised Why they kicked me of.
"My eyes wasnt Grey anymore"
I whisperd. I was so sleepy that i forgot to turn my eyes Grey.
Sady said.
"Not that. How could you control these ants."
I looked at her, realising that i didnt told Them a thing if what happened. I just sayd: get our things and sit on the giant hungry looking ants, and hope they get you to the right place, instead of eating you. I smiled. Loved to be the one knowing what was going on.
"I Will tell you later. Right now we have to sleep."
We looked around.
"And Where exactly do you want us to sleep?"
Gustav asked, pointing to the forrest around us.
"There is a city not long away?"
Sady said.
"Nooo. No more walking"
Gustav said, and Im so glad that it was him showing his weakness.
We sleeped on the forrest floor. We was to tired. Who could have guessed, that going Up 6 at clock, and riding on a giant ant the whole day could have maked you so tired? Well if you should ask, giant ants is not something i would recommend, for a ride to Washington...

And this is now the end, of the love story beetween Kendra Vectors eyes, and some giant ants. And they lived happyly ever... oh wait. No they didnt.

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