I'm booked by the gods

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"Pssst! Kendra!"
A voice whisperd in my ear. I slahsed the voice with my pillow.
"Kendra you have to wake up now."
Ugh. I hate waking up. Can't you just understand that i wanna sleep?!
"It's your birthday"
It began to hurt laying down in the tent whitout a pillow. I slowly opend my eyes, to make sure the light didn't burn my eyes. It was Whist sitting in front of me, with her beautiful hair, and (it was the first time i Saw her like that) messy hair.
"Let me sleep"
I said a little to hard to her. I wanted her to go out of this tent, out of danger.
"Nope. Artemis told me to get you up. Someone wanna talk to you"
Ugh. Why couldn't i just keep sleeping? I wouldn't hurt anyone in sleep... right?
I sented her a puppy eyes, and her laugh gave me a need to smile too. I killed the need.
"No, actually someone importen wanna talk to you"
"Okay but then go away from me and i'll get up"
Whist looked a little hurted, but i think she started to get used to it. Get used to me pushing her away.
I got some clothes on, and stepped outside. It was unusually dark, even through the morning was allways dark in the summer. But it was just so... dark. I couldn't really see. Everything was misty and unclear around me.
"Kendra Astraea Vector"
I turned around, and to my shock there stood a woman in front of me.
"Who are you!"
I asked, and grapped the dagger in my belt, Wich was better to close fight. The woman (a dark haired 40-years Old woman in a Black dress) sented a Creepy smile to me, that reminded me Way to much of Lamia...
"That's not the question to ask today. The question is: who are you"
I keeped my dagger up, but i had a feeling, that if it ended in fight, it wouldn't be that much of a help.
"If you know my name then yoy clearly know me. I'm Kendra Vector daughter of Athena."
I had to stop my self from saying 'hunter of Artemis', since Artemis told me not to say it to anyone.
"Yes but are you? You're not only a demigod Kendra, and deep inside, you know that. And you've allways known"
I bited myself in my lips.
"What are you talking about"
I took my dagger closer to her head, to show her that i wasn't afraid to do it. But the woman didn't take her own weapon. Instead she sat down on a chair that i couldn't see for the misty dark. No. Not mist. The mist. Don't ask me how i knew it, i just did.
"Kendra i'm not here to kill you. If that was my plan you would've allready been dead."
I slowly took my dagger down.
"Then Why are you here?"
I asked.
"To tell you the rules. You're the first double ever..."
"Double? What's a double? And... not to be rude but... who are you?"
I sat down on the other side of the woman. I don't know Why, but i trusted her.
"My name is Hecate"
Hecate. Greek goddess of magic, choises, life paths, the mist, and... evilness.
"But... aren't you supposed to be Evil?"
I asked pretty confused. Hecate looked at me, like if she planned on Painting a picture of me.
"Does it have to be like that? That either you're good, or you're evil. Cause if you ask me, the only true different is who's telling us the story."
Wow. That was kinda deep. Who knew gods could be deep?
"But then what do you mean by 'double'?"
I asked, to get back to the main convesation.
"I think we'll have to start by the start. Many years ago, i had four demigod children. They were my most powerfull childs ever. They could do magic that no one ever thought possible. They builded a school, to learn children magic...."
"Wait a second."
I interupted her.
Hecate smiled.
"Most of my children has magic. Now back to the story. They builded a school to learn children magic, but they had different views on who they wanted to get in. They choosed to split up, so every time i child got on the school, they Got sorted into a house. The brave ones goed to Gryffindor, the smart ones to Ravenclaw, the kind ones to Huffelpuff, and the ambitius ones to Slytherin. In Slytherin they also only took in what they called 'purebloods'. Purebloods was peoble who had been in my family blood in generations. After the school opend, i dessidet to split it up. All my new children wouldn't get to know about the World. Only the familys who had been in my blood Line for a long time, and then my... choosen ones."
Okay there was a lot of things to hold on to here, but luckly my daughter of Athena brain finally worked.
"The choosen ones are the ones they Call 'muggle borns'. It's peoble i choose cause i Can see that they'll grow up to be something. Kendra, you must belive me here, i dessidet before i knew your mom..."
"You choosed me, cause you thought i could help fight for something in the wizarding World."
I whisperd, and starred out in the air, without seeing anything.
"But there is nothing i Can do now. I didn't knew that you'd allready been through all this, but if you don't go to the school, and learn how to control your powers, then i'm not sure your freinds will survive next time"
How Can one convesation change your whole life? How Can this convesation answer all my questions, and leave me even more broken than before?
"And the rules?"
I had to accept it. There was nothing to do. I had to leave my whole new family aigain.
"You talked about some rules i had to understand?"
Hecate sighed.
"Yes. The rules... you can't tell anyone there about the halfblood World, and you can't tell anyone here about the wizard World. The mist... the mist works weird on wizards. As a wizard, the mist Can work in two ways. Either you're a Controler. A Controler Can see through the mist, and... Well control it. Or a Effecter. A Effecter is effected by the mist, they can't see through it, and can't control it. It's either one or the other. No middle ground. Exept if you're a demigod. A demigod wizard. A Double. Like you."
I tryed to accept all this. It was hard, but it was the only Way i could hold my freinds out of danger.
"Can i at least tell two of them? Just two?"
Hecate thought about it.
"Only one."
I nodded. It was the best i could get, and i would take it. There was silence a bit.
"Have you and Artemis..."
"Yes me and Hecate talked about everything"
I girl voice answerd me. I opend my eyes. The mist was gone, and so was Hecate. Instead of her sat Artemis. But i didn't question it. I'd learned not to ask.
Artemis looked at me aigain.
"It won't be easy will it? The next years, eternals... they're not going to be easy right?"
Just the look in Artemis eyes was enough for me.
"I accept you to the hunt"
And there is was. The power. I could feel it stream through my body. I could feel the strongness and power inside me. Feel it raise, get bigger and bigger. And for the first time ever, i feeled invincible. I knew something was coming, yes something was coming. But i knew i would be able to fight it. Cause the hunters, the happyness, was worth fighting for. I knew i could handle whatever was coming, good as Evil. Cause you never know what happens. It's a magical World out there.

Kendra Vector- A Magical World {Kendra Vector 1}Where stories live. Discover now