I'm a monster! Or well i'm dangerous!

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"Okay but now... no take it back... yes like tha... no back, not forwards..."
I tried to show Magoa what she should do with my arrow.
"It's hopeless Kens we've been trying for 100 years"
Caelum said from a chair. When they said it, they meant litterly.
"Yeah beside i prefer dagger"
Magoa continued.
"Oh c'mon you have forever and you're not even thinking about learning something new?"
Magoa was quiet, and Caelum looked up from her paper on the table. How the heck did we have a table un our bags?!
"I'm blessed by litteral god of bow and arrow, do you really think it's getting better?"
I sat down on a chair and Magoa sat beside me and Caelum.
"Maybe your right"
I sighed. We sat a bit, and the only sound we could hear was Caelums pencil aigainst the paper.
"You're exitet for your birthday?"
Caelum asked, still not looking up.
"Well... yeah"
I feeled like a little kid aigain, when bufferflies flyed around in my stamage just by the Word 'birthday'.
"To be honest i'm exitet too. We don't celebrate birthdays that often among the hunters."
I understood. What was there to celebrate? It's not like we growed a year older.
"It'll be great to have a party aigain"
It was like a lump was getting bigger and bigger in my stomack.
"Well are you ready?"
Magoa stayed quiet, and she looked like she was caught in her own thoughts.
"Well... we'll see"
Caelum swifted pencil. I feeled the lump inside me getting bigger and bigger, like a baloon.
Bang. I turned around and saw Whist laying blacked out on the floor. What just happend?
I looked around. Magoa, Caelum, and Whist both lay there on the floor. Didn't even move. What happend? There was a big Bang, and now they just lay there. Wait. What it a monster? Should i run? What... what happend? I feeled a tear on my cheek. What if it was me? What if i did something? Why am i the only one still standing? But no. I didn't do anything. Or did i? What if i did something whit out noticing? What. Is. Happening.
"Hey what's u-"
Kayly stepped out among the trees. Then she looked at me. Then at Magoa, Caelum and Whist. And then back at me.
"What have you done?"

"But i swear i didn't do anything!"
I yelled.
"I ain't blaming you anything Kendra i just wanna know what happend."
The tears streamed down on my cheek while i looked at the moon goddess. How could i tell her what happend, when even i don't know?
"Are they..."
"They'll survive"
Artemis answerd.
"But... i swear.... i swear i didn't do anything."
But how could i be so sure? What if i actually did something? What if it was my fault?
"I was just... me and Caelum... sat and talked..."
My voice cracked, and let an other waterfall of tears stream.
"It's okay"
Artemis said, and gave me a hug. It feeled like just hugging a freind and not a 3000 years Old god. But Artemis was a freind.
"How Can it ever be okay? Everything is going wrong. I killed Sady, i killed Gane, i broke Jacob, i'm the reason Willy will soon die, and now i'm maybe the reason three of my best freinds is going to die. How Can it ever be okay?"
I thought back of my life before all this. How normal i through all lived with Zayla. I was so lucky that i was one of the demigods she found. I thought of the days i spended there. Back then, the most dangerus i'd done, was to read. Read about peoble on this type of adventures. And now it was me. Now i was the one who goed through all this. Now i was the one, everyone counted on, and looked after for a strong hero. And i'm going to dissapoint them. Cause i'm not a strong hero. I'm a little scared girl. And if life keeped being like this, then Why even live it?
What you fight for Can be different things. It's the thing that makes you realise, that it's a magical world.
"I sat and talked with Caelum, and then Whist came. She gave me a shock and then i did something. Something that maked an explosion around me. I think... i think i did it, but i don't know what i did."
Artemis nodded to me.
"I know something is going to happen soon. Something bad. That's the reason i can't let peoble know that you're a hunter. I don't know if it's dangerus for you if peoble know."
I nodded. My cheeks was still wet but i stopped crying.
"But then Why wont you make me immortal before my birthday?"
I asked. It was the first time i talked, like really talked, whit Artemis, and i'd thousand of questions.
"That's a thing Whist can tell you, when she is ready."
I looked anoyed at Artemis, but she just smiled to me.
"I can't talk for my hunters Kendra. You need to take some fights youreself."
Well it did make sence, but i was dying of curiosoty. But i didn't Got my answers.

Magoa, Whist, and Caelum woke up that evening, but they weren't even mad. And that anoyed me. Everyone treated me like it wasn't my fault. I was willing to agree with them, but i knew that it was. It was my fault. And i knew it. I could feel it deep inside. I hurted my freinds. And it only maked it worse that they didn't blame me. Plus, i'm not actual sure that i didn't do any permanent damage. Ever since that day, they all seems much more tired. How did i do it? What is happening to me? And if i'm dangerus, then isn't it selfish of me to stay here? I did my best to stay away from the others. I didn't want to hurt them. I waited. Two weeks wasn't that long, but it feeled like. Every day was lonely, and the exitment to my birthday was gone. I'm a monster, and every minute i spend with the hunters hurt them. So i waited, and tryed to stay away from them. And when i was with the others, i killed my own feelings. Maybe that was what maked it happen? So i maked sure never to be sad, mad, exitet, or... happy.
We was seeking for this girl called Dawn who for some reason was dissapeared. I didn't Care enough to ask about her, but they all seemed to miss her. An other thing i didn't share with them. It often happend, that someone called Dawn's name, and then it went all silence, like they forgot she wasn't there. I didn't knew who she was, and what happend to her, but to kill my own feelings i couldn't ask.
It all drived like this in the longest two weeks of my life. I don't... i don't like talking about it. It was some dark weeks. But then i got all the answers. Okay not ALL the answers, but enough to change my life. Aigain. It all started two weeks later, july 23. My birthday.

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