I think i'm in love...

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Love is 1 and a half, has blond hair and blue eyes

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Love is 1 and a half, has blond hair and blue eyes. Love smiles at me with a charm I have never seen in my life. Love is around my age, 10, but looks a little older because of his height (like me). Love is wearing cowboy pants and white t-shirt and shoes that look dirty in a way that just makes him even more beautiful. Love is the boy standing in front of me.
"H-h-ee-y ..."
I said as I tried to keep my mouth shut. I looked down at myself for the first time to see what I looked like. Dirty pants, torn shirt, red hair that almost looked brown in the sun. Shoot.
"Hi girls."
He said and I moved my gaze to Sady. She stood with her arm down and with her sword in her hand. The sun was shining in her black hair and her star eyes had a spark that told almost everything about her personality. Her perfect personality. Shoot.
"Beautiful sun today......"
He said, pointing up at the sky. I looked at Sady again and then at Gustav. He looked at us strangely.
Sady replied.
"I love the sun!"
Okay that was a total lie. Sady likes winter because the sun does not shine in her eyes and makes it clear who her father is.
"So you want to go on a picnic?"
Asked the handsome stranger.
I answered a little too quickly. Gustav sent me an annoyed look before turning to the boy.
"I'm sorry but we actually have something to do."
He took Sady's hand and started walking, taking her with him, but Sady just slapped him on the arm.
She said, still not moving her sparkling eyes away from the boy.
"Come now Gustav. Let the girls stay a little."
How did that boy know his name? Who cares? Right now I just wanted to be lost in that stranger's beautiful eyes.
"We can just ... we can stay for 5 more minutes, okay?"
I said to Gustav. I saw him look at Sady still not looking at him and it was as if I saw broken glass. It was as if I could even hear it. But then the metal was back in his eyes.
"5 minutes," He said.
"Nothing more than that."

Gustav went home a little before us, because we were in town, and from here Sady knew the way. Well, at least that's what he said.
"My name is Kelpie"
The boy answered when I asked. My brain told me this was important information, but I did not care.
"I'm Kendra."
I said and took a piece of cake.
"Kendra Vector."
Sady looked at me quickly before looking back at Kelpie, while she quickly replied.
"And I'm Sady. Sady Cosselon.
Kelpie nodded and looked at both of us. It annoyed me, because he only had to look at me. The water from the small river behind us had the same calm suffocating sound as his voice.
"Daughter of Athena. Daughter of Hypnos. Glad to meet you."
My heart and my brain were in a struggle; my brain asked how he knew and my heart asked my brain to shut up. My heart won.
"Do you come here often?"
I asked to keep the conversation going.
"Normally I'm at bigger rivers, but then I saw you two come and I didn't want to miss it"
There was something about the things he said that sounded wrong, but his melodic voice made it feel so normal.
"Who would one of you mortal enemies want to be with me?"
He asked.
Okay, there's clearly something wrong with that. Said my brain.
Shut up brain! Said my heart
I'm just considering all this ... Heart cut off brain
Oh, can you not just be quiet for a moment, I'm trying to hate Sady here!
Well, she's your best frie-
You just cannot shut up, can you?
I got up. Sady did too.
We both said. I turned around and looked at her now.
"No me."
We both said. Why did she not just let me!? She already had it all!! She shook her head.
"You are already the one with a cool godly parent. Why can't you just give me this?"
She looked annoyed at me before sending Kelpie a warm smile.
"Wow yes. How cool is it not to have a mom who never did anything for you! "
I looked at her. From her cowboy pants to the soft jacket to her long black hair and her beautiful eyes.
"And look at you!"
I shouted.
"You are already prettier than Cinderella, and everyone listens to what you say!" I protested.
Why do you act like that? Asked my brain. Shut up! My heart answered.
The boy smiled and I could see his blue eyes look pretty satisfied.
"Do not fight!"
He said, but his voice told another story. Sady looked at me.
"You're gonna lose"
She whispered, taking her sword. And then. In that second, my brain finally took over.
Kelpie. I knew I had heard it before. A horse living near the rivers, coming up in a beautiful male form. It had control over every girl coming near it. It loved to see people drown.
I looked at Sady, trying to tell her through eye contact. The only problem was that she couldn't read it.
"Oh yeah That's right. You lost your knife in a fight against... a chicken."
I looked at her. Her eyes were beautiful, but it wasn't her eyes. Her eyes had shining stars in them. Her eyes were the only thing, showing her weak side. Her eyes were the ones she looked at Gustav with.
Okay. I was defenceless, and my best friend was standing with a sword in her hands, ready to kill me. When I would be dead, the handsome monster beside me would drown her. How did I always end up in situations like this?
"That... that boy is a horse!"
I said, and when the words came out of my mouth, I realised how hopeless it sounded.
"You were never good at lying Ken"
And then she lifted her sword.
I took the boy's arm. What are you doing? My heart asked. Trying not to die! My brain yelled.
I took him in front of me, and Sadys sword hit him instead. Sady looked shocked, when the blood streamed from his body. Oh no. Did I calculate it wrong? Was he a boy? A completely normal boy, with friends, a family, a future? Did I just kill a boy? Am I... am I a murder?
About 2 seconds after the sword hit him, he fell over. I thought he was dead, but he suddenly got 4 legs. His skin turned silver, and his hair did to, while it growed longer and longer. His face changed out to a weird ball thingy. A horse head.
"What... what..."
Sady went backwards, when he slowly disappeared from her beautiful eyes. I looked at the silver horse, the beautiful horse.
Sady started.
I cut her off.
"You didn't have control, you... you didn't know what you were doing."
She looked down.
"If it's so easy to trick me with just one beautiful boy, then how can I ever find true love?"
I opened my mouth to come with the perfect explanation. Only problem: there wasn't a perfect explanation.
"Love is strange."
I just said. We were silent for a bit.
"I don't think I can manage all this anymore..."
Sady said, and I could only agree.
"I think Kelpie earns us a favor. Can you give us a ride?"
I asked. He looked mad, like he really didn't want to, and I took that as a yes. We jumped up on it.
"Wait I forgot my jacket, two seconds."
She lifted her hands to jump down, or rather tried to.
"I... I can't..."
And like it helped at all (thanks mom!) that suddenly the whole myth came into my mind.
If you try to ride the Kelpie, it will make sure that you can't escape, and try to drown you. I'm lucky don't you think?
The horse started to run. It ran to the river. I fought with all my might to get off it, but it felt like someone superglued me to that stupid horse's silver body. I screamed. I cried. I might have even cursed. I could see Sady trying to fight her way off. The water was as cold as December night. It was too late to do anything now.
"At least we died, fighting together."
I whispered to Sady, before the water closed around my head. Sady stopped fighting, and sent me a smile, that I was thankful was the last thing I saw. This was the smile that made Sady my best friend.

I was running out of oxygen. I could feel my lungs, that couldn't hold a second more. I was never good with water. Maybe it was something with the fight between Poseidon and Athena? I don't know. I just knew that, in 2 seconds, I would stop fighting. I would just lean back, and... and... and die. Death never felt so close before. To know, to feel, that in two seconds, I'm gonna die. I counted from 2, but when I was about to say zero, I heard a bang and something colored the water red....

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