A magical world

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Being a halfblood is scary. Most of the time it gets you killed in awful, painful ways. And once you know, they know. - Percy Jackson.
"What's a demigod?" Willy repeated. Zayla and I both stared at him.
"And what's 'Camp?' Is that where you've been, Kendra?"
I couldn't speak. It was as if someone had stolen my voice.
"Where have you been Kendra?" His voice was small and I could already see the tears forming in his eyes. Seeing him like that made me start to cry.
"Willy, forget what you heard, and go to your room. You won't leave until Kendra and I are done talking."
"Now, Willy."
He nodded, choked back a sob, and trudged back to his room. When Zayla used that voice we always listened. No protesting.
We sat there in silence for some time. We both knew that Willy heard too much. The monsters would get him.
"What about Camp-"
"Do you really believe that Camp is a good idea for Willy?" She asked and I thought of that memory from the forest. Willy had fallen and his knee was bleeding. He sat there crying for a bit while I tried to calm him.
"If he were ever sent on a quest..." She didn't need to finish. I already knew what she would say.
"But now it's your turn. Tell me all that happened since you left and why you're here."
I told her everything. Every little boring detail. I told her about Victor, Sady, the necklace, Lamia, the prophecy, the mission, the Minotaurus, Apollo, the hunters, Gane, and lastly I got to Leshy, and the reason I was even there.
"So Magoa needs my help?"
I nodded.
"Then let's go."
I put my shoes on while Zayla packed a med kit. It wasn't hard to find the others. It was like they were attached to a magnet.
"Okay but what if she really was a monster? What if Emma and Kendra are about to die a-"
"Hello," I said, and quickly stopped their conversation about Emma and I.
"Took you long enough," Jacob teased.
"Where were you?" Thalia had a worried look on her face.
"There were some... complications," Emma answered. She looked at me, and then her sister.
"Well... meet my adoptive mom. Astraea, goddess of innocence."
I explained everything to them.
"Argh!" Magoa cried out.
"Is it your foot?" I asked.
"No... yes. It's my foot"
Of course. Another secret.
"Let me see it." Zayla sat down in front of Magoa, and took something out of her bag. We stood in silence until Zayla stood up.
"I think you're good now," she said, while Magoa stood up. I didn't question the fact that Zayla fixed a broken leg in two minutes. If I questioned it every time something like that happend, I wouldn't have time to do anything else. Besides, a better question for today was: how the heck did the daughter of a wisdom god live with a goddess her whole life, who literally had the name of a goddess in her middle name, and didn't notice?
"Great. Then we'll get back to Artemis."
I looked at Zayla, and suddenly I didn't want to leave her again. I wanted to move back into my room and kick Eleanor out. But I knew I couldn't. I chose my path in life and I had to follow it.
"Can I... Can I have two minutes with Zayla first?" I looked at Thalia. I quickly learned that she was the leader.
"Two minutes. We'll meet you at the end of the street," she said, nodding to Magoa and Emma. Jacob stood up, even though Thalia didn't tell him to. They walked out of the forest, and it surprised me how fast Magoa's ankle healed. Zayla and I were alone again.
"I'm gonna miss you," I whispered, knowing that it would hurt even more after this. And Willy...
"Oh sweetie. We'll see each other again. It's not like any of us are running out of time."
I smiled at her lame joke. The goddess and the hunter.
"I'm just... I have a feeling." I'm not even sure I noticed this feeling myself before now, before I told my mom about it. "I have a feeling that even though I'll finish the quest and become immortal, life... life still won't  be easy."
Zayla nodded. "A demigod's life is never easy. No matter how much they've been through, life doesn't get easier. Look at Percy. After all he's been through, you would have thought that the gods were done using him, but they just started"
Okay, I guess I have to get used to this whole my-mom-is-a-goddess thing, because it's... Well it's hard to understand that my sweet and carrying adoptive mother is related to my evil real mom.
"But then... if life is so unfair... why even fight?"
Zayla layed her arm on my shoulder and looked into my eyes.
"Because somethings are worth fighting for. Reyna fought for New Rome. Percy fought for Annabeth. What you fight for could be different. You fight for the magic world."
The magic world. I never thought it could be a good thing. I thought it meant monsters and rude gods. Could it have another meaning? Could the fact that magic is real mean something good?
"I... I have to go now," I whispered to her before giving her the world's biggest hug. "Goodbye Mom."
"See you later Kendra," she whispered to me, and I understood the meaning; It wasn't goodbye forever.
We went our separate ways and I couldn't help but see the irony in it. Zayla went back home Where she fought for demigods, and soon would have to fight harder than before, all because Willy heard one, simple word: demigod. I went back to the hunters, where I had my family, but knew that something was going to happen soon. Something bad.
"Ready to find Artemis?" Thalia smirked when I reached them.
"Of course." I smiled at her.
We walked through the city. Four hunters and a boy. It was pretty easy to find Artemis and the rest of the hunters. I mean twenty girls with weapons wasn't exactly hard to find. I don't remember the rest of the day very clearly. We started on our way home. It didn't take long till we were in New York (I guess hunters have some kind of speed power). We stopped for a bit to rest before continuing. Jacob Got a tent all to himself because no one wanted to sleep by him. Poor boy... It was my turn to stay up as watch, so me, Lilly, and Emma sat outside on a small hill. The stars were beautiful, but all I could see were Sady's eyes. Lilly was as quiet as always, and Emma was pretty quiet too.
"You're not gonna tell me about the stars, are you?" I asked. Emma sent me a small smile.
"Not now," she answered. I was disappointed, but I smiled back. Everyone had the right to keep secrets.
We laid on the hill for hours. In one split second, I got a glimpse of the future. I could see myself laying like this every night, forever. I could see myself feeling at home among the hunters, and not wanting to be anywhere else. That was the future I said yes to. I would become immortal by my eleventh birthday. Everything would be perfect.
Pause. Do you see a pattern? Well if you do, you probably noticed that whenever I think like this, something bad happens.

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