Stop being a hero when i try to hate you!

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Blood type?"Apollo asked

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Blood type?"
Apollo asked.
I said a little more confident this time.
"And did you not have more ...?"
He asked. Whist shakes her head.
"And the other?"
"It does not work"
It was Ayanne this time.
"Why not?"
"Do you see that wound?"
Whist pointed at Sady's neck.
"It goes deep and it is not clear inside. It's going to be too much pain if you remove it without anesthesia and if we give her something I'm not sure she's waking up. "
Apollo nodded and sat down on his knees. Artemis looked at him as if she did not know whether to smile or shout.
"And you could not use ..."
"I tried, but it should make her wake up immediately, and she did not."
"And the ambrosia? Nectar? "
"Doesn't work"
Apollo kept coming up with things that could work, and Ayanna kept shutting them. Apollo looked at Sady and squinted.
"She just does not want to wake up, does she?"
It was not a question, but he made it sound as if it were.
"But you can't you do something!"
Gustav shouted, after being silent throughout the conversation, because he was hoping that Apollo could help Sady.
"She is not dead yet, but it would be the same. Her body is dead, only her soul continues to fight. I can not wake her. "
Gustav kicked a tree.
"If even medical god can not fix her, who can then!"
He kicked the tree once again.
"Oh so now you are worried"
He asked for this himself.
"Now you love life. Now you regret what you did. But I can tell you something: it's too late. You almost killed my best friend, and now you must live with the shame! "
He looked at me with his green eyes and they were full of pain. We were quiet but I kept staring at him.
"But is there nothing you can do?"
Gustav asked quietly.
Whist got back on her feet.
"At least I was 11. You can 't do that to them."
Apollo looked at his daughter.
"You know how hard it will be for me and they need to give something back."
Whist was quiet.
"What can you do?"
I asked without even trying to cover the joy that filled my voice.
"I can not do anything."
Said Apollo and I was confused.
"But you said ..."
"Yes, I can't do anything. But I know someone who can. "
Apollo got on his feet and it felt strange to be only a few years younger than the god.
"Someone owes me a favor, but I did a lot for them, which means I'm not just giving my favor to strangers."
Oh ... now it started to make sense. Almost. Okay, who am I kidding, I'm totally confused.
"So we have to do you a favor so you can use a favor you have to save Sady?"
Apollo nodded.
"I will do whatever is necessary."
Gustav said it with such a small voice and so much pain that it could be seen from the moon.
"Those are big words"
Ayanna whispered from the corner of the tree circle. The sun had slowly begun to rise, and one could gradually begin to hear the buzzing insects, giving a completely inappropriate summer feeling.
We were all quiet and it felt like the whole world was holding its breath. What was so great about what Gustav said? Was there something wrong with that? What do we need to do to get the service? Why are Whist and Ayanna behaving so strangely around it? Find out next time in: Kendra's Complicated Life! My less logical part of my brain added. Shut up! My daughter of the Athena brain part answered.
"Can I talk to you?"
Apollo Gustav asked.
"Is not that what you're doing right now?"
A small piece of old Gustav could be seen in his smile.
Apollo smiled at him, not looking annoyed.
He added, shining like a sun. Gustav looked at Artemis and she nodded.
He said in a voice that did not sound like his. It was too dark, too serious.
Apollo and Gustav went through the next three until I could not see them anymore. Ayanna took her things and she and Whist went back behind hunters. I looked in the corner to see Sady, but ... she was not there!
"Where's Sady ?!"
I asked, looking at the blood still lying on the floor in the corner.
"Apollo took her to the place."
It was the girl with short black hair next to Artemis and I looked into her ice blue eyes. But I did not see anything. Why did I not see her memories? I looked away from her. It probably does not matter. Maybe my powers did not work at all? It can be that. Or maybe someone is strong enough to shut down my power and keep me out of their thoughts. But that would mean that the girl with black hair and ice blue eyes knew my powers ...
"Kendra Astraea Vector"
It shook me to hear my middle name. Zayla never used her middle name, so I did not use it either. How did she know that? Okay, she's a goddess, so that's probably why. I looked up at her dark blue eyes.
"Yes" I said simply and would not show my surprise.
"Can I talk to you?"
Her childish voice sounded adult-strong and reminded me of Sady. If even medical god could not fix her, how could his 'friends'? Were they gods? Demigods? Or were they mortal? How could a mortal fix Sady?
I nodded to Artemis and she nodded once to the girl with the ice blue eyes next to her.
"Let's go for a moment"
The girl began to walk out of the wooden circle and the rest of the girls followed her as if she were the leader. I caught Whist's eyes for a second and I realized I did not see her in the eyes until now. Whist looked down in shock before looking at Artemis for a moment. It was as if their eyes had some sort of conversation before Artemis nodded so that her hair fell over her shoulders. The hunters disappeared.
"Follow me"
Artemis took me through the woods and we walked well in silence for a while, but I felt I had to wait until Artemis started talking. Maybe Artemis thought the same thing, so we kept quiet.
"Do you know what hunters are?"
Asked Artemis, finally breaking the silence. She stopped and sat down on a fallen tree. I shake my head as the only answer.
"Okay" said Artemis and I was prepared for the blush and came with her who knew something that I did not. But it did not come.
"The hunters are girls who chose to follow the same path as me; virginity and immortality. "
She paused and let me ask my questions.
"How does it work?"
I asked only to confirm what I already knew.
"The hunters all swore to turn their backs on men, and then I make them immortal. Together we have our own family and the hunt continues; forever."
I looked at the goddess and once again I was surprised that I was just listening to her. I did not question it because I knew it was true. I could feel it was true.
"So ... all the girls swore never to go on a date ... and they are immortal ... does that mean some of the girls are ..."
Artemis nodded.
"Lily is over 3,000 years old."
I looked back at all the young girls. 3000 years ?! Holy Hephaestus ... it's many years!
"I accept all the girls who need me. No matter why they need me. No matter who they are. Thalia is the leader of hunters. "
I did not know who Thalia was, but I guessed it must be the girl with black hair and ice blue eyes because she acted like the leader. I nodded slowly as I began to understand. We were a little quiet. The forest was beautiful around us and the birds were singing. I could hear a sound in the bushes, but the animals were too fast for my eyes. Then Artemis suddenly turned around and looked at me as if she had just made a decision.
"Kendra Astraea Vector"
My middle name. Again.
"Do you want to be a hunter?"

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