"I'm coming home..." okay let's just let Emma sing.

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"We have to find someone who can help you without going to far"Jacob was still zoned out

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"We have to find someone who can help you without going to far"
Jacob was still zoned out. Magoa kept trying to stand up, while Thalia and Emma stood and thought of a way to heal her. I looked around, and a memory came to my mind.
"You ready Kens?" A boy asked. He pushed his red hair out of his beautiful green eyes.
"You know I am." The wind had pushed my braids in my eyes, but I could still run.
"Three, two, one..."
"Go!" I yelled and started to run. It took him a moment to start. I giggled.
"That's not fair Kens. I didn't say 'go!'" He grinned.
"But I did!" I laughed at him.
I stopped the memory. It only brought pain to me. After I found out he was a demigod... It didn't make me happy to think about him. Plus, the memory was totally irrelevant right now.
"Anyone know someone in Washington?"
I asked. Silence. Did I say anything wrong? Was there now also a thing with the city Wasington? Stars and Wasington... ahhh! Why can't my so-called 'smart' brain not figure it out!? Wait a second... Did I say Wasington? Oh gods... we were standing in...
"Is this the Olympic national forest in Washington?" Thalia smiled.
"Pretty ironic don't you think? Olympic...."
"No," I answered.
"If this is the Olympic national forest, then the other side of that must be Shelton, right?"
I observed the city. Jacob finally looked at us and said something. Of course it had to be annoying.
"Stop being so mysterious Kendra. Just tell us what it is."
I smiled at him.
"Who wants to meet my mom?"

At first, my sentence confused them. Thalia was quick to say 'no,' and something told me that her experience with gods wasn't all happy. And of course I couldn't introduce them to Athena. I hadn't even met her yet! And I wouldn't call Athena my mom, you have to be there for your child to be a mom, and all Athena did was claim me. No, Athena wasn't my mom.
"Not Athena."
They frowned again.
"My step mom and my adopted family live in Shelton, and Zayla is an amazing healer."
Seriously is there anything that women can't do? It would really help, besides she needed to know I'm okay, and... honestly I missed her. I missed her hugs when I had a bad day, I missed Andrea who closed the door right in my face when I asked for her phone, I missed letting Billy win every time we played a game, and I missed Willy's annoying voice whenever I tried to read in silence (I'm not dyslexic like most demigods).
"How far is their house?" Thalia asked, and I knew she was worried for Magoa.
"No, it's fine. I don't wanna be the reason Jacob gets home late..." Magoa said.
"But what about... you know-"
Magoa looked Emma in her eyes. I looked away because it didn't feel right.
"You and Kendra will go to get Zayla, and I'll stay here with Mag."
I nodded.
"What about me?" Jacob asked. Magoa sent him an annoyed look, as if him just being there was the world's biggest problem.
"I guess you can stay," Thalia said, and Magoa agreed, even though her eyes told another story.
Emma and I started to walk. We were actually closer than I thought, and when we left the forest the sun shined in my eyes, blinding me. We walked in silence for some time until Emma stopped.
"What are you gonna say?" She asked and looked out at the many colorful houses in front of us. There it was. The yellow house with lilies in front of it. It looked the same since I left.
"I'll tell her we need help and..."
Okay, I knew how dumb it sounded, and Zayla wasn't stupid. She would know that something was wrong, when her adopted daughter suddenly showed up again after going missing for a year, with a stranger girl who had twisted her ankle in the middle of the forest and needed help.
Two kids were running by on the street, grinning. Emma stared at them and I knew what she was thinking: I wish I was them. I wish I had a normal life, a safe life. I live, unknowing to the fact that greek gods are real.
"We'll figure something out," Emma said, and started to go, but I stopped and frowned. Something... I don't know. Something seemed weird about this. Being back home... Well I've been wanting this for the last week since i said yes to the quest, but now it just seems... wrong.
"You coming?" Emma yelled when she noticed I stopped.
It probably didn't mean anything.
I remembered the house perfectly. Zayla had painted it yellow since it was a boring beige color when she bought it. She planted flowers in the garden every summer. There were toys laying all over the yard. The inside always smelled like fresh cookies and it was homely. I could see the door to Andrea's room through the window beside the door. The doorbell was calling my name. I started smiling, uncontrollably, realising how much I missed my family. Even my annoying 'big sister'.
I jogged up to the door and rang the doorbell. It was sticky. Classic Andrea. Glue on the door bell. She had done that so her ex-boyfriends would leave her alone. Andrea would be a daughter of Aphrodite if she were a demigod. I wiped off the glue with my sleeve and  waited. I heard steps and grew nervous. I looked at the name written whut silver on the door 'Zayla Astraea Vector.' I could hear voices from inside, until the door finally opened.
"Hello wh-" She stopped. I looked at her. She had a few wrinkles mostly around her green eyes, and her long white hair was a bit messy today. She wore a red sweater, probably made for her business 'earth care'. She wore an apron, and I could smell brownies from the kitchen. Billy was watching Kid's YouTube videos in the kitchen.
"Kendra," she whispered and looked me in the eyes. Billy laughed in the kitchen, and suddenly everything seemed a 1000 times more complicated. It was strange standing there in front of my old home, needing my mom's help again like I did when I was a kid. Most of the time it was because Willy was hurt and needed help in the exact same forest. Memories of Willy and I flashed in my mind. He was a demigod. Willy was a demigod and I couldn't stand it. What if... what if I met him there? I couldn't lie to him. One look from him and everything would spill from my mouth.
"What are you doing here?"

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