A giant dog fails the exam

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The dog had two green puppy eyes that were full of hunger

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The dog had two green puppy eyes that were full of hunger. Hunger for demigods. I wouldn't let the creature eat us, even if it was the last thing I did. I would protect them in honor of Sady. In honor of those who had fallen. I was ready to fight and ready to die if needed.
Kayly raised her sword and swung it at the dog, but it was faster. I raised my bow, and released an arrow. It flew through the wind, and hit it right in the eye without doing any damage at all. The hound removed the arrow from its eye.
A spear was thrown. Gane did it out of fear. He hoped it would help. All that happened was he lost his weapon.
I looked around desperately for a way to destroy the hound.
Think brain, think! This is the ONE moment that you need to show that you're the daughter of Athena!
Okay. An invincible dog. There must be something about that in Greek mythology, right? But then why can't I remember anything about it?
The dog jumped forwards. It ignored Kayly and I and clawed at the boys. They stepped backwards, trying not to die.
"Of course!" I whispered to myself, mad that I didn't figure it out before. "The exam hall."
A silver arrow appeared in my quiver. I shot it at the dog but it missed. It hit the center of the exam door.
"Kayly, does anyone have exams today?"
She looked confused, standing there with her sword, like she didn't know what to do.
"No!" She yelled back, finally deciding to answer. I nodded, and took another silver arrow. If I didn't hit my goal now, it was over. I aimed and... the silver arrow hit the exam door.
"Jacob, Gane, get away!"
I yelled at them. They jumped to the side. The dog tried to run after them, I shot a third silver arrow into the dog. I smiled. My plan had worked perfectly.
"Cover your head," I whispered to Kayly.
"Why should I-"
BANG! The exam door exploded. The dog was laying in front of it, motionless.
"How did you..."
"Special arrows," I answered, "and a brain that knows how to use them. I didn't miss. My plan was to hit the exam door a few times. If I hit the dog with the last arrow, it would have caused them all to explode. They're supposed to be used all at once and they're enchanted to explode just in time. Gane and Jacob moved just in time so the arrow would explode when the dog was right beside it."
Kayly didn't say anything. It looked like she was fighting herself, trying not to look impressed.
"Is this proof enough that I'm not going to hurt you? I'm on your side. I can force you to come with me and see Artemis."
The three kids still looked shocked after the hound attack, but Kayly seemed to pull herself together.
"Who's Artemis? Do you work for her? Why does she want us? Is she a criminal?"
I couldn't help it, but laugh. I laughed louder than I ever laughed before. I had never laughed like this with Willy or Zayla, and Zayla once made me shoot water out of my nose.
"What's so funny?" Gane asked. I knew they were confused. I pulled myself together, and stopped laughing, but I still smiled while explaining. Actually, maybe I confused them even more. Who knows?
"You could say I work for Artemis, but a criminal? I really don't think she would like to be called that, so be careful what you say. One wrong word and ZAP! You'll die from lightning."
Their faces showed a mix of disbelief, fear, and confusement. I smiled, thinking of Emma back with the hunters. ZAP!
"Any more protests? Or can we please leave now?"
Kayly looked at the boys, and then at me, as if she was their Leader, trying to make a deal with a competing company.
"Give me your bow arrow, and knife, and we have a deal."
I frowned. "Why?"
I felt the bow over my shoulder. It was in the form of a handbag. I wouldn't give it away for anything in the world. I finally found a weapon that I loved and could keep. Probably forever (literally).
Luckily, a Goddess saved me. Her bow was raised. She probably expected that we were in danger. But then she looked at the dog on the floor, and in less than a second, the bow was on her shoulder.
"What's wrong, Kendra?" She asked kindly. I smiled to Kayly, who raised her sword at Artemis.
"If I were you Kayly, I wouldn't fight against her. Only Percy Jackson can defeat gods in a duel, and I really don't think you've reached his level yet."
Artemis looked into Kayly's light blue eyes.
"Who are you?" Kayly whispered. It reminded me of me, when I first met Artemis.
"I'm Artemis," the Goddess answered. "Greek Goddess of the moon and hunt."
Kayly didn't move a muscle.
"Greek Goddess?" She asked. They stared at each other, until it started to get uncomfortable for me and the boys.
"Come with me," Artemis finally looked away from Kayly. "I'll explain everything."

"Greek Gods are real, Greek Gods are real, Greek Gods are real, Greek Gods are real..."
After two hours of explaining, yelling, and disbelief, all Kayly could do was stare at her feet repeating the words as she rocked back and forth. She didn't look scared. More like... happy? The boys were talking together on a bench nearby, while Whist talked with them. She wouldn't look them in the eyes. Artemis sat on the other side of Kayly, and after being quiet for a while, she opened her mouth to stop Kayly's mumbling.
"Kayly," Kayly looked up and stopped. "You have to go back to your school."
I was confused. Why should she go back? Shouldn't I take her with me home to Camp Half-Blood?
"Act like none if this happens." Something happened to Artemis' voice. I couldn't put my finger on what it was, but I knew something happened.
"But..." Kayly protested.
"Gane and Jacob never went to your school. You changed schools because you were bullied a lot in, not because you were attacked by Laelaps."
The mist. Artemis was using the mist.
"But Artemi-"
"Kendra, she isn't a demigod. She never would've been in danger if it wasn't for the boys."
I looked at Kayly's light blue eyes. They looked dazed and misty.
"You will go back to school. The wall exploded while you were on a walk."
Kayly stared into nothing. Suddenly, the mist in her eyes faded.
"No." She was back to normal. She stood up, fast.
"Kayly..." Artemis didn't look mad, more like a caring mom, telling her child what was best for her.
"You can be a mortal. You can live without having the fear of monster attacks. A safe life. You don't know how many people wish they were in your situation."
Kayly shook her head, and looked at the trees. It looked like realization hit her in the head.
"So... I can't take it to Camp Half-Blood?"
Artemis shook her head, and Kayly looked her in the eyes.
"I, Kayly Siney, pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis. I turn my back to the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood and join the Hunt."
Everything was quite. It was as if the whole world held its breath. Artemis stared into her eyes.
"I accept you to the hunt."

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