Even goddesses can lie

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*camera rolls in on a girl with sunglasses, walking in slowmotion to a rock song*
*zooms out on 20 Girls on military close with the hair flying around they're heads*
*zooms in on a girl with red hair and a CHB t-shirt whit a grey jacket outside*
*camera rolls on a centaur standing on the top the hill with a tree protected by dragon and a giant statue of Athena*
*rock music fades out while the many Girls take cool posesions in front of the centaur*
Would've been cool wouldn't it? Like on every movie. Unfortunally that wasn't exactly what happend. Actually i falled over a Stone on my Way up at the hill. Twice. How cool don't you think? Well Chiron did his part of the show, Wich was basicly to stand still at the top of the hill, doing... nothing. So our welcome-back-show became... Well not so epic.
Chiron spoke, and met the goddess eyes when we reached the top.
Artemis nodded to him.
"I supose we have a lot to talk about"
Chiron anounced.
"Why don't we sit down in The Big House and get a talk?"
Chiron suggested, but the 13-years-Old goddess shaked her head.
"Chiron i want you to lie to the other kids. Don't tell them that Kendra is a hunter"
Chiron looked among the Girls, and found me in my gray jacket. That answerd a lot if he's questions.
"This is the story i want you to tell them Chiron, half of it is true, so listen now, and listen carefull"
Artemis spoke with such a powerfull voice, that really didn't match her teenage look.
"Sadie got attacked by the Minotaurus, and was bad hurted, then Apollo came..."
I looked down at my Old home. I would miss it, but the hunters was my new family. But now, Why couldn't i tell anyone that i was a hunter?
"... he said he could help but he needed help too. Gustav and Kendra took on a dangerus mission to help Sadie..."
I've learned not to ask questions but it was hard. I looked down at CHB, and suddenly i got eyecontact whit a girl. She had long Brown hair and blue eyes, and was about 15 years. The girl looked shocked, before looking down and running inside one of the cabins.
"... Me and the hunters finished the mission, and brought Jacob home, but Gane died..."
I'm pretty sure i don't know the girl. Well that's allways something isn't it?
"... When Gustav comes home... to that time i'm pretty sure we Can tell the Truth. Understand?"
She looked at Jacob and Chiron.
I respected Chiron for not asking anymore questions. That was actually pretty cool. I mean i would've been Way to curios to stay cool and calm.
Chiron asked, and Jacob nodded going inside his new home for the first time ever. And then i Saw light. Light shinning from over Jacob's head, in the second he stepped inside CHB. The light came from a doe.

"The doe is the symbol of Aphrodite, so i supose Aphrodite was they're mom. The man Gane talked about who gave him the weapons was probrably Ares on a order of Aphrodite. Aphrodite either loved the twins, or there parents really high since she noticed Jacob as soon as he stepped in, and that she offerd them a weapon. I think"
Whist smiled to me after her long speek. I was sitting in a tent whit Kayly and Whist, and we talked about more serius stuff today.
"What about the profecy?"
Kayly asked. I started to like Kayly. I still wasn't sure if we was freinds but at least we weren't enemys?
"Well let's check if it's done"
I said and looked at Whist. She was probrably the one who was best to this kind of long speek.
"The youngest child of Athena shall go. You're the youngest child and yeah you did 'go'."
I laughed a bit of her lame joke, just to make her happy.
"On a mission to find a new one to grow. Yup you found Jacob and Gane."
I was actually a bit tired right now. Maybe i should go to bed earlyer today?
"Three goes out and one goes home. Hmm... you, Gustav, and Sadie goed out, Sadie Um... Gustav was on a mission and you joined the hunt. I supose it meant that Jacob got home as the one person. Behold for the future, it'll be gloam. Well yeah Sadie nearly... and Gane died. I guess that's what they mean? Beware for the love and don't feel to wollen. I honestly have no idea what that one means"
I smiled, but not cause i was happy. Actually i was everything but happy for that sentence.
"I think i have an idea"
Kayly played with the ring on her finger, and it gave a small sound.
"Sadie nearly died, and Gustav risked his own life on a mission to help safe her. I just mean... i don't think that's something 'freinds' do all the time. And... i know how they looked at each other..."
Happyly i didn't have to say more. They understood.
"The halfblood get home in the honor of the fallen"
Whist continued.
"Jacob got home and Gane died"
Everything maked sence. We sat in silence a bit.
"Why do you think Artemis wanna keep me being a hunter a secret?"
I asked.
"I've Bern worried about that too."
Whist answerd.
"It's not something she usually do. And lately... she've been acting weird. Like she know something is coming. But i don't know. She've just been acting so weird since Dawn dissapeared..."
"Who's Dawn?"
I asked. Seriusly? More secrets.
"Well... she's a hunter who dissapeared. We haven't seen her for the last month."
I looked shocked at her, and Kayly had the same face.
"Does hunters just dissapear like that?"
I asked her once aigain. Whist shook her head.
"We don't know anything of what's happening. We Can just wish for the best"
I noticed that she didn't answer my question. But right now i just wanted to enjoy the moment. I was with the hunters, and i was happy. I was with the hunters for weeks. Me Kayly abd Whist became pretty good freinds it you ask me. We was mostly out in the Wild, and when we was all the hunters together, each monster feeled like Playing a game, not trying to survive. The Nature became summer-ish, and so did the weather, as we moved to Juni, and then the start of July. I was pretty exited to my birthday, but not cause i got lot's of gifts, and med my whole family. No. I was exitet cause on my birthday i would become immortal, and officially be a hunter. It Got closer and closer... but then, july 10th, something happend...

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