Twins, lies, and a dam inside joke

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I hate boarding schools, so traveling across the country to reach one was torture

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I hate boarding schools, so traveling across the country to reach one was torture. Ever since I was sent to one myself and was thrown out in less than a week, I decided boarding schools were not my cup of tea. And yet, here we are. They could have at least tried to make the school look cool. Like a big castle or something. But no matter. The boarding school was small, gray, and dull. No one was outside, even though the sun was shining. The school year would soon be over, so I guessed exams were near. Classes must have been extra hard the last few weeks.
The hunters and I traveled all day without monster attacks. Maybe the monsters were scared, or maybe they thought it was too hot. I could tell it was very hot, but for some reason I couldn't feel it. Maybe it's a hunter power? Speaking of hunter powers, we traveled thirty miles in half a day! I was so close to my fate. I lost Sady in the fight. I lost Gustav. I joined the hunters. And after all this, I was finally there. I finally reached my goal. I was so close!
"Kendra, I think it should be you who enters," Thalia smiled. I nodded. I started the mission and was determined to finish it. I entered the building while the hunters hid in a small forest near the school. A large door led inside the small building. The walls were gray inside the building and matched the mood. It was empty. Everyone had to be in their dorm rooms. I was about to turn around and go back to hunters, when I heard a voice and hid around the corner.
"So... what are you going to do tonight?" Boy one asked. He sounded like he was about the same age as me.
"I'll probably be in my room," a girl's voice answered, a little annoyed.
"And do what? The sun is shining outside! Why are you staying inside?" Said boy one.
"Because we have exams tomorrow," the voice sounded similar to boy one's voice but it was also obviously different. I called him boy two.
"Yes, but Gane, would you really spend all day studying?"
The footsteps stopped.
"Didn't you plan the same?" Asked the girl.
"Not really," one of the boys answered. I couldn't tell which one, but I guessed it must be boy one's voice.
"What are you planning to do then?" The boy one asked.
"Well, it depends..."
The steps started again.
"Kayly could go on a date with me."
The footsteps stopped. I was worried they realized I was listening to them until I heard the girl (Kayly) laugh.
"Do you never get tired of trying?" She asked. I couldn't tell if she was sarcastic.
"Not when I know you're the love of my life!" Boy one replied.
"We're twelve" Boy two lectured boy one.
"Exactly!" Kayly said.
They were silent for a while.The only noise was their feet against the floor.
"And where would you take me anyway? Even if I said yes, which I wouldn't, you wouldn't be able to take me anywhere, 'cause of the stupid dog."
Stupid dog... okay I might not be Annabeth Chase, but my brain can put two and two together, and before I had a plan ready, I stepped around the corner.
In front of me were two boys and a girl. The girl had long white hair, and a beautiful face, with blue eyes. Both boys had brown eyes and brown hair, but one had blue at the top of his hair. They all wore a school uniform, and looked like they were about twelve years old, and even though I was only a year younger, I looked like I was only six, Which made it a bit awkward.
"Who are you!?"The girl shouted. I looked down at myself, realizing how weird I must look to them. Me in my dirty Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, my grey jacket, my red braids, and the bow over my shoulder.
"I'm Kendra. Kendra Vector" I thought it would be easiest if I were honest. "And you are...?"
"Why are you here?" The girl asked again, and I noticed that she slowly took something from her pocket.
"Look, I'm not a monster, so no need to grab whatever you have in your pocket."
She looked surprised, but she still searched her pocket. She grabbed a ring. I saw one of the boys retrieve a dagger and the other boy held up a spear.
"Seriously? I traveled across America to get you guys, and this is how you thank me?!" I wasn't scared of the boys. I could kill them in a heartbeat with my new speed. But something told me I shouldn't mess with the girl.
"You can't get us!" The boy with blue taunted.
"Look, you guys have two options: you can go with me to safety, or stay here and get attacked by the dog."
The girl looked me in the eyes, and I saw... nothing. Absolutely nothing.
"You're power won't work on me," she whispered. "I'm not letting you kill any of us."
She raised her sword, but I was faster. I took an arrow, but not just any arrow. My quiver fills up with any arrow you need.
It took Kayly a second to understand what happened, but that was a second too long. Two arrows with rope tied to the end zoomed past them and stuck in the wall. Before they reached to cut themselves out, I pointed an arrow at them. I won.
"You'll have to train a lot. I'm new and even I could defeat you."
The girl looked at the arrow and realized she lost.
"Who are you?" She asked once again. I raised an eyebrow.
"I'm Kendra Vector. Daughter of Athena, hunter of Artemis." I could sense their confusement and disbelief.
"Now it's your turn"
I added, cold. The girl raised an eyebrow before answering.
"I'm Sally Sandara" I tilted my head, still pointing the arrow at them.
"Oh come on. You can at least tell me the truth, Kayly Siney" Once again, I watched their eyes widen, even though.
"Now, you two." I pointed to the boys. "Who are you?" There it was again. I could sense dissbelief.
"I'm Jacob Wikla," the boy with blue hair admitted.
"And unfortunately I'm his twin, Gane Wikla," the other boy added.
I frowned.
"Are you going to kidnap us?" Kayly exclaimed.
"Are you going to offer us to some kind of monster? It won't work! You don't know who we are! You don't know what we are!"
It was supposed to sound scary. It was supposed to confuse me. But it didn't. I wasn't the one who needed an answer. It was them.
"Actually, Kayly, I know exactly who and what you are."
After joining the hunters, I found a whole new kind of strength. I wasn't the weak little girl who couldn't even kill a chicken. I was... actually I don't know what I was. Older? Cooler? Or maybe it was just that I was immortal. Oh wait. I wasn't.
"Prove it," Kayly crossed her arms.
"Proof that you aint a monster."
I looked into her blue eyes and tried to send her a cold look.
"I-" A loud noise cut me off. The wall the three kids were standing next to exploded. Yup. You heard right. You didn't skip a line. The wall exploited, and out came, what looked like a giant dog. A damn dog... one of Percy's memories fluttered in my mind.
"Let's go find the dam snackbar," a beautiful girl said. Her black hair was braided and she wore a silver crown on her forehead. "We should eat while we Can"
"The dam snackbar?" A boy I didn't recognize asked.
"Yes. What is funny?" The girl asked, confused. Her grey parka suggested she was a hunter of Artemis.
"Nothing. I could use some dam french fries," they boy cracked a smile
"And I need to use the dam restroom," a girl I didn't recognise added. It was probably because she wasn't wearing her hunter close, that I didn't recognise Thalia Grace. The unknown boy, Thalia and I (AKA Percy) started to laugh.
"I do not understand," said the hunter.
"And I want to use the dam water fountain," the boy added.
"And... I want to buy a dam T-shirt," Thalia said.
I smiled to myself, slowly starting to realize the joke. Another explosion brought me back to the present and I stopped laughing, looking at the damn dog. Sorry, the Dam dog.

Kendra Vector- A Magical World {Kendra Vector 1}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя