Nothing big... just mind reading at Peluda smoothies...

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So the next part is gonna be sad. Now youre warned!

Of course the only day it rain in may, is the day we sleep outside with out a tent

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Of course the only day it rain in may, is the day we sleep outside with out a tent. Of course. With the luck we have, then what had i imagened?
I was the only one a wake. No Big suprise there. They others was even more tired than me. Man they really dont like to ride giant ants!
I oppend the back. When the ants came we only took what was closest. Food, Golden dracmas, and nectar and ambrosia. I took the food up: bread and some Meat. But the Meat was all green, and since i at least knowed a bit about food, i took it out to put it in the next trashbin.
Sady said. All the other days it was Sady who was up first. She has as a child of Hypno a special power to stay a wake while sleeping. Know what is going on, feel whats around her, and know when Its time to wake up. But even through you Can be a wake while sleeping, you still need sleep!
I asked. She looked at the only bread left.
"No you Can take it. Lets go into the city for more when he wake up"
I eated the bread. Yes i know i should have been self offering like Sady, but Sady wont take it and Im NOT gonna give it to Gustav.
Gustav woke up 15 min later, and we goed to the city. There was not long. Nothing after the last 2 days. We needed a day with out long travles.
It was a small city, and since it was so early in the morning, only one shop was left: Peluda smoothies. Why a smoothie shop was open while, all others were closed, is a good question, but we was to hungry to Care.
I heard a boy with blond hair and work close Call.
"I would like a carrot smoothie. You Kendra?"
"Um... i Will take one with blueberry"
I said, looking at Gustav.
"And i would like a broccoli smoothie"
He said. I looked at him. Who in the heck of the World choose broccoli over stawberry, blueberry, banana, and all the others?
"And to eat?"
He asked.
"You Can get food here?"
Sady asked suprised. She looked at the board.
"Then i think we Will take 3 chicken sandwiches"
She looked at us for confirm and we nodded and sit down at a table. It was a colurfull restaurant, and some happy instrumental song was played. We were the only one there, wich make sence since Its 7:00 at the morning in a smoothie bar. I could imagene how many peoble would be here later on the day.
We eated in 15 min, before Gustav goed on the toilet. Sady sat looking at her sandwich. Like she was in an other World.
"You okay?"
She looked up like she just realised i was there.
She said. She looked down.
"Can i tell you a secret?"
I nodded.
"Do you... do you remember Truth or dare? The question? My worst memory?"
I nodded aigain. She looked at her smoothie and half eated sandwich.
"Will you tell me?"
I asked.
She answerd.
"But i Can show you. Its to hard to talk about"
I looked at her.
"Do you know..."
She said, still looking at her orange smoothie.
"Im not stupid. You look someone in the eyes, youre eyes turn grey, and suddenly you just know what is going on. I know you Can minread"
I was so afraid she would find out. Know that i maybe looked into theyre most private memerorys, and could do it whenever i wanted. Would she be able still to be my freind?
"If i look you in the eyes... and remember that time... will you see it to?"
I didnt need to answer. She looked up. Looked me in my eyes, and i could nearly feel my eyes turn grey. This time the memoryes was much longer and so much more clear than ever before. Sady rememberd this part or her life in so many details, that it was scary. So i Saw it all, like i was there. Like i was Sady.
I looked at a woman. I lay on the floor and the woman stood pointing at me, while screaming to a man:
"She is a monster. A freak. I wont have her. I wont have anything to do whit her!"
She screamed.
"A wich!!"
She yelled. The man nodded and lay an arm on the womans arm.
"We will take Care of her. But it will not be free"
He looked at her.
"How much?"
She asked, sounding like it wasnt even importen.
"Well... that counts on how soon we will take her"
The man sayd.
"Take her! Take her now! I wont spend a minute more with that freak. What if she curse me?!"
The woman looked apselutly desperet.
"Well in that situation..."
The man started, but then the picture changed. I was older now. I Think i wasnt even a month at the last memory. Maybe i was 1 year Old now?
There was a woman. She holded me. It could have been a motherly situation, but her eyes was hard as ice.
We was in a small room. Maybe a janitor closet? It was dirty like no one have cleaned up in years. Or maybe one year exactly. The woman sat me down on the floor. There was abselutly nothing in here. Only the hard dirty floor.
"Should have paid more..."
The woman sayd to her self. Then everything was so dark that i couldnt even see a hand in front of me. And i could hear the door close.
"Can you get in bed!!!"
The woman voice yelled when she goed out of the door, and i could hear some kids laugh.
The picture changed. And i was older. Maybe 4 years Old? A boy on what looked like 12 looked down at me. Behind him was about 5 kids at the same age. 5 other kids from the orphanages.
"Oh. Is little Sady dirty? Let us help you"
2 of the boys goed to me and took my arms. I kicked in the air but they were 7 years older, and much stronger than me.
"Let me go!"
I yelled. I looked down. I hav mud all over my body and for some reason blood. They took a fighting me outside. There was some play things out here, a forrest and a lake. If it wasnt because it was empty, it would have looked a bit like CHB. Exept that it wasnt dangerus training facilityes.
They took me to the lake, and i began to understand what was happending.
I yelled.
"Let me go!!"
I kicked the air once aigain, but the boys was just smiling.
They troughed me in. I could feel the close sit into my body. I tryed to hold me up by moving my arms farst, but i couldnt even swim. And there was long down. No warning, just a deep, deep lake.
"A little to small?"
One of the boys said and they all grined.
"She Will just use a freak thing to get free" a other boy sayd.
The third boy sayd.
"What was it she said? I dont want you! Youre a freak. Yeah she was so right."
The boys grined and the first boy sayd.
"No one wants you!"
Then he spat on my, and i could feel the only part of my face that was not wed, became it.
"You Where leaved to!"
I yelled.
The one boy sayd.
"But at least our parents payed to give us a room!"
He sayd, and spit me in the eye, and it hurted so bad, because i didnt reach to close it. I sayd a stunning Sound and they laughed like they never laughed before. It was hard to stay up over the water, not to sink down. But i was strong.
"Like i said:"
The boy said.
"No one likes you."
Boy Number 4 said, and it was the first time he talked.
"It would be better for everyone if you just drowned!"
And then the last boy, who hasnt said anything yet said:
"You know what? I Can help with that"
And all the boys grined while he took a rock on the floor. He throughed it after me, and it hurted so bad. They grined and started to Pick up more and more rocks. I could feel blood one my head, and it hurted all in the heart. I hardly opend my one eye, and Saw one boy whisper to the other:
Then i Saw a woman. One of the workers at the orphanages. She took a look at the boys whit rocks in the hands, then she looked at the bleeding me in the water, and goed by. She didnt even do a thing. I cried. I couldnt help it. It seemed to satesfy the boys and they smiled so hard, while one of the boys throw a Rock on me, so hard, that everything was Black.
Then there was a boy. 5-4 years Old like me. I sat whit a towel arond me. The boy was blond, whit blue eyes, and he had a scar on hes cheek. A scar from a rock. It was straight.
"You shouldnt have done that"
I said, and whit Sadys voice i sounded like a 7 years Old.
"Then what should i have done? Wachted you drown?"
He smiled to me, but i didnt.
I answerd and he looked serius aigain.
"No one wants me anyway"
He took my hand, and looked me deep in the eyes.
"I want you"
He simply anwerd.
Then the picture changed. But i have seen this before. It showed so many different kinds of food; but it was disgusting. It was Old, miscolured, and there was even a bread whit moss. And there was not much. Only one bread.
A new picture: i was 7 years Old standing in front of that boy that saved me from the lake. The scar was still on hes cheek, but not bleeding as that day. William was hes name. I didnt know Where from i knowed but i did.
"Im gonna miss you"
He said.
"Dont worry"
I answerd whit Sadys strong voice.
"Im gonna Call you everyday."
He smiled to me.
"Yeah maybe youre gonna have a phone but am i? I dont Think mrs. Gilly will like that i use the phone everyday."
We grined like it was a joke.
"Well then i Will send letters"
I said smiling to him. He looked down aigain.
"Im glad you found a family, but i am gonna miss you"
"You to"
I said and look him in the eyes. Then i kissed him. He looked suprised, choked and... and happy.
A new picture: i was in a car with a boy. He was smiling to me, with a akward hat on the head.
"How do you feel?"
He asked.
"A bit weird actually."
I answerd.
"I know youre gonna miss youre home but..."
I stopped him.
"I feel weird because no one even consideret to adopt me. Ever"
He looked out of the Window to make sure not to drive wrong.
"But how long away do you live?"
I asked, to change what we Where talking about.
"Not long only 5 min left"
I looked at the GPS.
"But Thats out in a forrest?"
I asked.
He said. I was confused.
"But Why do you live in the forrest?"
"Me and my freinds and... Well you Can Call it family does."
I was still confused.
"So you sleep outside?"
He answerd, now looking at me.
"We sleep in Camp Halfblood."
And then some star colured eyes, Full of tears.
"Casitan is the worst orphanages ever"
She whisperd. She was so close to cry, and i understanded her. Sady wasnt just strong and perfect. No one is born perfect. If youre strong, Its cause you have allready been through worse.
"Im back"
Gustav said, and Sady Got so choked and afraid he heard what she said, that she did a jump, and all the smoothies was on the floor.
"Im Sorry i..."
She started.
"No Its allright i Will take it"
Gustav said, seeing that Sady was emotionel right now. He looked me in the eyes, and my eyes told, that this stay beetween me and Sady. He understanded and sat down to take up the smoothie. But then the smoothie began to move. It maked some weird water-ish moves, and begins to gather. I Can see the smoothie from 5 peoble who just Got theyre smoothie, began to fly over to the other smoothie. It turned bigger and bigger, and i knew what it was: a monster...

Now you know Sadys Big secret. Sorry it took so long to write, but this was so hard to make, cause it is so sad. I keep thinking: what if this happend to someone? And do it?
Also as a writter it is easyer to make a good story if you share youre thoughts, and what you Think and feel while Reading my story, so please share youre Reading experiense.

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