The day everything changed

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The day everything changed, started with a delicious lunch, with eggs and bacon

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The day everything changed, started with a delicious lunch, with eggs and bacon. Me and Sady were going to my cabin talking about how we wish we could have that everyday.
"I mean....the eggs, I could fight a monster or 3 if I could have the everyday." Sady spoke.
I looked into her pretty starsky eyes, and I saw many types of food, but they didn't look healthy at all, they looked rotten and nasty!
"Yeah"I said, wondering why she got that bad food.
We took the path to the Athena cabin. I was cold in my t-shirt, but I didn't want to seem weak in front of Sady, and take a jacket. Well, that was dumb for a child of Athena, because a second later, it began to snow.
"Let's get inside," said Sady, with her teeth chattering. We started running.
But then, I heard a loud scream, and I realized who did that.
"Annabeth" I mumbled.
I was full of regrets when I came to her. She was lying down on the floor, and was screaming. I looked into her eyes, and I could not see her face now. I could see pictures of Percy drinking fire, and spiders, a lot of them, very big.
Then, I looked around the cabin, and even I screamed. This was even worse that the monster I faced when I came to camp, knowing Greek gods are real, knowing I am a demigod, knowing my real mother was a goddess, Athena. This was wayyyyyyy worse....

Spiders. Our cabin was full of spiders. I was so scared, and it became even more terrifying when I remembered my dreams. The dreams I used to forget every morning, but now came back to my mind.
Spiders. Eight legs and eight eyes. It always felt like they were trying to eat me. Until I woke up with a scream, and forgot why I was yelling like mad.
Now my nightmare came true.
"How dare you!" I heard a voice. It was Chiron.
"W-we didn't know" It sounded like the voice of an adult, but the way he said it seemed so kid-ish. I recognised that voice. Connor Stoll, the cabin counselor of the Hermes cabin.
"You didn't know... you didn't know..." The voice sounded disappointed.
"Well, how will I know that she would be so scared?!" It was Gustav's voice.
"I mean, it's just spiders." He said it as if it was pastry.
"JUST SPIDERS?" Annabeth's voice boomed throughout the cabin. Gustav flinched.
"You know what guys, I thought we came great along. I thought Gustav was likeable, but you have been living here for 2 years, don't you know that the Athena cabin has a phobia of spiders? But this whole time, this whole time I was totally wrong about you guys, At least we had Luke to keep you from going too far....Her voice cracked. And then, I blacked out.
When I opened my eyes, I saw many people sitting around me.
"Kendra is awake" I heard Chiron say.
Connor, Travis, Chiron, Annabeth, Percy, Sady and Gustav looked at me. We were sitting around the ping pong table. (That's right, the PING PONG table.) We had a basket of fruits in the middle and a chocolate. Funny enough, the basket was full, but there was only 1 chocolate left, and before I could grasp for it, Connor slashed it away
"Gustav. Would you like to explain what just happened to Kendra?" Chiron asked in a stern voice. He looked mad.
Gustav stopped for a second.
"We-we wanted to prank the Athena cabin, so....we got a lot of spiders. "
"You did what!?"
I couldn't believe him. I just felt like I could kill him. I really wanted to kill him.
"It was just a prank! We didn't know you were that scared..."
"Oh you didn't!" I yelled.
"Then you clearly haven't listened to me, when I told what happened on the quest" Annabeth snarled.
We kept yelling at them for hours... But this wasn't the bad part.The day everything changed, this day was not it yet.. Oh no. What made this day everything change was when I took my hand up to my neck to touch my necklace, I couldn't feel it. And when I looked down, it wasn't there.
"My necklace"
I whispered.
"What?" Gustav asked.
"My necklace!?" I yelled to make sure he heard me.
"Which necklace?" Chiron asked.
"My... my necklace" I answered. I liked to keep it a secret, because that was 1 memory I shared with my REAL parents.
"What is it with your necklace?" Sady asked, and it was hard not to set her voice up against the adults around us. My voice was so small and kid-ish, while Sady's could go along with the others, becaus eit was so hard and strong.
"It's gone" I whispered. And for the second time today, everything went black.

"Wake up"
I heard a voice, and suddenly I had the urge to get up and run. I knew who it was - Sady.
"How did you do that?" Travis asked admiringly. Everyone was in the same position as they were before.
"It's something I can do, being the daughter of Hypnos. I don't use it that much but I can make people wake up whenever i want."
Travis grinned.
"Well in that case we have a lot to talk about..."
"Don't you even dare ask" Sady answers, and it sounded scary.
Then I looked at Annabeth.
"Where is my necklace?" I said slowly, afraid of the answer.
"I... I Think... I'm so sorry Kendra..."
I looked angrily at the boys, and said sarcastically: "Thank you boys. Well it turned out that one of the spiders took my necklace. So it's gone. Thanks a lot for ruining my life to the fullest!
I ran out of the cabin, and kept running. I heard someone shouting my name "Kendra!" but I didn't care at all. I passed cabins and the camp, until I came into the woods. I just lay on the forest floor and thought about everything that happened to me today.
I HATE you Gustav. Just a friendly reminder. Oh wait. I can't give you a friendly reminder, since you are no longer my friend.
Oh and in case you cared: you just ruined my life.
Three hearts, all gone. Technically, My dead dad's heart still rang in the necklace, along with Athena's, but all hearts gone, and my real one, had broken into a million micro pieces.
I hate you Gustav. I hate you.I hope I made that clear. A drop of water ran down my cheek, and I began to cry. The only memory... the only memory I ever had of my dead dad and my godly mother....IT WAS ALL GONE! A promise. A promise is gone.That is the only thing I got from my dad. When I first got it, I took it as a small useless yet pretty necklace. Just because of its beauty, I kept it. But now, I understood how priceless it was, and how much value it held for me. I don't know anything about my dad, how he looks, who he was. The only thing I remembered was his voice. Old, wise, fatherly voice he had. He and Athena were holding baby me in their arms. I was giggling and laughing like it was the best life I ever had. But the only words I remembered from my dad, the only 5 words he spoke to me before he was gone: 'We will always be together.'
As I was crying, my voice echoed through the woods, I wanted to forget everything and just get back to the giggly, laughy self I was when I was young, as if nothing in life was unfair. But of course, how could that happen, life was ridiculously unfair. Unfair, Unfair, Unfair.
I thought that this is the saddest thing that could happen to me. But poor girl, this was just the trailer...

Thank you so much for the drawing of The Necklace Bea!

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