A single tear... oh who am i kidding? I'm crying out loud!

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"No, you don't!" Jacob's eyes were red

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"No, you don't!" Jacob's eyes were red. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. "You don't... you don't know how it feels!"
Of course I understood! I'd lost my best friend! Boys... they always think they're so smart.
"I lost my best friend, Sady. I watched her die..." My voice cracked. She could still be alive, but it was impossible for my brain to be completely sure, and sixty percent of my brain said she was dead. I had seen it, the blood streaming down her face, her eyes sliding shut.
"That's not the same."
I was supposed to protect Jacob from monsters while the Hunters checked the forest to make sure it was safe to sleep. I knew that wasn't the real reason. Artemis thought that we could talk about something together. We both lost someone we loved. Or maybe it was that Whist and I were the only ones who could talk to boys. Either one of those.
"How is it not the same? She was the only one I trusted and the only friend I ever had. She meant the world to me." It hurt. Not to talk about her, but to say 'was'. It felt like someone ripped my heart out, burned it with a flamethrower, and drove over it with a truck, just to be sure it was dead.
"Do you know why Kayly joined the Hunt?" He asked. A bird flew from tree to tree and made me jump. The sun was setting and only a bit of light shone through the trees.
"No," I answered, being completely honest.
"I do." I expected him to continue, but he stopped. Did he want me to ask?
"Why?" I didn't try to hide how annoyed I was as we perched on a fallen log.
"It's because of me, and this time it wasn't because I'm so handsome and smart." He smirked, and I resisted the urge to grab the knife from my belt, and hide the body.
"What does this have to do with Gane?" I asked, and he finally looked me in the eyes.
"You don't know how it feels," he said, simply. I stood up.
"Then tell me!" My voice echoed through the silent forest, the birds perched on the trees taking flight in fear.
"H-he was my twin... my other half. My better half!" He looked down at his feet again. "It felt like losing my life, an important part of myself. Like losing my head. My heart."

Long ebony hair in a ponytail, a CHB t-shirt, and those starry eyes.
"Okay, what's next?" Sady flashed her trademark smile at the room.
"What about Medusa?" The suggestion came from a Demeter camper across the room. She was much older than Sady, but Sady and Maisie didn't seem to mine. Or any of the others for that sake.
"Okay," she answered simply, and looked around at all of us. Most of us couldn't keep ourselves from laughing.
"It's a shame that Percy's in New Rome..." Sady started.
"Then who wants to be Perseus?"
A few people raised their hands, and Sady chose a girl from the Aphrodite cabin who I recognised as Lisenea Frenday. Sady tossed a sword at her and Lisnea caught it lightly.
"And Medusa?"
No one raised their hands.
"Good thing you volunteered Sherman."
A few people snickered as Sherman Yang stormed up to Sady. She jammed the snake hair wig onto his head.
"Now, I'm going to play Athena, who wants to be Posidon?" Asked Sady.
If people weren't laughing before, they definitely were now. Some of the girls from the Aphrodite cabin raised their hands.
"Let's give the boys a chance today, what about you Gustav?"
Gustav looked shocked. A smile played on his lips a second later.
"I would be honored to be your enemy, Athena"
And that was the story of how Gustav Arsenake ended up kissing Sherman Yang. And how Sady could be friends with anyone. Make it into anyone's hearts. If she didn't survive...

"We... We used to help each other with everything. I knew how to make friends, and he was smart and stuff. But it didn't matter in the end, cause he didn't... he didn't get the chance to use his strength," Jacob explained.
"Jacob Wikla!" I lectured him, because I knew he didn't need someone to feel with him right now. He needed someone to help him get to the next step of his life. Maybe he didn't know it himself, but I did.
"When you know what Gane's last words were, then how can you act like this! His last wish was that you didn't spend your entire life being sad, but that you lived it to the full! And now you sit here telling me how unfair life is. I know it's hard to believe, but I know what pain feels like, I know what it's like to love, but above all, I know what it's like to lose your best friend."
Okay maybe it was a little hard for the kid. He had, after all, just lost his twin brother. But boy, it's hard not to get mad, when he sounds like he is the only one able to feel pain!
"Tell me," I took a deep breath.
"Tell you what?" He asked, with tears streaming down his face. Maybe I was a little too hard on him.
"Tell me about him."
Jacob still wouldn't meet my eyes, but at least he talked.
"He... Gane and I have always been different. We keep changing schools because they thought we were 'trouble makers'. But it was the dog. It... it kept following us, and no matter how many times we killed it, it kept coming back. Then we met Kayly. She was the only one who could see it too, and she protected us. We were a team. Gane and I... Gane and I don't know our parents. The only thing we have left from them is a ring. I gave it to Kayly as a thank you for saving us, and when she found out it's secret, I told her to keep it. Gane found a spear one day and wouldn't tell me where he got it. Something with a man.... he gave me my sword too. The... the dog kept hunting us... we were scared... we couldn't go anywhere... and then..."
He didn't have to finish his story, but I knew how it ended.
"If Gane didn't die..."
He closed his eyes when I said this.
"...the dog would've kept hunting you. You would've died and that wouldn't help, would it?"
He looked into my eyes.
"You're saying that he had to die?"
To die. Why do those words scare me so much? The fog around us was getting closer, and I could see the tears. He wasn't trying to hold them in anymore.
"Everyone has to die at some point."
Even hunters.
Shut up Brain!
"At least he died as a hero..."
Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. No. This couldn't happen. But it did. I got a feeling telling me I've been here before. It dawned on me why.
"The dream..." I whispered, remembering the day in the hotel, where I got the dream. I ran through a misty forest... this forest, with a boy... with Jacob. Alone. Like we are now. We ran away from someone.... or something. And that was...
"Run!" I yelled to him.

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