You are the worst person that ever lived on earth. Love, Kendra.

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It was 7 meters high, full of hair, and two large horns could be seen on its giant head

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It was 7 meters high, full of hair, and two large horns could be seen on its giant head. Sady already got up and took his sword, and Gustav and I hurried to do the same.
Gustav mumbled to himself, but I did not have time to understand what was wrong. I was too busy to be scared. I knew what was ahead of us and we would never be able to kill it. Even one of the best heroes of the time had a hard time doing that and he was 16! How in the gods of Olympus can we do that! I can 't even kill a chicken! How do we ever survive this!
I mumbled to myself. It attacked. First it hit Gustav, so he fell to the forest floor. He got to his feet again. I ran behind it. We would be an all too easy target if we stood together. One blow and we were dead. I looked at Sady and I felt like I could hear her voice in my head: "at now" It was probably just because we knew each other so well. I spoke to 3.
Sady shouted and we all ran towards Minotaurus, with swords and a knife. Oh if I just had my bow and arrow ... It kicked me in the stomach. I could feel all the air leaving it as I 'flew' up against a tree. I tried to get up, but I needed to sit down for a second. But I did not have a second.
The minotaur also kicked Gustav, and it was only Sady who still stood up and had stuck his sword in the monster. But she did not have a chance. the giant monster waved the sword away, like a fly. It turned to her. She walked slowly backwards, but it was slow. She looked up at the giant monster. Not even Sady had a chance to kill it. I tried to get up, but I just fell again. Gustav was strong enough to get up, but he was too far away. And what would that help?
I looked into Sady's eyes and it felt like I could see her whole childhood one more time. A single tear followed her cheek. She had no choice but to give up. We all needed to get away from it.
I got up and was about to turn around. To run. Run away like an idiot. Because I'm weak. I can not fight anything so big. I could not even fight a herd of domestic animals!
But then I looked at Gustav.
He yelled at Sady.
He shouted. But she was too far away, she could not hear him.
"What is it!"
Half shouted half I asked Gustav.
He just mumbled. And then I saw it. One second to late. A second that could have changed everything. A second that could have saved my best friend.
"Stumble the thread!"
I shouted, but too late. Sady ran right into it and fell at Minotaur's hand, I ran, but I would never reach it. A paper fell from the trees. A paper down with a happy colorful text that clearly did not fit the situation. 'Another great prank from your favorite Gustav!'
Gustav ran there and I saw a strange expression on his face.
I yelled when Minotaurus took a tree out, just like that. He raised it over Sady.
"Leave her!"
I shouted like I have never shouted before.
"Take me instead!"
But he did not even notice me. I looked into Sady's eyes and I was taken back again. Back to the five boys trying to drown her. Back to the one boy with blond hair and a playful and sweet smile on his face. Back to Sady, who was all alone in Camp Halfblood. Back to the day when the girl with long red hair and lots of freckles came to camp. Back in the day, the bird came over her head and she was claimed by a tough godly parent. Back to the girl, her mother, who said she would do anything to get away from her. I was back to the day after Sady came to camp when this boy with a little long brown hair, green eyes and a lot of muscle came to camp.
All of this happened in a second while Minotaur struck her. The blood flowed from her entire body. The Minotaur threw the tree away. I looked at the girl who was once my best friend. But was she? I spent all his time talking about my problems. When have I ever asked or helped with her? Did I just assume she was perfect? I thought back to my time in Camp half-blood with Sady. We sat by the lake and just talked as if our parents were not gods from Greek mythology.
"Okay but see this"
Said Sady, getting up. She took a stone and threw it over the water. It ran 3 times.
"Oh you have to be careful about it, Andrea taught me how to do it!"
I stood up, got a stone and threw it. It ran 5 times.
"Do you think that's the best I can do? William taught me to do it, it was just warming up! "
I asked.
"Um ... just a boy I knew"
Why did I not ask more about it? If I only knew what she's been through ... but then I would never have let her go on the mission. Maybe thats why she never told me? But I was there a year. Was I such a bad friend that she did not trust me? Had Sady wasted his short life, with 'Daughter of Athena'?
I remembered another time. We had dinner and I sat and watched Sady. She sat at the Hypno table, just because none of her siblings were awake. And I just looked at her. I should have sat down to her. But I just stayed at the Athena table with all my siblings.
But no. I tried my best to be her friend. All this I-have-friends stuff is also new to me. Willy was my only friend before CHB and he was more family than friend.
All these thoughts went through me at once. I looked at Sady. But she did not lean back. She did not give up. She wanted to fight. Fight to her last breath.
She pointed up at the sky and it was as if I could see the energy leaving her body. Her life leaves her body. And then I looked up. The starry sky looked like Sady's eyes. Happy and full of hope for a better future. An unrealistic future. While Sady slowly closed his eyes, all the stars moved around in the sky. It was as if someone was shaking the whole universe. There was a star that specifically moved. It was like it was dancing up there. Pretty ironic after the situation.
Minotaurus was so busy looking at the sky that he completely forgot about us. And so did I. Heaven ... I've never seen anything so beautiful.
I struggled to get my eyes off of it and looked at Sady. Her eyes closed, and as they did so, the Minotaur began to fall. It fell and fell until it hit the forest floor. I looked at Gustav and I hoped the hatred was clear in my eyes. I was hoping he knew he had just wasted his chance to make it up again. I would hate him forever. I looked at the sleeping monster and then at my dying best friend who was using her last energy to save us. Now she had only a small fight left in her and I do not think it will leave her until she is dead...

 Now she had only a small fight left in her and I do not think it will leave her until she is dead

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