I have two mothers, and only one is related. Or thats what i thought.

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"What am I-" I was shocked. No 'oh my gosh where have you been!' Or 'I've missed you so much!' I could even have lived with 'how dare you ever scare me like this?!' But 'what are you doing here?'
"Is it the gods?" She asked. My mouth was hanging open.
"Did they send you on a quest again? Is the world ending again? Can I help? Is there a war? They never tell me anything!" Zayla looked at Emma as if she just realised she was there.
"Emma. What are... what are you doing here?"
At this rate my mouth would fall off.
"Not now miss Vector, we need a more... safe space."
I looked at Emma and her eyes told me that she didn't know either. What was happening?! How did Zayla know all this stuff?! My brain was working to figure everything out.
"You're right. Let's go inside and... have a brownie." Zayla walked back to the kitchen, she was probably looking for the cookies, while Emma and I stood in the door.
"Did you tell..."
"No," I answered honestly.
I decided to follow her inside. It felt weird setting my shoes in the exact same place that I did so long ago.
"Billy, you should go have a tea party with Mr. Teddy in your room," Zayla said from the kitchen, probably to get Billy away. I heard steps, and then a door closing.
"Zayla, Caroline said she would come over. Can I..." A girl stepped out of a room. She wore a pink top, and had long brown hair, and cornflower eyes. "Who are you?"
She stopped in the door and looked at us. She almost dropped her phone.
"I'm Kendra," I answered and looked at the girl. She was standing in the doorway to my room like it belonged to her.
"Who are you?" I asked, and Zayla quickly ran out of the kitchen to us.
"I'm Eleanor," she said. She looked eight or nine.
"Eleanor, Caroline can't come over today... Maybe you can go to her house."
Eleanor quickly forgot all about me, and looked at Zayla with puppy eyes.
"But her dad is hosting a party at his work and Caroline doesn't wanna be there!"
I could see in my moms eyes that she felt actual pain by not giving her what she wanted, almost like... Eleanor was her daughter.
"Zayla, who is this?" I asked, and pointed to Eleanor. I could hear the door open and close. Emma was sitting on the porch waiting. The conversation was probably too personal for her.
"Eleanor is my new adopted daughter"
Wait a second. Her new... I was gone for a year and she... replaced me. She adopted another girl... she... she even gave her my room!
I looked at Zayla one last time before running outside. I didn't care that Magoa needed her help. Zayla betrayed me. I hadn't even seen any missing posters for me. Did she even look for me? Did she even want me to come home? Or did she want it like this? I would never come home again.
"Kendra!" I heard Emma yell behind me. I didn't care. Nothing mattered anymore. What's the point of a heart if it keeps getting broken? I've done my best to be good and this is my thanks. Here's some friends! Oh wait, now you hate one of them and the other is about to die. Hey, here's a new family! Let's give them lot's of secrets that they won't share with you, and let in a girl who hates you! Oh you get to visit your old family? They hate you too! Nothing matters anymore. Why even fight if this is the life I'm fighting for?
"Kendra come on let me explain!"
I kept running. I didn't care if my feet were bleeding. I closed my eyes and kept running. I stepped on kids chalk drawings. Stupid gods. Stupid prank. Stupid Gustav. Stupid Athena. Stupid World.
"Kendra," a voice whispered. It sounded sweet and sympathetic.
"What?" I asked, staring at Zayla's face. I didn't want to know how she was there.
"Are you here to tell me that you don't want me? That Eleanor is better than me? 'Cause I don't care anymore. I'm going back to Camp. I'll leave you alone forever. That's what you want, isn't it?"
Zayla smiled, but it didn't look happy.
"I want to explain for you." Tears were streaming down her face. "Kendra, I love you."
I don't remember what happened after that. Maybe Zayla and I went home? I honestly don't know. Eleanor wasn't there anymore, Zayla and I were sitting alone on her old, purple couch. My cheeks were still wet from crying, but to be honest... the smell of brownies cheered me up a bit.
"Where do I start?" Zayla said to herself.
"From the beginning, I suppose?"
She smiled at me. Being with Zayla again was a dream come true.
"From the beginning." She nodded, and started. "First of all, I'm not a normal mortal."
"I kinda figured that out." I smirked.
"I'm... I'm not actually mortal."
I almost dropped my brownie when she said that.
"Then what are you?"
My eyes met hers, but I didn't see anything.
"I always felt bad for you demigods. Cursed to this kind of life."
I stopped smiling as we got to the serious part.
"But how do you know about this world?"
"Ever wondered why I never use my middle name?"
Boom. There it was. The answer. The middle name! It was there this whole time and I didn't even notice! Of course.
"You're Astraea. Greek goddess of innocence and equality."
She smiled at me.
"Smart girl. You got that from your mom."
I faked a smile, but of course Astraea noticed.
"Kendra... don't judge Athena so hard. Gods love their children in their own way."
I tried to make the smile more believable.
"Of course," I whispered, not really satisfied.
"So all this time..."
Zayla... sorry Astraea... no I'm going with Zayla, sighed.
"Camp isn't safe. When you get to Camp, you get claimed. When you get claimed, the gods notice you. I think you know why that isn't a good thing. I adopted you to give you as normal a life as I could. You were just an innocent child thrown into this unfair world."
It all made sense. Zayla loved me.
"What about Andrea, Billy, and Willy?"
"Kendra," she started, and I knew where this would lead.
"I only adopt demigods. All... all of my children are demigods. That's why I adopted Eleanor. Not because I wanted to replace you."
I had so many feelings and things I wanted to say, but I got interrupted by a boy in the door. He brushed his red hair out of his stunning green eyes.
"What's a demigod?"

Kendra Vector- A Magical World {Kendra Vector 1}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang