A big decision ... okay not as big as Percy Jackson's, but still big!

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The world slowly began to disappear around me. Not because I was mind reading. Not because I was blacked out. But why did the world disappear then?
I could see a picture. An 11-year-old girl in a CHB t-shirt with a bow over her shoulder and a gray jacket. She had long red braids and she was standing in a town, surrounded by some other girls. The hunters. The town around them was huge and did not look like anything I have ever seen before. I could not point out why until I saw something; a flying car. There were many flying cars. And the houses ... they were too high. No technique, no machine would be able to build it in any way possible.
There were many poles around us, but a woman passing by caught my eye.
"You can send them with Malikopy"
She said to the air. She did not even hold a phone to her ear. But I looked at her hand: and I could see a man. Full 3D. A holography.
The girl with the long red braids followed the hunters through the town until they reached a forest. The girl laughed with the hunters and she finally felt like she had a family as if she felt at home in. The girls slept in small tents but before they slept they looked at the stars. The beautiful starry sky. And the girl with the long red braids thought of her old friend who lived many years ago. But she was not sorry. She had hunters, her family to talk to, and her friend lived a long life before she died. The girl with the long red braids, thought back to the day she left the mortal world, to join the hunters. The image was changed.
"But mama, what if there are monsters in there?"
A little girl with long brown hair asked and pointed to her dark room. She held a 40-year-old woman, with red hair, who looked like it had lost some of its color over time.
"Let me tell you a story"
The woman answered, got well into the room and sat down on the bed. The little girl followed her, but she still looked scared.
"Once upon a time, your mama was a little girl"
The woman started and the girl laughed a little.
"And I came to summer camp. But then a monster attacked me! "
The little girl laughed.
"Mama! Not that story again! "
But the woman did not listen.
"But your brave mother killed the monster. And I came to camp! "
The girl rolled her eyes.
"And there I met Sady! And we became best friends! But then one day I was sent on a mission! "
The little girl sat down next to the woman in a big hug.
"And I killed all the monsters that tried to kill me! I'm the monster killer! "
The girl got up and jumped in her bed.
"And then one day they asked me to join me the hunters, and I'm glad I said no, because soon after I met your father"
A man came into the room and looked at the girl and the woman with a happy spark in his eye.
"And then I met love, for my life"
The man stopped and started walking towards the woman and looked as if he would give her a big kiss. But then a second before reaching her, he turned towards the girl and gave her a big kiss on her cheek.
Said the girl, and the picture stopped.

I was back. Back in the woods. Back with Artemis. Back with my worries. Back with my choice.
"You do not have to choose right now."
Said Artemis when she noticed I was staring into the air. I saw a picture of all the hunters in front of me. They were a big family. But what did I say goodbye to by joining that family?
"You for until the sun goes down to make your choice."
Said Artemis, and then she went back to the wooden circle. Left me with my thoughts.
I stayed for 10 min. So 20. So 30. Then an hour. Then 2. I stayed for 2 hours before I chose to go back to them. The hunters had returned to the wooden circle, and I slowly began to hear them speak.
"Come on Mag! You can do it!"
It was Whist's happy voice.
Said another voice.
"I can not!"
Soft and teenage voices.
"Oh, come on sis, you can fight in the war against Gaea, but you can not shoot with an arrow?"
The voice sounded teasing and sounded a lot like the other girls.
"Shut up Cal."
The girl whispered and they were quiet. In some time. 3 seconds to be exact.
And then suddenly they all started talking again. They said different things like;
"It's okay Mag, you have your own talents"
"I spent 300 years learning it, it's coming!"
And the girl, who was apparently called 'Mag', just replied;
"Yes, and I spent 1000 years, but does it look like I've gotten better?"
And then I reached the wooden circle and I was shaken. Around me there was a camp. Not like CHB. No. But a camp. There were many tents, a campfire, plates of food and some shooting targets. How could they set up all this in 2 hours? The hunters stood around the target and watched a girl. She had black hair in two clumps like Ayanna and gray clothes like the others. Her eyes were a soft green color and she looked like she was about 15 years old. She stood with a bow up and I could see an arrow laying on the ground, not so far from her. When I came in, they turned around and looked at me. And I looked at them.
Each of them looked their own way, and the only thing they shared was the gray clothes. And as the wise person I am, I saw the symbolism in it: everyone is welcome. Whoever you are, you fit in here. I fit in here.
"Hey Kendra."
It was the girl with the ice blue eyes; Thalia.
It felt a little awkward as they all stared at me.
"Do you want to play with us."
I was looking at hunters who were slowly starting to go back to their 'game'.
"Yes. Why not?"
I replied, feeling like I actually wanted it. I could not see Artemis anywhere, but the others did not seem to be worried, so I decided not to ask.
"What are you playing in?"
I asked, still a little awkward.
"Okay, it's not a game, but we're trying to teach Magoa to aim. It's not going so well. "
She laughed and looked at the black-haired girl with the two lumps. She tried to release an arrow, but it just fell to the ground. Whist corrected something the way she stood up and held the bow, but it did not help.
"Can I see you?"
Thalia asked and I was confused.
"With bow and arrow"
She said a little annoyed.
I replied.
"Well, I do not have more arrows, so ..."
Thalia raised her hand and I stopped.
"Over there"
She said, pointing to a large bag lying in the corner. I went over to it and saw a lot of bows and arrows.
"You can take a bow with you!"
Thalia shouted across the wooden circle.
"The bows of the hunters are much better than those in the camp."
I looked down at the bag and one of them caught my eye. It was wood, and around the place you hold in your hands was gold and black. A brown leather bag full of arrows was close to it. I looked closely at the pattern on the bow and with small gold letters, I could see the word: sapientiae.

I took it and went back to Thalia

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I took it and went back to Thalia.
"Why are you using a spear?"
I asked, pointing to her hand.
"Why not?"
She answered simply and I nodded and asked it more. I looked at the other girls. Magoa still could not figure it out. I stood by her side and lifted my bow. 1, 2, 3. I released the arrow and it made a small sound as it flew through the air. It hit ring number 2.
Thalia admitted. Then Whist stood by my side, and in less than a second she took her bow, aimed, loosened, and hit the red dot.
"Now you just show of!"
I shouted, but I did not maneuver to hide my smile.
Another girl walked past my side. She was 2 years younger than me and had hair that went down to her waist. She was the girl who started the whole thing; 'I did not know you were traveling with a he-thing.
"Sigrid Isabella, Legacy of Nemesis"
She released an arrow, and so did the upscale thing that usually only happened on film; the split arrow up there already sat the red dot.
"I never miss"
She said, taking the bow down, and sending me a smile.
I played with the hunters for hours and did not even realize that the sun was moving in the sky. That the sun went down in the sky. I did not even understand that my time was running out - not until Apollo and Gustav returned. And Artemis. I turned to Gustav as soon as I saw him. He ran over to me and I was so surprised as he put his hand on my shoulder. I still hated him, but the look in his eyes made it hard to hate him.
He said narrowly, looking at Apollo.
"Look, I do not have much time, so listen carefully anti-prankster girl"
I wanted to be offended by my new 'nickname', but something told me he was telling the truth about the time.
"The only way to save Sady is to get her to a hospital that Apollo knows. I'm sorry, but I can say no more. The hospital owes him a favor and he spent it on Sady so I have to give him something back. "
He spoke so fast that I only remembered every word, because of my daughter of Athena's brain.
"I go on a mission, and if it fails, then I need you to complete it. I'm .... I'm not sure I'll survive the mission. "
He said, looking down.
So fight better with Arsenake, and stop being so charged! You knew what it took to take on the mission, you heard the prophecy! Now; what is the mission alone about? "
Gustav looked up, opened his mouth to answer. But then he and Apollo disappeared, and I stood shocked, confused, and full of questions, with the hunters, knowing that the time had come; I had to make my decision. I looked at Artemis, at her cold but warm dark blue eyes. And in that second, I knew what I wanted. I knew what I wanted in life.

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