So... you wanna eat me?

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I slowly opened my eyes. I could see the teal blue sky above me. Which meant one thing, I was still lying down in the woods.
"Yes my girl"
A woman's voice said.
"I want you to be awake. So I can hear you scream"
I didn't move a finger. Only remembering one of the many things Victor said my first day at CHB.
"In the camp, you're safe. The monsters can't reach you."
And I remembered asking:
"Why are the monsters even hunting me?"
And his voice saying:
"Because you smell delicious"
That time he said it in a funny voice, which made me laugh.
But it wasn't funny now. This was really happening, it was serious. I didn't dare move, because I knew, if I will, she would be over me. But if I sat frozen and did not move, I would die anyway.
"Dear" She said. I knew not to fall into her kind, sweet words.
"What are you 10 years old? It's not everyday you meet a kid so fresh, so new."
I didn't say a thing, and that seemed to annoy her.
"Ain't you scared kid?"
I felt her look at me, and my instincts told me to sit up. I did so. But I still didn't look at her. She was on my left side, and I looked at the trees, with the snow on. I didn't even notice how cold it was. It didn't matter. I would die in a few minutes, so why should I care about the weather?
It seemed to annoy her that I didn't look at her, and I knew that was what made her wait before killing me.
"So when I eat you, would you like salt or pepper on yourself?" She asked me, But I was too busy thinking what to do, when (click!) I got an idea. This woman was not that smart. She already showed me her weakness.
"Isn't the forest beautiful today?" I asked, acting like I wasn't scared at all. But I was, a lot actually.I know, my life wasn't happy right now, actually not AT ALL, but this wasn't my time to die, I had to find a way out.What would Zayla think? And Sady? Oh and poor Annabeth. She has already been through so much!
"I am going to eat you now, you are dying, so why do you care about the forest at all?" She asked me, her tone confused. She wanted a reaction, wanted me to be scared, and then she would eat me. But what if I never gave her what she wanted?
"Don't you know about the climate changes? Let;s hope we don't have global warming, so you won't be able to eat me, as I would die from the warming!"
I asked.I tried to relax a bit. I knew a lot about climate changes, so why not talk about it in the last few minutes of my life??
She seemed confused.
"The climate changes...?"
She asked. I found now the right moment looking at her. And when I did, I did my best to seem interested, and not all arrrrgggghhhh-ish.
"Don't you even know what climate change is?" I looked at her. From the waist and up she was a BEAUTIFUL woman, with blonde hair, a sweet (evil-ish) smile on the perfect face. She had gold around her neck, and arms. If it wasn't for the waist and down, she would have made every supermodel look like mud. But unfortunately, she wasn't a supermodel from the waist and down. She was a snake. A green snake. It looked a little like a mermaid. If you didn't know that she ate kids, she would be a pretty little mermaid.

"You know, global warming is melting ice, trash in nature and other stuff which pollutes it

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"You know, global warming is melting ice, trash in nature and other stuff which pollutes it."
She looked at me, and I gazed into her brown eyes. I didn't see her pretty eyes anymore, instead, I saw pictures. Of a man that I recognised as Zeus, the god of the gods, the god of the sky, because of the statue in cabin 1. He spoke 2 word:
"She is coming!"
Then I saw a woman, and I knew who she was. I remembered her because of Percy, when him and I were visiting the cabins. She was the 'cow god' or as I prefered to call her: Hera. She stood with a crying baby in her arms, and suddenly, there was a LOUD yell. I saw Hera look into the direction from where she heard the noise, and smirked.
"Are you regretting your choice now?"
And then, before I could process what she was saying, she took a knife and stabbed it into the baby! I saw the blood gush out. It was so hard not to scream. No, I had mixed feelings, disgusted and super scared. As a 10 year old, you DEFINITELY should not see those kinds of things.
I was stunned and scared, no, not scared, SUPER scared.
"Who are you?" I asked, still affected by the picture of the bleeding baby.
A smile played on her lips.
"I am Lamia, and I am here to seek revenge."
"For what, and why me? I asked, and I thought that I knew the answer.
"Hera" she answered.
"I was Zeus' beloved. He loved me, he really did. But Hera got too jealous. I understand her. I had it all. I was beautiful and the king of the gods loved me. So she made me this monster. The monster I am now. So now, it's my time to seek revenge, she killed my baby. I am now going to kill every child I come across, and you, you have just experienced 10 years of life, I know you will be tasty.
I stood up, my knees wobbling. I took my knife for protection, she took a step forward..
"One step closer and I will kill you" I said, my voice cracking.
She laughed. An evil, dark psychopath laugh.
"You?! Kendra Vector, daughter of Athena, who is just 10 years old, will kill me." She laughed, the voice boomed through the forest, she was challenging me to try it.  "A 3000 years old monster, who has killed more than a thousand kids like you! Stop it, you are making me laugh."
I looked at her. Now, I was getting mad. She didn't know how much I'd already been through, and then, I did something pretty stupid, I took a step closer to the monsterous Lamia.
"Yes. Me. Kendra Vector, daughter of Athena. I fought so many monsters. Why not you?"
She smiled, and I spotted blood on her teeth.
"Oh please. What was it? A Hydra?" She said, smiling like a devil, which she was.
"A Hydra? Oh please. Do you think that's the best I defeated? Ha! YOU are making ME laugh" I tried my best to hold a confident and not scared of her mask, but inside, I wanted to break down.
She looked confused.
"Well, I know everything that ever happened to you" But she didn't sound that sure.
"Ha! You don't know how muchI have faced."I said again, as confident as possible.
She looked confused.
"But he said..."
"Who said?" I asked, smiling like I talked to an old friend.
"Well I heard Hermes tell Athena about you..."
"Hermes!" I yelled, acting like I had just heard the funniest joke.
"Hermes is always late on news. I did that two years ago" I lied. But then I heard her words again. "I heard Hermes tell Athena about you..." So Athena wanted to hear about me. I didn't know to smile or yell at the sky, but I thought of the positive, to make my smile even more believable. It worked.
"You're not... I'm not... scared..." I tried to say.
I took a step against her.
"I will give you a choice. You can run now, or I can give you a one way ticket to tartarus." I said.
She looked at me.
"You're lying. You're not that good" She managed to say.
I smiled once again. The evil smile she was giving ME, I gave it back to her.
"Well you could give it a try."
She really thought of this. I took a step more. She took a step (or whatever she did with the snake tail, I'm just calling it a step) back.
"So what do you choose?"
I asked. It was clearly me who had taken over now, and I thanked Annabeth in my mind, for telling me about her way to defeat monsters.
I took two steps against her. She took two steps back.
"I will come for you. Me and my army. This is not the last time we will meet. I'm coming for revenge. And when I do, it will be ME taking over" She said.
I took two steps more, but then she smiled at me.
"You should have killed me while you could"
I stabbed my knife into her, but before it hit her snaky body, she disappeared, in a blink of an eye.
I looked at the knife. It was stuck into a tree. Right where she was before. My heart was beating so fast. I kept looking at the knife, and was not able to process what just happened. I took the knife, and ran, until I was on the other side of the tree. Then I collapsed again. And everything was turning around in my head.
A necklace with three hearts
"I heard Hermes tell Athena about you..."
A woman with wild brown eyes stuck a knife in a baby.
A half snake monster.
But I just couldn't get the picture of the dead baby out of my head. How could Hera do that? Kill a baby, just because of his dad? She is evil. If I compared Lamia to her, well, Hera did something worse! Of course, killing kids is definitely wrong, but killing a baby in front of its mother? Pure evilness.
"I'm coming after you. Me and my army. This is not the last time we meet. I want revenge. And when I do it will be ME taking over."
I screamed. She was coming after me. With an army.
I heard someone yell my name, but I didn't care. The bleeding baby was on the underside of my eyes.
I felt someone lift me up. Normally I would have killed them for treating me like a baby, but I didn't care. I didn't Care.
A bleeding baby.
A necklace with three hearts.
"And when I do, it will be ME taking over"
"I heard Hermes tell Athena about you..."
"You should have killed me while you could"
And I should. I should have stabbed the knife just one second earlier.
"It's okay" I heard a voice whisper to me. I couldn't tell who's voice, but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything. How can I ever go out of camp again, when Lamia is coming after me?
I opened my eyes a bit, and saw a set of grey eyes. I first thought of Annabeth, but the face was too old. And she had brown hair.
"I heard Hermes talk to Athena about you..."
"It will be okay" the grey eyes said. She lay me down on the forest floor.
"Stay safe, until your time comes" the woman whispered, and disappeared.
Everything disappeared. Was I dead? Did Lamia already find me? Am I on my way to Hades? Will I come to Elysium for dying as a hero? Did I die as a hero? And why does it still hurt? Why can I still see a bleeding baby?
And then I saw a face, and I knew that I was definitely NOT in Elysium. Maybe that place you are to get punished? And then again, what could I do that was so bad, that i deserved this?
Even after all that happened now, I'm not sure I'm gonna be friends with Gustav again. Never.

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