Giant man whit tatoos tryes to kill us.

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"Can i take your place?"
I voice behind me asked, and i got suprised to notice that it was Whist. I hadn't talked much with Whist since the day i met the hunters.
"Of course"
Emma answerd, and stood up. Whist sat down beside me. Lilly looked at Whist.
"Can i..."
"Of course"
Whist answerd, and Lilly goed inside the tent too.
"Why did you..."
"I wanna talk"
Whist explained. I frowned.
"About what?"
I asked, questionly.
"Do i need to have a reason? Can't we just... talk."
I was quiet. I'd never tryed that before. It was allways so serius when i talked with peoble. I don't think i've ever small talked before.
"Um... sure"
I said, looking at her brown eyes, on her smiling face.
"So how do you like the hunters by now?"
She asked.
"Well fine i guess."
Whist sat up of a tree, and looked at the stars.
"Aint it wonderfull? To have a family, a home. To never be that left out girl before. To have a eternal amazhing life. Oh and you shall be so exitet about talking whut Artemis. When everything get's a but more calm then just wait! It's so fun to talk whit her, and unlike the rest if the gods she's so sweet."
Whist keeped talking, and i actually enjoyed just listening to the Sound of her voice. It feeled nice, and gave me a calm cozy feeling.
"What are you doing?"
The voice suprised me. I actually haven't heard it since the day on the boarding school.
I answerd Kayly, and i myself couldn't even tell if my voice was cold or warm. Kayly sat down on the other side of Whist. My feelings for Kayly was... complicated. Well our start wasn't that good, but maybe it could change? I would like that.
"Okay but i have a question."
Whist anounced when Kayly started looking up at the stars too. I wonder what the stars maked her think of?
"From a level from 1 to 10 how importen is the question?"
I asked smirking.
Whist said, acting like she was very serius.
"It's the deep stuff now"
She said, and tried (unsuccesfully) to make a deep voice.
"What's your favorite colur, song and animal?"
She asked and me and Kayly both started to grine.
"Mine is Orange, Beliver by Imagine Dragons, and a dear"
Kayly said, and looked at me.
I said suprised.
"Mine is orange to, Best Day Of My Life by Americans Authors, and a dear"
I smiled to her, and... i got a smile back. This was... this was new.
"Mine is green, don't stop me now by Queen and..."
Steps. In lesser than a second i got the bow on my bag, along with Whist, and Kayly took (a bit slower) the ring of her hand, and we looked up at the monster. A giant Six armed man with with warrior uniform, and tatoos all over his body.
"Not aigain..."
I heard Whist whisper, before shereleased an arrow, and i hurryed to do the same. We keeped fire arrows, but Kayly looked like she didn't knew what to do. What could she do whit a sword?
"Whist if you know the monster then tell me"
I whisperd, but it was hard to breath and fire arrows at the same time.
"It's a gegenee. A six-armed giant monster. We've found tree of them the last month."
She answerd back. Our arrows didn't do any damage, but at least it keeped the monste away from the hunters. I caught Kayly's eyes.
"Kayly i have a plan. Just... attack him in some Way!"
She stood still in a second, before jumping straight on to it.
"Kendra what are you..."
But then Whist Saw it too. The gegenee looked down at Kayly, and forgot all about us.
I yelled, and Whist and i both took three exploting arrows, and fired them after it in once. Kayly took her sword out of the monsters leg, abd quikly runned away from the exploting arrows. And falled.
I yelled, and before i could even proces what i was doing, i runned to her. There was an explosion over my head, and the gegenee started to Fall: down on me and Kayly. I took Kayly's sword on the Ground, and stuck it up in it's leg. The giant monsters leg pulverised by the end of the bronze sword, before the rest of the body. But i couldn't be calm enough.
I yelled, cause i could see that the monsters head flyed down aigainst her.
I yelled, and that's how my powers whit throwing things, became the reason Whist either died or survived. I didn't thought about it. What if the godly bronze hitted her? She would've died in the second.
I watched the sword fly through the air, watched the head of the monster getting near to Whist; and then her catching the sword, and stuck it inside the head on gegenee.
We did it. We won. We survived. I looked at the two girls.
"We... we did it"
Whisperd, and i was suprised that Whist could hear me too.
She said, and i could see the sweat running on her face. I probrably looked the same Way. Kayly bleeded a little on her knee, but that would heal. Beside after the other injuries on this mission, it really wasn't a Big deal.
"We... did it"
I said aigain, and looked around in the dark.
"What sid you think would've happend? We're to good for that level 1 monster. Give us a real Challenge next time"
Kayly smirked, while i Saw the last peice of the monster dissapear.
"Be carefull of your wishes"
I told her.
"Maybe they come true"
There was silence, if it was because we were tired or if it was because of the words i said... i couldn't tell that.
"Are you okay?"
I turned around and looked into a girl with dark blue eyes and Black hair.
I answerd, and Artemis eyes reached Kayly and Whist's too. They both nodded. Artemis told us to get some sleep, and that her and Thalia would take the rest of the night. I lay in beside Emma and Lilly.
"You okay?"
I Got a little shock when the 'sleeping' Lilly infront of me asked a question.
I answerd truely. And then i falled asleep - of course not with out a nightmare. The dear nightmare once aigain.

The next morning we started the walk aigain. Jacob was somewhere in the crowd of girls i guess. Please don't ask me how he could follow our speed. I runned with Whist... and Kayly. Or maybe you Can say that we both walked whut Whist. I don't think we was all clear yet, but the fight yesterday did help. It was actually fun and to be honest, i wished the walk had been a bit longer. I mean i have forever but... when you aint immortal yet, it's hard to see it in that picture. Me and Whist was kinda freinds now, but i still didn't feel brave enough to ask her what she said to Artemis, that maked her wait making me immortal.
We talked about everything. I told about my life (Whist wouldn't tell about hers and we allready knew about Kayly), our family, favorite things... Whist even sang a song for us, and as a child of Apollo, her voice was beautifull.
The day passed by, and whitout i even noticed, we reached Manhatten. I Saw Central Park, and Empire State Building (i supose that's Where Athena is hiding whit out even wanting to meed me), and then we Saw my home. The mission was done.

Kendra Vector- A Magical World {Kendra Vector 1}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें