A whole new family... wow i do sound wise!

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"I, Kendra Astraea Vector

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"I, Kendra Astraea Vector."
"I, Kendra Astraea Vector"
"Pledge myself to the goddess Artemis."
"Pledge myself to the goddess Artemis"
"I turn my back to the company of men."
I waited a moment. This was the part I feared most. But then I saw Gustav before my eyes.
"I turn my back to the company of men."
"Accept eternal maidenhood"
"Accept eternal maidenhood"
"And join the hunt"
I felt like the whole world was spinning. I decided. But was it the right one? Did I dare say the last words? What if the hunters do not just welcome me to their family? What if I have a soulmate out there? But then I remembered something.
Once your time is there, you will have to say yes.
Stay safe, to youre time is coming.
Of course! The woman who took me back to camp after being attacked by Lamia! She said something about my time. But was that what they mentioned? Was that what they wanted from me? I saw Gustav's green eyes before me, and then I knew what I wanted.
"And join the hunt."
"But Artemis!"
I was surprised when I heard Whist's voice.
"I know"
Artemis replied.
"Know what?"
When I said the last words, I expected to feel a kind of power. But I did not.
"See Kendra."
Artemis caught my eye, and even though I wanted to look away, I'm pretty sure I could not.
"I can not make you immortal. Yet."
"What does it mean?"
She continued to look me in the eye.
"You said the sword today, but you are not immortal until I accept you for the hunt. And I'm waiting to do that until you turn 11 years old. "
I raised an eyebrow in surprise.
Artemis finally looked away from my eyes into the forest that was slowly starting to get darker and darker.
"I have my reasons."
She answered simply and she must have seen that it was not enough because she added quickly.
"Don't worry, it's not like you're on trial or anything. I accept you no matter what. And you are already blessed with the other things, just not immortality yet. Now Emma and Lily, can she sleep with you? "
She spoke so fast and still so slowly that everyone understood. The 15-year-old girl with beautiful (unlike me) red long hair and the 8-year-old girl with dark blonde hair stood up, sent me a smile and pointed to the tent.
"This is our tent and we would like to welcome you to it!"
I sat down in the tent. It was small but in a cozy way. Would this be where I slept for the next 3000 years? Or forever?
"I'm Lilly Cyle."
Said the 8-year-old girl with dark blonde hair.
"I am the daughter of Aphrodite"
Hi Lily. I am Kendra Vector, daughter of Athena "
She nodded.
"Who are you?"
I said, pointing to the girl with beautiful red hair.
"I'm Emme Lillyson, daughter of Zeus."
I nodded, but I needed to ask a question.
"Did not Zeus, Posidon and Hades swear not to have children?"
And she just smiled to herself.
"It simply came to our notice then. For the last 50 years. I'm 2000 years old. "
I looked down. 2000 ?! She did not look like she was a day over 15! This immortality thing, really freaks me out.
"I am just happy with your decision. Hunters are a big family, we just get new members. "
I smiled at her, but my mind was still full of questions.
"Why did not Artemis make me immortal?"
I asked. What if she did not want me? What if she only asked me first because she would not seem rude? I'm weak and I'm not one of those cool hunters like Sigrid Isabella who never misses. I go to bed.
"Hmm ... Can I give you a nickname? Most of the hunters have nicknames and I want you to have one. "
I just nodded and Emma tilted her head as if she was thinking very deeply. Lily just sat there and she said nothing after pulling in.
I looked up a bit and shook my head. No one has ever called me K before and I do not think I would get used to it.
I was about to say yes, but instead I shook my head. I could not take to having that nickname, said by other strong girls. It would remind me of her, and what if she does not survive? What if fighting is not enough?
"I know!"
She said suddenly and even though she was 5 years (somehow 2000) older than me, she still seemed like a child.
"We can call you Kenaaaaaaaaara!"
I laughed before giving her a 'friendly' pat on the arm. But then I remembered something. Who was the last person I gave a 'friendly' blow to the arm? You know as an education. If a handsome boy were to attack you again.
"Okay maybe not."
She behaved as if she was thinking again.
I thought about it a bit. Kens. Why not?
"Kens, daughter of Athena!"
I said in a narrative voice.
"Hunter of Artemis."
Added Lily. That was the first thing she said after a long time of silence. But then it hit me. She was right. I was a hunter now. I was not just Athena's daughter. I was a hunter of Artemis. And I was not born a hunter. Becoming a hunter was something I chose.
"Now you must sleep."
Emma said to me.
I sent her a smile, but I had a question I still needed to ask.
"Will anyone protect us ... from the monsters?"
I was thinking about Sady's screams and I would not wake up the insane way tomorrow.
"Of course. A tent will be up to protect us every night. Our tent will have to do that in about two days."
I nodded and felt a little more secure now that I knew I was protected.
"But now you'll have to sleep Kens."
I lay down and so did Lily. But Emma did not. I closed my eyes and became more and more tired and tired with each passing minute. It felt like I could hear the voices of the Angels. Sweet and melodic. Like the waves at sea.
I sat up and began to realize what it was when I saw Emma.
"Are you..."
The melodic melody stopped and Emma looked at me.
"Yes, I usually sing every night, but if you have a problem with that, I can just ..."
"No no, of course not, it's just so ... beautiful."
Emma blushed.
I looked at her beautiful face.
"It sounds like the waves. Comes into his own song. The waves crashing down on the beach. "
I was thinking about our cottage close to the water, and me and Willy jumping in the water, listening to it at night. As I lay in my bed reading, I heard the waves. They played their own song, unaffected by everything around them.
"How can you sing like that?"
I asked. I could understand that I was still looking at her, but I did not see her anymore. I saw Willy.
She replied and added:
"I had 2000 years for it. I want to say that I have learned a thing or two. "
I smiled at her.
"And then it helps to be blessed by a god."
She laughed. I frowned.
"Blessed by a god?"
She was still smiling at me, but it was a different smile this time. Not so ... happy.
"I think I will have to present myself again; Emma Lillyson, daughter of Zeus, blessed by Posidon. "
I looked at her with a whole new kind of respect. 2 of the most powerful gods in one ... I do not want to be on the wrong side of her sword.
"But now Kens, you'll have to sleep!"
I lay down again and the wave song started. And before I could realise it, I fell asleep.

I found some face claims on some of my charecters, and in each chapter i'm posting one, to make it easyer to imagen theyre look. The age isn't allways correct, but the look is there!

Kendra Vector- A Magical World {Kendra Vector 1}Where stories live. Discover now