Chapter 38

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I squeezed my eyes shut and cursed lowly as my heart hammered out of my chest hearing him say my name.

I couldn't pick up on his tone, and it was driving me crazier by the minute as I stood there frozen with my back facing him.

Was it anger? Regret? Irritation?

Maybe I was hearing things, and he didn't say anything at all. I tested that theory by taking another step closer to the door—closer to freedom, but his voice shattered my concentration once again.


I didn't turn around because I didn't work for him anymore. Placing the documents on his desk was my last act of me being apart of his company. I was done now, so there was no reason to prolong my stay by listening to the words that would soon come out of his mouth.

"Camila leave, this doesn't concern you."

"What?" The redhead gasped. "But I was here first, and my name is Amelia."

I heard Nathaniel sigh heavily, and I knew he was running a hand through his tousled hair at this moment.

"Get out." He told her the same words he told me that night, the night he fired me after everything I'd done for him—for his company.

My breathing was now coming out in harsh pants as I replayed the events in my head. Then what happened at the Carnival. I clutched my abdomen and winced in pain as the prickly needle sensation coursed through my body, paralyzing me completely. My vision was blurry again, and the room around me was spinning out of control.

I was having another panic attack right here in his fucking office with him seated a few feet away from me. I took a deep breath and blindly patted around, searching for a wall I could lean on. As soon as I found one, I squeezed my eyes shut and counted to 10 slowly, but my breathing wasn't slowing down; it was increasing.

"Anastazi?" His voice was closer than it was before, closing in the distance between us. I needed to leave now.

"Get out, now," he growled at the clingy redhead for the third time.

I heard her sharp heels clicking against the marble floors as she followed his orders like a puppy.

"Fine, but don't forget you're signing the contract tonight at 6 PM, so don't be late, Kitten," she chirped before leaving me alone with him.

Kitten? If I wasn't in so much pain, I would've peed my pants laughing at Nathaniel's new pet name, but I had more important things to worry about, like escaping before he reached me.

"Turn around." He was so close I could feel the heat radiating off his chest. If I had any chances of running, it was gone now.

His mouthwatering scent filled my nostrils, calming me down in an instant. My breathing started to even out, and my heart wasn't racing anymore—at least from anxiety.

"What do you want?" I finally spoke in defeat.

"Nothing happened between us," he revealed wearily, referring to him and his fake girlfriend.

Relief instantly washed over me and it suddenly felt easier to breathe but I still needed to figure out a way out of here before he saw me.

"I don't remember asking."

I need to discuss something with you," Nathaniel continued, ignoring my smart remark. His low and guttural voice sent another shiver down my spine.

"Then speak."

"Turn around."

"I can hear you just fine."

If I turned around, he'd ask me to take my shades off, and I couldn't take that chance.

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