AOV #6 - Upgrades

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"Why can't you ask Cap?"

Y/N sighed as he gripped the phone in the booth tightly as he laughed a little "Have you met Cap! He'd be like a mother looking after for her child."

There was a snigger on the other end of the line "Did you just call Steve your mother?"

"Live with Steve for two years and you'll find he's very much the mother hen."

"Definitely using that as Steve's new nickname, but why not Bruce?"

"What! Give The Green Machine a secret to keep, the stress of keeping a secret from the rest of you! He'd Hulk out every other day." Y/N explained as he looked on at the cars passing by on the street.

"Besides I don't trust Clint enough and Natasha..." Y/N removed himself from the phone and took a deep breath in before slowly exhaling "well doesn't really like me at the moment."

Tony who was on the other end of the phone was pleased to hear that Y/N was still alive but was less than pleased to hear that he wasn't returning any time soon however his thoughts were interrupted by Y/N.

"Hey Tin Man, you owe me remember." Y/N reminded Stark.

Tony was flabbergasted"What are you talking about!?"

Y/N decided to jog Iron Man's memory "Uhhh, 2013 your birthday party where I flirted  heavily with Pepper and you got soooo jealous, you literally dragged her away from me. Next day you tried to rub in my face how many times you got laid."

Tony smirked at the memory and whistled "Yeah me and her really did go to town....... But I'm pretty sure me not telling the team you're around trumps me getting some."

Y/N scoffed "Think about this is your chance to become the man. The Iron MAN" He said trying to use Tony's manhood as a possible bargaining chip.

"Ugghhh fine!" Tony finally succumbed to Y/N's request "What am I supposed to do when they keep looking?"

Y/N was very unsympathetic towards Tony "Oh I'm sorry I thought you were Mister 'Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist'.  Figure it the fuck out!"

"Jeez Louise, murderbot calm down. I'll keep you covered but if something comes up and we need you. I'm calling your ass straight a-fucking-way."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Y/N then sighed "Thanks Tony, I appreciate it."

"Hey, what are friends for." He reassured as chatter was heard in the background "Alright, that's Pepper." He informed the Mercenary.

"Well I'll let you go." Y/N was about to put the phone but hastily put it back up to his ear "And Stark."


"You forget a thousand things everyday, make sure this is one of 'em." Y/N cryptically reminded the billionaire before hanging up by slamming the phone back where it belong.

At Stark Tower, Tony took Y/N's words on board he muttered to himself "Sheesh, the things I do for friendship. I deserve a Fuckin' award."

Pepper then came into the room and asked "Who was that on the phone."

Tony came up with a quick believable lie for him "Oh it was just some guy who had used massive crush on you or whatever."

Pepper raised her eyebrow in curiousity as she put her hands on her hips "Oooooh did he leave his name?" She teased the billionaire to try and make him a little jealous.

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