AOV #4 - 125th Birthday

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Y/N woke up in his comfortable bed covered by his silk duvet sheets "You know these sheets cost a fortune but soooooooooo worth it, you guys should definitely buy or convince their parents to buy them." He then leans up a little out and whispers "If your parents say no, just tell them Venompool said so."

Venom groaned awake and instantly realised what day it was "Happy 125th Birthday Y/N"

Y/N went all giddy and eagerly shot up out of bed and started doing strange rapid stomping on his tip toes screaming at an extremely high pitch "Fuck I'm so childish.......... guarantee there's comments here that just say 'mood' or 'basically me'"

"I've been bonded to you since 1988, have seen inside your brain and to this day still have no idea who these 'readers' are you talk to" Venom rambled to a somewhat uninterested Y/N.

Y/N hushed the symbiote and smirked "I have an unfathomable mind."

Venom snorted "That's a big word for you"

Y/N collapsed to the floor "I'll have you know that I can recite the entire V for Vendetta introductory monologue" he picked himself off the clean white floor and muttered to himself "Don't know what half the shit means but that doesn't matter."

"Suuuuuuure, I'll remember that for the future"

Y/N went to the bathroom and took a massive shit afterwards taking a shower to freshen up then changing into casual clothes consisting of a semi-tight white t-shirt, jeans and trainers.

After he walked into the kitchen and started monologuing "Now I'm gonna have to help the Author out here because this is a 'reader insert' soooooo your birthdays range throughout the year so it really fucks up describing what kind of day it is so I'm going to lazily describe the day and say that there's a sun in the sky, some weather and there's a temperature. Let your vivid imaginations run wild with that. You're welcome."

Steve then walked into the kitchen "Hey Y/N, happy birthday" he then gave Y/N a friendly hug "I'll make breakfast you go and watch TV or read."

Y/N burst out laughing "Pffffffft who reads these days!?" Steve rolled his eyes and got the ingredients to make some pancakes before getting to work.

The two roommates ate pancakes on the sofa as Y/N was introducing Steve to  (Favourite TV Show) that he hadn't shown Steve yet and to his surprise the Captain was seemingly enjoying it.

After they'd eaten breakfast Steve went back to his room where he had Y/N's present and emerged back with the small package in his hand "Happy Birthday pal" as he handed the present to Y/N which the manchild proceeded to tear open.

"AHHH YESSSSS!!!! You Fucking Legend!" Y/N cheered before hugging Steve a little to tightly which practically took all the air out of Cap's lungs.

"Y/N....... Can't...... Breathe" he weakly got out as Y/N released the Captain allowing Steve to get his normal breathing rhythm back "I still don't know why you wanted those."

Y/N flaunted his new and signed Captain America trading cards in front of the man himself "Why would I not want these? They're a great decoration in my room plus they're awesome!"

Steve was happy that his roommate was happy but still a little befuddled by his reaction "You could've just asked me to sign them earlier."

Y/N made a goofy expression at Steve "Well if I'd done that then you'd have nothing to give me now DUH"

Steve just decided to leave it there not wishing to push it any further than necessary "So what do you normally do on your birthday?"

Y/N practically jumped out of the sofa with excitement to tell Steve "Recent birthdays I'd go out killing with my friend Frank but he's busy this year."

Venompool - Marvel (MCU) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now