6.3 - It's Not A Party Until Someone Crashes It

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A/N - Apologies for the long delay but I've had a lot on my plate this week. I've had a University interview and an Apprenticeship interview which I think both went well (Touch Wood.)

Along with that I've also had Online School which I'm sure a lot of you can relate is SO FUCKING AWFUL. Please someone agree with me.

However, probably gonna sound like a nerd (which I am), I should say school is important and if you are still in school don't fuck around TOO much, it'll cost you in the long run.

Anyways thanks for all the support, nearly at 50K reads which is amazing.

Alright, Rant Over but one final point.

Growing Up is a real Bitch.


Y/N was lying in his bed as he was on the phone talking to a friend when he started laughing at the story being told to him.

"And then I said 'Wait, your name's Taserface'" Audible hysterical laughter could be heard from the other end of the call.

"What kind of stupid name is Taserface?" Y/N asked Rocket who had been telling him about the adventures that he and the other Guardians went on as they discovered more about Quill's unknown father.

"Beats me, I still don't know what's a more dumbass name Taserface or Ego?" Rocket wondered however he was subtly asking Y/N for his opinion.

"Definitely the first one.......... I'm still pissed that you guys got to blow up a planet without me." Y/N said as he felt a small ounce of jealousy build up inside of him.

Rocket sighed on the other end of communicator "I know, it's a bummer you weren't there with us.......... Yondu might not have died if you were here." There was then some chatter in the background "Oh yeah sure." Rocket said to the other person.

"Gamora's here, she wants to talk to you." Rocket informed the Merc.

"Alright then put her on, good talking to funsize." Y/N sniggered at the nickname.

Rocket growled a little "Right back at you, you annoying prick." He said before handing his communicator to the adopted daughter of Thanos.

"Hello, Y/N." She greeted quite formally.

"How's my favourite green lady?" He greeted her whilst mimicking her tone.

"I'm doing quite well, How are you doing back on Terra?"

"Eh, it's been mostly alright. Reunited with my team but it's not exactly been all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows." Y/N answered her before he started munching on a bag of Haribo Tangfastics.

"Oh, well I'm sorry to hear that."  She replied sounding genuinely apologetic.

Y/N threw a cola bottle up in the air a few feet before catching it in his mouth as he replied whilst chewing "It's alright, not sure what I expected really."

"And what of your Terran Lady?" Gamora asked Y/N referring to Natasha.

"About as well as Bill Cosby in a nursery." Y/N huffed as Venom snorted a little.

Gamora however didn't understand what Y/N was talking about however she was smart enough to make a reasonable assumption "Judging by your tone, I'm guessing that it's bad."


"I'm sure it will get better." She tried to reassure in a comforting tone "Besides, it can't be much worse than what's happening with me and Quill."

Venompool - Marvel (MCU) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now