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Pairing- Haruto and Junkyu
Type- Fluff

Haruto was looking at how the single ray of light that came through the gap of the curtains fell on the face of the boy beside him, making a bright line across his left eye, slightly missed his left ear and ended on his neck. The view was nothing new to him, since the boy had been with him for some months now. But every morning, he would discover another reason to love him and to feel like the luckiest person on earth to be able to call the sleeping boy his.

Haruto's pov~

I remembered how on his first day at school, the boy had his eyes shining like he was the happiest person present that day. I was known for being cold, rude and thoughtless. So, everyone averted gazes with me, except for that certain boy. The boy was older than me, but I seemed more mature, clearly because of the childishly cute behaviour the other boy used to show. I came to know on that very day that the other boy was called Junkyu, not because I asked, but because I heard some random guy calling him by his name to tell him not to mess with me. I wasn't a bully, but people still said bad things about me. I never cared, but I got upset as the bright-eyed guy was being warned about me. But my mood soon got better when I heard from a distance what Junkyu said in return because boy was he loud! I unknowingly escaped a smile when Junkyu said that he wouldn't judge anyone just by the outlook. Even though I didn't believe he could stand for his words that long, I still felt good.

But I turned to be wrong about my assumption. A few days later, Junkyu approached me. He was even brighter from up close. He had the prettiest pair of eyes, the most beautiful pair of lips and the cutest nose. He had fluffy black hair and had a well-proportioned body. I have always thought myself as the most handsome one around here but Kim Junkyu could surely be a competitor. I didn't mind one bit though.

When Junkyu started to talk, it felt like the cold aura around me started to fade away due to his bright presence. He spoke every word with his unique tone and that sounded extremely adorable. Normally, I don't reply to people who randomly start talking to me but I replied to him. Not much though, I didn't ask anything back, but he seemed satisfied. After our little conversation, he left. I wanted to talk to him again, but he gave me no clue whether it will be happening or not.But we talked soon after.

Since our institution was holding a cultural fest, we planned to sing a self-composed song. Normally, I avoid such situations, but our professor made me a member of a 12 people group against my will. He said my voice would match perfectly in a low tone rap part that he wished to include. I had to oblige. I didn't want to be attached with any one of the team so I didn't meet them beforehand while the song composition was being done by a member. But when I heard the beat, I automatically figured out the lyrics, how my conversation with Junkyu ended near the sunset and how much I wanted that not to end. He looked ethereal under the orange light the sunset offered. So I included some lyrics regarding this particular event. My fellow member liked it and they named the song 'orange'. I felt happy because for me the song was exactly about that colour on Junkyu.

I met the other members after the song arrangement was done and it was time for the parts distribution. To my utmost surprise, my sunset boy, Junkyu was one of the team. I didn't know he could sing. So I waited for his turn to memorize the notes and lyrics and to finally, sing. He sang so well that I wanted to repeat it over and over again. The tone, the words, the emotion and the expression- all these made me realize then and there that I shouldn't let this precious gem go. So, I decided to open up to him, by offering him my contact number after our practice session was finished. He seemed happy though.

Junkyu texted me immediately after reaching home. Like him, his texts were cute. He would add additional vowels, emojis and special characters just to make the text seem adorable and it worked. I laughed at his cuteness and texted him back only to receive some more texts. Our texting got regular and I started to leave hints on how I feel for him. He seemed oblivious, however.
Since I didn't want to rush things, I didn't pester him about my feelings. I was just glad to be near him, to know him and to be an important person to him. But my patience started getting tested when a random girl started to get closer to him. At first, she only talked to Junkyu. And Junkyu, being the cheerful guy he is, complied. It didn't bother me though, because Junkyu is super close with his best friend Jihoon and that gave me an idea of how this guy treats friends like family. But when the girl started getting clingy, I felt angry. One thing was, Junkyu felt uncomfortable when she did that and two, why would she destroy my sunset boy's privacy? I still waited for Junkyu to act, but he didn't. Rather, one day he went out with her. I didn't know he would but the girl uploaded their picture and tagged Junkyu on SNS which made me boil with anger. I didn't reply Junkyu that night and to even my surprise, cried. The next day Junkyu asked me why I didn't text back but I just glared at him. The whole day, I avoided him. Since he is senior, his class ends late. I usually wait for him after my class is over to go home together since we live in the same neighbourhood. But that day, I didn't wait for him. Junkyu didn't stop though, he came to my house in the evening and we finally talked.

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