~Rivals~ (HaruHwan 1/2)

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Pairing- Watanabe Haruto and So Junghwan
Plot- Haruto and Junghwan are basketball players, and they're rivals of each other.

The last blow of whistle sent euphoria among the sweaty guys on the ground. Who'd say they were tired? They ran towards each other and hugged whoever was near them so tightly, like they weren’t exhausted at all, like they didn’t just play for 40 long minutes!

Who wouldn’t be happy to win the quarter finals?

And yes, Haruto Watanabe was the centre of celebration.

“Ruto yah! You literally saved us!” One of his fellow team members, Mashiho exclaimed. Being the post position player, it was Haruto’s duty to score as many points as possible. And even though they lagged behind by more than 20 points in the beginning of the 4th quarter, the extraordinary co ordination between Mashiho and Haruto helped the team secure the win, leading with 4 points.

“Hyung, if you didn’t pass me the ball every time  it wouldn’t even be possible! Also, you scored two 3 pointers!!” Haruto replied, obviously admiring the other’s skills. Mashiho just shook his head. Being the playmaker might be tricky, but to succeed, you need good scorers. And he felt glad to have Haruto as his teammate.

“Everyone! Congratulations!!” The eldest of the team, Yoshinori said, “let’s take rest for today. We're gonna have to practice from tomorrow to beat the rival team of ours in the semi finals.”

Haruto’s eyes darkened at that. Obviously, rival team. Haruto didn’t know why he despised playing against them so much. But the past experiences made it clear that one particular player was the sole reason.

Because he wouldn’t let Haruto near the ball even for once.

The team was seen leaving the stadium afterwards. Their coach decided to let them have a meal outside as a winning gift. So they gathered in a restaurant and feasted on the delicious lunch. After that, everyone left for their respective houses.

The whole team practiced hard for the semi finals. Everyone was looking forward to the next big match because the rivalry between the two teams was well known. In the past, whenever they played together, something big would’ve happened and the bad blood between them would only have escalated because of those. However, for winning the tournament, Haruto had to help his team win in the semi-finals no matter what.

Days went by, and the two teams practiced hard. Eventually, the day of the legendary match came and both teams were seen stretching and warming up by throwing the balls in the rings on both sides of the ground. The rivalry between the two teams was so strong that none of them even interacted beforehand. They only did so when the referee told them to shake hands with each other.

Team J, which was the name of Haruto’s team were wearing orange coloured jerseys with blue lining. Haruto’s number said 5. On the other hand, Team X, their rival team wore grey coloured jerseys with black lining. Haruto’s team consisted of 5 main players, Haruto and Yoshinori as the post players. Asahi and Keita were the forward guards whereas Mashiho took the spot as the playmaker. Team X consisted of Jeongwoo and Junkyu as post players, Jihoon and Junghwan as forward guards and Hyunsuk as the playmaker. Haruto knew, even through the five players of his own team were excellent players, the other team also played pretty well, considering how the substitute players were of the same league as the main players as well.

‘It would be an exciting and competitive match!’ Haruto thought.

And he wasn’t even wrong. The moment the ball was thrown upward, both Yoshinori and Jeongwoo jumped as high as they could to pass the ball to their respective teammate. Jeongwoo, being slightly taller, got the upper hand and so, Hyunsuk received the ball first. He immediately made a long pass and Junkyu grabbed it quickly to score a underhand layup.  The audience cheered aloud, but Haruto didn’t pay heed to them as he quickly rushed back to their scoring ground, expecting a quick pass from Mashiho.

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