~Stranger~ (YoshiHoon 2/2)

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In the span of a week, Jihoon and Yoshi grew closer. Even though the usual route to Jihoon's home was no longer under construction, Jihoon still walked through a different road that took him to the tattoo store everyday. Yoshi would wait for him, talk to him and even walk him home if he had no business. Thus, he knew where Jihoon lived.

So when one day, he took his bike to wait for Jihoon in front of his house in the morning, Jihoon wasn't surprised how he knew the address of him, rather, why he was there in the first place.

"Yoshi? Why are you here?" He asked.

"To take you to school, of course." Yoshi replied.

"But I walk to school with Doyoung," Jihoon replied.

"Well, can you tell him you're gonna go with me today?" Yoshi sceptically asked. Jihoon thought for a bit.

"He could take the opportunity to walk with Junkyu, I guess?" Jihoon murmured, Yoshi didn't hear that.

"Alright." Jihoon said, "I'll tell him." He called Doyoung and within seconds the boy agreed.

'Of course, he'd take the opportunity to be with Junkyu!' Jihoon thought.

He hopped on the bike, behind Yoshi. He found it funny as he never rode on someone's back seat. So, he chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" Yoshi asked loud, as he was driving and the loud noise made it hard for Jihoon to hear him.

"Nothing," Jihoon shouted back, "I've just never been on someone else's backseat before."

Yoshi took a moment before replying loudly, "Well, no one was ever on that seat before you as well."

Jihoon stopped talking for some time to think things through. The bike didn't look that new, meaning, Yoshi might have been using it for years. Throughout those years, was there really no one he gave a ride to? Not even his previous lovers? Finding Jihoon silent, Yoshi stopped the bike, "What are you thinking?" he asked as he turned back.

"Oh it's nothing, really." Jihoon said. But Yoshi could see how his brows were knitted together. It definitely wasn't nothing.

"Are you thinking why I gave ride to no one else before?" Yoshi asked. Jihoon looked at him and nodded slightly.

Yoshi put a hand on Jihoon's shoulder, "You see this-" he patted his bike, "-is my second half. My prized possession. I bought it three years ago with my own money, working extremely hard." He took his hand away from Jihoon's shoulder and looked away. "I wouldn't let anyone sit on it, right?"

Jihoon was still puzzled because he himself was sitting on it with his full glory.

"But, what about me?" he asked.

"Hmm, what about you?" Yoshi started the bike again, "Why don't I just take you to school today, hmm? You're gonna be late otherwise."

Yoshi didn't let Jihoon speak any longer as he increased the speed and drove with all his attention on it.

Jihoon was just as confused as he was moments ago, sitting on the backseat of the bike that Yoshi claimed was his second half.


Jihoon never planned to spend his holiday waiting in a tattoo store for a certain 'bad boy' who was carefully drawing a dragon tattoo on a boy's arm. Jihoon felt bored, but he still carefully noticed how Yoshi was drawing the tattoo flawlessly. Yoshi did look back at Jihoon from time to time to mumble 'sorry's as he had an unexpected customer that ruined his plan with Jihoon for that day.

After what felt like hours, Yoshi was finally done. He washed his sweaty face before coming in front of Jihoon again, "Let's go."

As usual, he let Jihoon sit on his bike once again. He planned to take Jihoon somewhere he didn't disclose beforehand. Jihoon who recently started trusting Yoshi, obliged.

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