~Flower Boy~ (DoHwan 1/2)

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Pairing- Kim Doyoung and So Junghwan
Plot- Prince Doyoung met the flower lover boy he saw on the entrance of the castle.

Missing the 5th shot in a row, Doyoung was just purely frustrated. He didn't even understand why he had to do such an ancient sport which was considered as a part of traditional warfare tactics being in a modernized civilisation.

"Hyungggg!!" Doyoung loudly groaned as he threw the bow and arrows to his side after failing to shoot the target miserably.

"Come on, Doyoungie, how would you learn if you do not practice??" His hyung, named as Choi Hyunsuk replied. Apparently, Hyunsuk was a genius in any kind of sport.

"But who even needs archery skills these days?? I can just learn firing with real guns, you know?" Doyoung motioned a 'bang' with his hand as he did when he was a child and Hyunsuk chuckled at that.

"I know, in real wars we won't be able to do much with bows and arrows, but as an elite, you should be able to do it excellently!" Hyunsuk said, "Watch this, learn to do as I do. You hold the bow at an angle of-"

"Please!" Doyoung groaned again, "Not anymore today!"

Hyunsuk would have protested but the little prince gave him puppy eyes. Hyunsuk was too affectionate to Doyoung to ignore that. So, he sighed in defeat.

"You always do this to me!" Now it was Hyunsuk's turn to complain, "His majesty will one day stop making me teach you!"

Doyoung just grinned. Prince Kim Doyoung was the successor of the huge kingdom comprising of nearly 22 provinces. The King Kim III or the father of Doyoung was not only known for his impressive skill in ruling such a huge kingdom with enough wit and technical knowledge, but his kindness was also well known to his people, making everyone love him. But he was a very strict man too, so, anyone slacking off or cultivating ill intentions inside wasn't given apology by him. However, his only son Kim Doyoung was completely opposite to him. Not only was Doyoung lazy and lacking in skills, he was also emotionally vulnerable. Therefore, the king handed over the responsibility to properly 'build Doyoung up' to the son of his Warlord, Choi Hyunsuk. But Doyoung earned a spot of affection in Hyunsuk's heart that made him fall prey to Doyoung's unreasonable yet cute whining sometimes.

"What do you wanna do then?" Hyunsuk asked.

"Let's play!" Doyoung beamed. Hyunsuk sighed again, "This is the last time I'm letting you off, tomorrow we'll learn swords fighting and you can't skip, okay?"

"Yeah yeah! Swords-fighting is better than archery anyway!" Doyoung happily jumped in order to go to his favourite place, the garden. He liked to play hide and seek among the huge beds of flowers, and every time, it took Hyunsuk long to find Doyoung out because the boy found pretty well spots to hide.

This time, Doyoung hid inside the beds of Hollyhock flowers, which were taller than anyone in the kingdom. Doyoung just recently found out the spot almost at the back of the garden. He giggled as he realized Hyunsuk would break a lot of sweat to just reach there. But he was clearly unlucky.

Because Hyunsuk was called by his father to train along with him.

Hyunsuk took the walkie-talkie that he always carried to communicate with Doyoung and informed the younger about the incident. Doyoung came out of the spot he hid in, sulking. Hyunsuk apologised as he left the prince alone.

Since Doyoung didn't want to appear as a bad friend to stop Hyunsuk from training, he accepted what happened. Even though Doyoung was merely 15, he acted like a mature person sometimes. So, once Hyunsuk left, he quietly walked along the huge garden, observing the colourful flowers. It was early summer and the after effect of spring was evident in both the air and also the garden, since the flowers were abundant in amount.

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