~Unpredictable~ (HaruYoung)

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Pairing- Kim Doyoung and Watanabe Haruto.
Type- Fluff

Being the youngest of Treasure J, Haruto was yet to see so many talented people and have different experiences. While leaving Japan, Haruto anticipated a lot to meet the Korean YG trainees because he had heard a lot about them. He specially looked forward to trainees who were near his age, as he was eager to make new friends. But he never knew, in the process of being amazed by simple skills of the trainees, a certain someone left something more than just a strong impression.

It happened when Haruto first saw Kim Doyoung dance. Before him, lots of trainees came and showed their talent, but something about Doyoung stayed fresh in Haruto's memory. But what was there in his dance? Was it the expression of the heartfelt melody, the perfect impersonation of unsaid words or unfelt emotion or just the explosion of talent of someone of the same age range as him- Haruto didn't know, nor he ever would. He only knew that he wanted to watch Doyoung dance over and over again.

During the whole survival show, Haruto never once teamed up with Doyoung even though he wished to. He just saw Doyoung, being unappreciated, being sad as hell but keeping that inside, standing up again after he failed and whatnot. Haruto always admired Doyoung. And he wished the best for the boy who was born only some months before himself.

Doyoung made it to magnum, making Haruto happy that he finally achieved his goal of being an idol, but hurting him again as he couldn't be in the same team as him even at the final stage. Haruto was just about to accept their separate ways of journey only to be shocked with the information to merge treasure and magnum! That only meant to him that finally, after so many failed attempts, Haruto could walk alongside Doyoung, being in the same team.

Treasure had to make a good bondage among the members, so they started to hang out with one another. Haruto automatically took his chance to get to know Doyoung better, and to his surprise, he discovered someone totally new. Back then, Doyoung seemed determined, mature, strong and unpredictable. But Haruto discovered the funny, corny, flirty and obviously some more unpredictable aspects of Doyoung, making him even more fond of the older guy. Doyoung's pretty face, handsome demeanour and unique personality had drawn Haruto towards him more and more, to the point Haruto had to admit that he was having a huge crush on Kim Doyoung.

Haruto always wanted to have a special spot in Doyoung's heart, to be someone special, not just the ordinary dongsaeng. He wanted to be close to Doyoung, but some interruptions always came in his way. One time, Doyoung was feeling cold. Haruto went inside to fetch a blanket for him, but when he came back, he saw Doyoung snuggling close to Hyunsuk and sharing the blanket with him Haruto had to clench his jaw to suppress the boiling anger inside him at that. He knew Hyunsuk loved Doyoung like his little brother but it was also true that Hyunsuk made it hard for Haruto to take care of Doyoung.

Another day, Doyoung fell sick and had to skip practice. In order to bring food to Doyoung, Haruto left as soon as the practice ended and bought dinner for himself and Doyoung. But when he reached Doyoung's room, Yedam was already there, sharing his own dinner with Doyoung. Once again, Haruto felt super jealous. There were so many special persons for Doyoung, so many people to care for him that Haruto feared, Doyoung would never notice him and his little efforts.

And his doubts came true. After TREASURE's debut, they had to attend music shows, variety shows, interviews and so on. During the filming of such a show, they played a game. There were 3 kings and they had to choose their queens. Doyoung was selected as the king along with Hyunsuk and Yedam. The rest of the members were told to line up behind the king that they would like to be the queen of. Haruto found it as his opportunity as both Yedam and Hyunsuk were other two kings. Haruto, Junkyu and Junghwan stood behind Doyoung. While Doyoung turned around to see them he was surprised. Except for Junghwan, he expected neither of the two. In the end, much to Haruto's dismay, Doyoung chose Junkyu. The whole day, Haruto was upset. He knew it's just a game, but everything was giving Haruto so much stress that couldn't even accept that one little game.

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