~You In My Eyes~ (DoHoon)

504 24 8

Pairing- Kim Doyoung and Park Jihoon
Type- Fluff

*We had a winner from the last chapter, so here is the promised oneshot. This is written to celebrate Jihoon's Birthday yay! Happy Birthday to the perfect man TT* 🥺🌻


Of course Jihoon had no romantic feelings involving a certain cute, lively, passionate dancer. He adored the male because they used to attend the same club in high school- the dance club. And yes, because Kim Doyoung is the younger brother of a very close friend to him, his roommate, Kim Junkyu. It's only natural that he would have the urge of affection for the younger male, and that he'd often show it by smiling warmly at him. How does that mean he liked that guy??

The universe knows better. Because it had seen him looking for the pretty face of Doyoung, always finding him out in a crowd, always smiling his famous eye smile at him, always caring for him, thinking about him. Always making sure all his affection is there for the guy.

Like that one time, they met on the campus road. Doyoung was talking to his friend while passing by Jihoon. Upon seeing the older guy, he bowed, and Jihoon naturally waved at him. His hands were mellow. In fact, his whole body, his tone of voice- everything got super soft. As if he was melting. By his side, the group of friends he was walking with all exchanged teasing glances, some even saying words like, "Whipped much?" Jihoon waved those all away, although he had the smile of victory on his face- the blushing red face.

So yeah, that's how it was for him.

Doyoung, however, was more honest. He readily realized that he liked Jihoon. Even before he got to the university, he knew he liked his once high school senior. They were so happy together back in the club. Both of them were incredibly talented in that field, so they'd often learn new choreos, perform in various school programs. They did duets together, and Jihoon was so caring towards him that he was naturally drawn to the male. People his age often look for a shoulder to rely on, to him, Jihoon was just that. Maybe that's the reason he pursued studying in the same university, thinking they'd see each other more often.

It was true. They met each other so often. Considering both being in different departments, different years, different clubs- it's highly suspicious that they met so frequently. But, well, Doyoung was openly crushing on him and Jihoon was 'exceptionally affectionate' towards him, so they grabbed every chance to be close to each other.

Let me set an example here. So Jihoon, he's a great dancer. He was even asked to join the dance club in the uni, but boy's got a wide spectrum of hobbies. He wanted to try something new. Therefore, to follow his passion of taking memorable pictures, he joined the photography club. He was doing well. A talented guy like him easily caught up to the basics, adding his own colors to create beautiful frames for his pictures. And as the institution started recognizing his talent, he received many paid offers to take photos.

One of those was to help the owner of a small clothing business in taking impressive puctures of his clothes. A girl from Jihoon's year called him one afternoon, ready with a model- a fresh face of a first year young male. He was good looking, as Jihoon had marked. And the clothes indeed fit him well. They adjusted the lighting and under Jihoon's direction, carried out the photoshoot. The photos came out nice. But only half of the clothes were covered that afternoon.

"I really love these!" The girl exclaimed, "Can you be here tomorrow? At the same time?"

"Yeah, sure." Jihoon said.

"Also... Junghwan looks very good in these, but I was looking for someone more delicate. You know, not feminine, just, having a soft elegance, instead of the rough sexiness of our current model. So, do you know anyone who will look good in the remaining set of clothes?" The girl asked. Jihoon didn't even pause to think. "Yes, I do. Kim Doyoung from the faculty of pharmacy? You know him? The dancer from the fresher's reception last year, remember, Gento?"

TREASURE Oneshots (bxb)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon