The Knight That Became Royal

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✨The Knight that Became Royal✨

Chapter 1

"My king you have send for me " erza said . She bowed down to her king .
" My dear rise on you legs for they were granted to stand " the king said . Erza rose . " Erza , you have proven to me to be a loyal and trustful knight I do not see you as my trustful knight but for the daughter I never had .. And as you have heard I will no longer be here " the king said . "What do you speak of my dear king ?" erza said worries grew in her eyes . " Oh so they have not told you .." He said . She shook her head . "Come close my dear" he said . She got on her knees next to his bed and took a hold of his hand . "As you know I am sick .. Terribly sick the doctor came and said their is no hope and sooner or later ill be leaving this great world I have lived in " he said . Erza eyes widen . "No my king there must be something we can do you can't die " erza said . " I'm afraid their noting I can do to prevent this tragedy that will rise upon me " he said and began to cough . "But what about the kingdom you can't leave it all will go into a ruin without you my highness .." Erza said . "No it shall not because ill be leaving it , in great hands " the king said . "Who my majesty " erza said . "You my dear " he said . "Me ? My sir I have always been there and fulfilled your wishes but I can't do this your majesty for I am not able to run a while kingdom myself " erza said . "Erza I know you can and you'll be a great leader but you'll just be crowned as princess but when you are older you shall be crown as queen but my dear I Leave my kingdom in your hands because I know you can do this you are what will bring our kingdom to glory .. I'm very tired my dear and I need to close my eyes to rest .." The king said and closed his eyes . "No king please don't leave you can't I shall not allow this !" erza said . She touched his hand once more but it was to late . "GUARDS GUARDS THE KING THE KING SOMEONE HELP HIM !' erza yelled . "Erza what's is wrong !" gray said taking his sword out . "Knight gray go get medics the king is dying !' erza yelled . He ran and got the medics but the king was gone.

Erza looked at herself in the mirror it's been months since that day and it was like it had just happen . "Are you ready " erza turned it was One of the maids "Yes " erza said . She fixes her big gown it was white with purple on the top on the dress and white gloves with lace purple around it . She walked down and the guards open the doors . Everyone turned and stood up . Erza felt nervous it was just a little ceremony but it was still making her shake . She walked to the alter where her best knight buddies where . Sir Knight Gray Fullbuster , Sir knight Natsu Dragneel . She smiled at them and they smiled back . " Today is the big day of our Greatest Knight Erza Scarlet she will now be our princess and later on become our queen today she will be accepted as part of our Royal Family " the guy said . He turned to retrieved a small crown . "Your are now hereby Princess of The Kingdom of Scarlet " he said and erza lowered her head and the little crown was place on her head. She turned and everyone rose applauding . She smiled warming and out the door she went to greet the people . That's when a person came . " Nice to finally meet you your highness " gray said and bowed down . "Nonsense sir gray you are my friend and do not have to see me as a princess but as still your Master knight " erza said . "But my grace you aren't a knight anymore " gray said . "who said I wasn't just cause I am wearing this crown and gown doesn't make me something different than I was ill always be a knight " erza said gray smiled . "You truly are kind erza " he said and she smiled . "I never seen you in a gown and might I say you look really beautiful your finally showing your true beauty not like when your surrounded with armor " gray said . Erza blushed . "Thanks .." Erza said . "But will you still treat us the same or will you become different .. " Gray said worried was filled in his eyes just like she had been he became a prince . That memory played in her mind and she couldn't help but get sad . "What's wrong my dear erza have I offended you I am awfully sorry " gray said bowing . "Ahh no I was just thinking sorry gray " she said and smile . "You can lie to me with your smile but you can't lie to me with your eyes they show the pain wanting to be heard but your heart casted an armor around it that keeps it from opening your heart " gray said . Erza looked at him he was right the was the awful true but she couldn't let him think she was broken and weak even if she truly was . "Nonsense ! my dear friend let us enjoy this feast for tomorrow we might not known what is to come " erza said gray nodded and offered his arm and erza hooked arms with him and they walked to the feast . She sat in the chair with her sword by her side because it would be the last time she would be seen with it because becoming princess meant she have to retire from her fighting days and that sadden her but it was the kings dying wish and she couldn't refuse it . She watched the people dance and have fun . Everything started feeling like the day her heart was broken an she recalled it well just like it was yesterday .

Erza watched as He got the Crown . "I announce Sir Knight Jellal Fernandez as our prince and when he Marry's or has a son he becomes king " they said . Erza watched with rage and sadness and her dear lover got crown prince but only for his dirty work . An evil smile played his lips as he turned and his eyes meet her erza could only watch as the people clapped and honor him when he didnt deserve this she did not know why he would become like this or be like this but he did and it hurt it . As he walked down he looked at her and came close to her and grabbed her neck . "Don't you dare say a word or your dead " he said . And released her . She grabbed her neck her dear friend never had laid hands on her but he did and it hurt her he was not the person she knew he turned into someone far much greater and worser his pride had taken over him . She watched as he greeted the people and laughed with them but once and awhile shot dirty looks at her now that he was prince she was sure he was going to forget her and that broke her heart .

Erza opened her eyes . "Thank god I though you were dead your grace " Natsu said . She looked around gray and Natsu where by her side they were worried . "Oh sorry I have Alot on my mind " erza said she stood up and after hours later the feast had ended and everyone else left and the servants cleaned up . Erza stayed up organizing things . "My princess you Should sleep now ill handle the rest " gray said . "What did I tell you gray just call me erza things haven't change " erza said ."okay then erza go rest " gray said . Erza nodded and went to bed and fell asleep .

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