No More Waiting

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Chapter 27

Erza woke up to the sound of a door slamming. She looked around still in the same place, still shackled to the same wall. She hadn't slept all night not in this torture room. She heard her cell door open. She looked up it was the king. "So are you ready to talk?" he said. she looked back down. He grabbed her hair lifting her head "how do you open the book !" He said. "Ill never tell you " erza said. He punched her stomach "tell me !" he said. He punched her and punched her. "if .. You think by .. Hitting me you'll get what you want ... Your dead wrong" erza said. He grabbed her neck "what if your life depended on it ? if you don't talk ill cut your throat with my sword " he said smirking. Erza looked up "I welcome death " she said smirking back. It angered him he slapped her and hit her more and more he grabbed his whip and whipped her until he earn painful screams from her. "I will get it out of you know matter what " he said and whipped her once more and then threw the whip aside and slammed the cell door hard. Erza bit her lip she tried not to cry she tried to hold the tears in but one Escaped. She hung her head crying until she heard a movement. "What's the matter Scarlet?" erza gripped the shackles it was flare she had came back like she said. She opened the cell. "Looks like Snake Boy hasn't come to play with you yet? I think imma enjoy playing with you first " flare said laughing. "Why do y'all do this .. Don't you feel guilty ?" erza said. "Oh the contrary I'm filled with delight I like to see people suffer " she said. She realized flare was also influence by the darkness like jellal was. " But what do you get in return ?" erza said. "Nothing but it's fun " flare said. "It's fun watching people suffer, what if you were in there place would it still be fun?" erza said. "That enough!" flare said whipping erza. Erza bit her lip holding in the pain she breath heavily.
"If you saw my whole life and lived what I lived would you still try to make people suffer?" erza said "shut up!" flare said whipping her once more. erza held the pain again although she just wanted to cry and scream.
" I seen people suffer all my life and never once did I though of it as fun if you were just to see what I've seen im sure you understand " erza said flare hit her once more. Erza flinched she could feel the blood trickle down her spine, but she had to keep going she was so close. " but I'm sure you lived your own pain .. I'm sure you didn't choose this life you were forced into it ... I don't blame you they brainwashed you to become who you are just like they did to jellal " erza said. Flare stood their looking at her. "You can stop this flare you can be set free you're still in time to be saved" erza said. Flare shook her head tears coming out "NO NO NO STOP IT!!" flare said "YOU WONT INFLUENCE MY MIND !" she said and she hit erza again and again without stopping. Erza screamed she couldn't hold it tears came out. Flare laughed "oh Titania it takes more than that to fool me " she said and she hit her once more. She dropped the whip a walked to her she held her cheeks. She kissed erza cheek. "Seeing you in pain turns me on" she said. she started kissing erza neck and licking the blood "stop it stop it !" erza whined it disgusted her. Erza struggled in her chains her breasts bouncing back and forth. "I love to see a helpless restrained girl " flare said she shuttered with pleasure she then put her hand on her crouch and fingered herself. She moaned. Erza was disgusted she knew flare would try to touch her and she couldn't do nothing about it. She stopped fingering herself and went behind herself and grabbed her breasted from behind playing with them. "s-stop " erza said moving back and forth lucky for her she was still in her bra. "My my Titania you have big breast so soft indeed did jellal enjoy playing with you to ?" flare said. Flare was about to grip her nipples underneath her bra when they heard the cell door open. "She's mine first I get to play with her first so scram" kurohebi said. Flare signed "ill be back Titania guess I have to enjoy you second " flare said she passed by kurohebi and out she went. Kurohebi smirked as he eyes erza up and down. "Looks like you were playing without me you need to be punished " he said grabbing the stick and shocked her she screamed. "Yes more pain more screaming "he said laughing he stopped. Her head hung down. He lifted it up and looked and his teeth mark. "Aww it's getting a little old but down you worry ill make it new again " he said. "No no please no!!" erza said but it was to late he bit down at the same place he had bit her she screamed some more. He then kissed her neck and began going down kissing and sucking all her body. He removed himself and saw all the hickeys he had left quit please with himself. Erza struggles In her shackle as he placed his hands on her body running them down her figure. But she was to weak to try all the blood she was looking was to much it had left her with a few strength. He then lifted her chin erza tried to look away but he held her in place he pressed his lips against her an started kissing her erza tried to get him off her but she couldn't. He started to kiss her roughly and that's when he bit her lip and pulled back her lip was all bruised. He smirked "where did I leave off yesterday ?" he said roaming around her body he went to her back "now I remember !" he said. He grabbed her breasts . Erza squirmed. "No please no !!" erza said struggling he grasped then hard erza flinched. He then squeezed her nipples. erza groaned "s-stop " she said she didn't like this but her body seem to be enjoying this she felt disgusted. He tried to twist them but her bra was in the way he removed his hands from her breast and then unclipped her bra it fell. "No!" erza said struggling. She started screaming. "NO NO NO PLEASE PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE DON'T TOUCH ME " erza screamed. He put a hand over her mouth "shh before master hears us!!" he said but she still kept squirming. He slapped her."that should shut you up !" he said. He then looked at her breast a smirk played his mouth and he started to massage them. Erza struggled in his grip he pinched them hard. "Stop It !" Erza said He placed his hand on hers woman hood and began to rub it as he kissed her erza bit his lip hard he pulled away fast he touched it blood was coming out he got furious. "You bitch !! " He said and he punched her stomach "I'm gonna make you regret that !" he said and grabbed the whip and hit her and hit her she screamed and screamed that when he lifted up so high and sung with full speed hitting her to the max she screamed as Loud as she could "JELLLALL" she cried out and her head dropped kurohebi eyes widen and laughed "aww someones crying out to her little jellal because she's scared well guess what honey he's not coming " he said laughing and he grabbed the stick and shocked her.

Jellal stopped walking and turned. "What's wrong jellal why did you stop walking " Simon said. "did you hear that ?" jellal said looking around. Simon looked around and then looked at him confusingly "hear what ?" Simon said. "My name .. I heard Someone call my name" jellal said looking around. "Jellal I was here with you this whole Time I didnt hear anything " Simon said. "But I swear I heard it " jellal said looking out the window. "Jellal it's night and you're probably tired go get some rest" Simon said and walked away jellal looked at him walk away at looked back at the window "I know I heard someone call my name ... But who ?" jellal said.

Erza hung her head lose kurohebi stopped hitting her. "Ahh duty time again but Im not finished I won't stop till I make you mine " kurohebi said he Then threw the things to the side and walked out the cell door and closed it and locked it "good night my scarlet " he said and laughed then turned to leave. She promise herself she be strong but she couldn't hold it anymore tears fell from her eyes. "Why did I call out his name ?" "why only now did I remember him and called his name ?" "I could have called someone else name like Gray and Natsu but why did I call out his instead?" Erza though about it. She realized when she was getting hurt she called his name because she was scared and wanted him to come save.
"I guess it's what my heart wants.... I was scared and I called you to come save because I know ... You'll come " erza though. More tears fell "please come for me jellal ... "erza weakly said and she collapsed from the blood lose.

"Please come for me jellal ..." Jellal woke up with his eyes opened wide. he had heard her. Jellal rushed out of bed and ran to the meeting room he rung the sirens. The rest of the members came running "what is it jellal why you wake up in the middle on the night !" gray said. "Yeah not cool " Natsu said. Jellal eyes darkens "no what's not cool is we leave erza alone their dying something's wrong I know it I feel it in her she's in trouble" jellal said. "So what do we do then ?" Simon said. "Yeah jellal ?" sho said. He looked out the window "no more waiting around we have our plan we have the strategy" jellal said he turned and looked at them.
"We Act Now!"


Erza is in bad conditions can she take anymore ? and jellal has decide to act now what is their plan what will happen !??!?! Lol so much questions anyway sorry it's short and hope y'all liked it ill try to make the next on longer.


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