The terrible news

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Chapter 42

Erza could not talk there was a lump in her throat keeping her from talking. The pain was just to much for her if only she could have gotten there faster she would have been able to save Jellal. The carriage stopped Natsu helped her down. The ship was there waiting for her. She looked at it and than looked down walking towards it when a hand stopped her she turned slowly it was Natsu. He looked at her and she looked at him he pulled her to him and hugged her. Tears began to fall from her face. "It's all my fault, if only I've gotten there faster " Erza said. "It's not your fault Erza, knowing the judges they still wouldn't have listened" Natsu said. "Why him? Natsu, why him?" Erza said. "God only knows why, he does things for a reason just please Erza promise me to be okay?" Natsu said. Erza nodded. "Please be safe at your voyage and I'll be waiting for you to come back" Natsu said. "Thank you Natsu I leave you in charge of my Kingdom" Erza said. "I will protect it with my life" Natsu said. Erza nodded and walked to the ship once she climbed up they took off. Natsu and her servants waved at her. She waved a little and turned she went in the room provide for her and began to cry. "I'm sorry Jellal I'm sorry!!" Erza cried.

Jellal was walked to another room where he would be staying until tomorrow where they execute him. They placed him inside and shut the door. As soon as they shut the door the tears began to fall he pulled off his fake smile during the court but he couldn't take it anymore. This was it the last of him tomorrow would be the day he dies. He didn't even get to see Erza. Everything was going awful for him. He wiped his tears away. He laid there thinking about what had happened. "I'm sorry Erza, I've let you down" Jellal said.

After some hours of riding on the ship it had turn from dawn to dark and everyone was asleep except the ship driver and Erza she was to busy crying but after the ship swaying her she dozed off for a couple of minutes when all of a sudden screams were heard. Erza woke up. She got up and put something on. She looked outside people were screaming running back and forth. "What's going on?" Erza said. But every own ignored her. "Hello?" Erza said. That's when they knocked her down. She fell to the floor she tried to get up but the people wouldn't let her she Finally stood up taking the stairs up everyone was looking at something. "What is everytime looking at?" Erza said. "Our doom" she turned a guy standing calmly. "What do you mean our doom?" Erza asked the guy. "A big wave that is coming our way and is sure to knock the Ship" the guy said. Erza eyes widen "no tell me this you're making this up?" Erza said. "Look for yourself" he said. Erza ran pushing everyone out of her way getting a good spot in the front that's when she saw it the big wave coming towards them the storm was horrible and had caused a big wave and now it was heading directly to them. Every own started scattering away. The ships crew began handing out life jackets. Erza got one everyone rushing to the life boats. But it was to late that's when the wave was a feet apart. "I love you Jellal" is all that Erza though when the wave washed away the boat.

The next day Natsu was walking around the gardens since Erza had left him in charged making sure her kingdom was how she had left it. "Poor Erza sometimes I just wish she was happy after all the pain she's been thru she deserves to be happy" Natsu said. That's when he saw carriages and horses in the front entrance. A puzzled looked grew on his face as he rushed over there. "I am sorry my princess is not here right now she is on a voyage of you need to focus important matters I suggest you come back in a week" Natsu said. "No I am not here for that I am the one in charge of all the ships and getting to there locations" the guy said stepping of his horse. "I see has something occurred?" Natsu asked. The guy looked down. "What's wrong?" Natsu said now alert. "You see my boy, the ship princess Erza was riding it ... It got destroyed" the guy said. Natsu eyes widen "then where is Erza?" He said his voice shaking. "We looked around and no passages or princess Erza was to be found all we found was belongs of her which we came to return" the guy said bringing her stuff which was her crown and other stuff. Natsu eyes widen "no" he said. "I'm sorry" the guy said all bowing there heads "please no .. Not her why why!!" Natsu said and began to cry holding her crown. "First Gray and now Erza please NOOO!!" Natsu said.

Jellal laid in the room. "Why hadn't they executed him it was suppose to be today? " he though. He felt like something wrong deep in his heart something had happened and he knew it. He wasn't steady it was bothering him. He knocked on the door loudly until a guard came by. "What are you gripping about now Fernandez?" He said. " wasn't today the day they execute me?" Jellal said. "Well they decide to wait 2 weeks" the guard said. "What? Why?" Jellal said. "Aren't you suppose to be happy about it why are you questioning it?" The guard said. "Due to an important issue that occurred we had to cancel it you're lucky Fernandez" the guard said. Jellal stayed puzzled. After a few mintues some one came in. It was Natsu "Natsu?" Jellal said surprised to see him. "What brings you here? Is everyone alright? How's Erza? Is she doing fine? Is she mad at me for sending her that letter? Is she outside?" Jellal asked. Natsu just looked at him as a tear slipped down his cheek. Something had happened and he knew it "where's Erza" Jellal said know more alerted "that's why I came here to talk to you about" Natsu said. Natsu looked at him. "Jellal ... Erza gone" Natsu said. Jellal felt like his whole world stopped "No.. No Natsu tell me you're lying tell me this is a joke" Jellal said. "Do you think I'm joking around! Do you really think I'd come all this way just to tell you a stupid joke! " Natsu said. "No it can't be true, IT CANT BE TRUE!!" Jellal said. "It is Erza went was on a ship to go fix something in another kingdom and a storm hit and destroyed the ship and there was no one to be found all they found was this" Natsu said giving Jellal Erza crown. Jellal eyes widen as he held Erza crown his hands shaking. "No plead not my Erza not her" Jellal said tears falling down his face. "no, No, NO!" Jellal said. He grabbed the crown roughly tears now streaming down his face "ERZAAAAAAAA!!"


Sorry it was so short guys next chapter will be long!! Hoped y'all liked

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