Im Sorry

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🔹I'm Sorry 🔹

Chapter 14

"Jellal want are you doing here get out !" erza said . But he stayed . "Oh erza I've been dying to be with you " jellal said he got on her and began to kiss her . "Get off me !" erza said kicking and squirming . But he remained and then when she punched him off and she took out we sword . "Don't you dare touch me !" erza said . "What's wrong I though you loved me " jellal said. " I do but not what you become This isn't the man I know ! now get out and I swear I won't hold back " erza said . "Do it then " jellal said . He walked to erza she began to shake . "I knew it you couldn't even hurt me if you tried " jellal said . Jellal took her sword and cut himself . "What are you doing !" erza said he fell to the floor . "HELP HELP SHE'S TRYING TO KILL ME !" jellal said . The guards rushed in . "Your majesty what's wrong " the said "that's woman she tried to kill me seize her and throw her in the dungeon and torture her till she bleeds !" jellal said . "What I did no such thing he did it himself you have to believe me !" erza said . They grabbed her taking her out . "Jellal you have to stop this !" erza said looking back at him . "Jellal !" erza said and called out to him . He turned back and smirked at her and Pain was reflected in her eyes an he shit the door "JELLLALL!!"

Jellal woke up he took deep breaths he turn to his side and erza was there still sleeping "its just a memory .. just a .. memory " jelall said . He felt pain in his body maybe because they were both still exhausted from making love to each other , but no it was because he remember the pain he saw in erza eyes that day and how he hurt her . This is always what he wanted to be next to her and to make love to her but why isn't he happy. He realized he still loves her and beyond all she's what gives him hope and brightens his whole day but the guilt in his heart is causing him this pain he can't do it anymore he can't hurt her no more as much as he loves her he'll have to stay away it's for the best he can't hurt her anymore. Jellal removed Erza scarlet hair from her face and looked at her. "I'm sorry erza ... I really am .." Jellal said he got up and dresses up he but his cloak on and boots and fixed himself he looked at erza one last time. "Erza .." He said he grabbed a rosé and left it on her bed. "I'm sorry for the pain imma cause you .. I don't deserve you " jellal said. He kissed her on the forehead and began walking towards the door he turned one last time it was hard he came here for one reason but now it's not worth it anymore he wouldn't bare it if he did it and now having to walk away is even harder. "goodbye " jellal whispered softly and shut the door.

Erza woke up she was aching all over it was because last night . She turned to the side hoping to see jellal next to her but instead was an empty space with a white rose. "jellal ?" she said . She sat up and looked around her room . Empty . She got up and but a robe on and hurried downstairs. "Servants !" erza said . "Yes my grace " they said bowing . "Where is Jellal ?" erza said . "My lady he left the castle at 1:00 a.m with his guards and things " the servants said. "what ! that's impossible !" erza said she stared walking around . "Jellal !" erza said. running everyone looking for him he was no where to be found . "Jellal !" erza said know in the gardens. there was no sign of him "he's gone .." Erza said . "But why ? why did he leave ? " Erza said . She fell to the floor . "Erza .." She turned it Natsu . "He left a letter before he left " Natsu said and handed it to her . Erza opened it .

Dear Erza ,

I'm sorry I can't go on like this , the

guilt is killing me try to forget me it's

for the best I wish you the best .. And

when the day comes where you find

the true I'm sure you'll hate me and I

wouldn't blame you .. I'm so sorry

Sincerely Jellal

"I don't understand what does he mean ?" erza said . "I don't know either erza but it's Better if hes gone " Natsu said . "Why ? what has he done to you for you to hate him ?" erza said . "It's not what he's done to me but what's he's done to you and I can't help but think he's involved with Lucy's dads death and Gray death " Natsu said . "Don't talk about jellal like that !" Erza said . "Natsu tell the servants to arrange my carriage we'll be making a trip to The Tower Of Heaven Kingdom !" erza said .

Jellal was at his castle. It's been a whisk he's been here his place is dark where the darkness consumes him. He's been in the light for so long he forgot how it felt to be in the darkness all the horrible memories played in his memories he remember every single thing he did to erza and every single lie he told her. "Erza .." He said. He was mad at himself how Could he fall for her once more his plans were ruin love got in the way and ruined everything but he didnt care he loved every moment he spent with erza. "Did you do it ?" he turned it was sho. "I couldn't I couldn't after I saw her once more .. I forgot about my plans and I fell in love once again after seeing her after feeling her pain .. I couldn't do it anymore .." Jellal said . "Then how will you ever succeed ?" sho said. "I don't know anymore ! just go leave me alone !" jellal said. Sho grew with fear an left. "Oh no .. No the darkness .. It's taking over again .." Jellal said. "I guess this is how I am .. I'm a monster .. And that's all i'll ever be .." Jellal said.

It took a who day for erza to finally get to Jellal castle. Her eyes widen when she saw it. The Castle she once lived in the castle that brought pain and broke her heart all the memories returned every single one of them making her shake its been a long time since she saw it it hadn't changed at all. They stopped . Erza took a deep breath as much as she wanted to get far away from here her love was in that castle . She got out and went to the door steps and knock servants open the door and try gasped. "Erza ! my darling it's been a long time since I seen you !" The elder woman said and tears fell . "Angus !" erza said as she recognized her angus was like her and jellal mother when they were young she helped survive in this castle . She bowed and all the servants bowed . "On angus theirs no need for that " erza said . "But you are a princess now !" she said . "Being a princes still doesn't mean I changed it's the same old me " erza said . "Oh erza your have a king heart and the rumors where true you are the most beautiful princess ever !" Angus said . "Thank you " erza said . "I wish jellal stayed with the same heart his heart changed and became dark " angus said . "What are you saying I spend 2 months already with jellal and he showed me how caring he is " erza said . "My dear if you'll find out his true intentions soon and .. " She turned away . Erza side get it . " You shouldn't have trusted him .. He's evil " angus said . Erza shook her head . "Please get me jellal and I won't take no as an answer " erza said the servants went .

"Master jellal .." The servant said and bowed . "What do you want " he said looking out the window like he did . "Princess Erza from the Scarlet kingdom is here to see you " the servant said . Jellal eyes widen .
"What ? tell her no " jellal said he turned back around . "She said she won't take no as an answer " the servant said . Jellal took a deep breath . He pushed the servant out the way and began walking and took a deep breath and open the door outside was erza looking at the gardens . "why are you here " jellal said .

"Why are you here" erza turned jellal was there and he wasnt happy. "Why did you leave ?" erza said . "I told you I have to and it's for the best you shouldn't have came its best you leave "jellal said . " first you treat me all lovey you show me you care and love me but now ? your pushing me away and treating me as nothing ! I shall not leave I want answers what do you mean it's best we stay away from each other ?" erza said. " Erza that was a mistake everything i didnt mean to lead you on Just forget everything " jellal said . " A mistake so when we made love that was a mistake ? and didnt mean to lead me on ? You knew dam well what you were doing you told me to give you a second Chance and I did and know you want me to leave and forget everything just like that " erza said . " Look I'm doing this for you trust me .. You wouldn't be happy by my side just leave before you get hurt " jellal said turning around to walk away . " Your wrong " erza said jellal turned back . " Every day I lived with pain , depression , crying , having nightmares every single night but when you came you took that all away you brought joy and happiness in my life when I'm in your arms I fear nothing and I feel warm and for a long time I was able to smile or laugh but I finally smiled and laughed and that was because of you and you'll only hurt me by leaving me "erza said . "Please erza please go if I told you could you live with that ? I know I couldn't live with you knowing what my real intention where he guilt is already killing me so I'm asking you please go " jellal said his eyes showed pain . "How do you except me to walk away so easily my heart keeps telling me to fight for us and keep trying " erza said . "Don't stop trying it'll never work " Jellal said . "Why not ? " erza said. "IT JUST WON'T PLEASE FO BEFORE - "my princess !" erza eyes widen only one person calls her that and her heart recognized that voice. Jellal closed his eyes he knew he would no longer see her after this . Erza slowly turned her eyes widen "Gray !"

Grays back ! what will happen now !!

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