Seven Year Gap

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Chapter 43

It's been seven years, seven years since everything that had happen. Natsu still watched over the kingdom of scarlet ever still the terrible news nothing was the same sure outside the world had continued and was the same as always but inside the castle of Scarlet it felt empty. Natsu mostly stayed in Lucy kingdom getting away from the pain but he always made sure to check up on  Erza castle. The guards all stayed there taking care of the kingdom watching over it. Natsu looked at Erza castle walking around the gardens again he remember the day they came to tell him the terrible news how terrible it had been, Everyone had came to share there griefs and pains with him even people all over the country because out of every kingdom Erza scarlet had been the most kindest and generous person helping everyone all around no matter where they were from. Natsu left a pile of roses in the gardens and began walking away when all of a sudden a little carriage park in front of the castle. A carriage nastu never seen before. He walk towards it but keeping his distance when the door opens. And some wore out shoes steps out and then the other. That's when the whole  person stepped out. Natsu eyes widen "ERZA!" Erza smiled she was wearing really old clothes. "Hi Natsu" she said. Natsu ran to her hugging her picking her up spinning her around. "IT IS YOU!!" He said. "Yes it's me" Erza said. He placed her down and looked at her. "Where have you been? Why did you leave?" Natsu said looking at her sadly. "I've been in this town over seas when the ship got wrecked I was in coma for 3 years, I woke up but didn't remember anything for 3 more years until I fell one day and hit my head and all the memories came back I had no way to get home and no one believed I was a princess so that's when I saw Milliana and old friend and she helped me come back" Erza said. "7 years passed Erza .. 7 years you left us all" Natsu said he fell to the floor tears falling. Erza eyes soften she been down and picked up his face holding his cheek. "But I'm here now and I will never leave again" Erza said and hugged him as Natsu sobbed in her chest. They stayed there for a few minutes. After that Erza went back into her castle took a shower and put her gowns of fixed everything that needed to be fixed and Natsu filled her in on where she left of everything surprising Erza. "And so many people came giving me there best regards for you helping around your kingdom saying so many nice things about you" Natsu said. Erza smiled she was happy but there was one thing that's been bugging her since the very beginning. "Natsu there's one thing that's been on my mind and is like to ask you about it?" Erza said. "Go ahead princess ask away" Natsu said. "Natsu, what ever happen to Jellal?" Erza said. Natsu shifted and he signed "well when everyone found out about your tragedy they canceled his execution until 2 weeks and I visit him and told him what happened it devastated him so much the next day he tried to kill himself but luckily the guards caught him and stopped him and after that I never found out what happen to him if he was executed or not I have no clue I'm awfully sorry Erza" Natsu said. "It's okay .. I still need to attend the kingdom first it's my duty" Erza said. Natsu nodded and was continuing to walk but Erza stopped him and embraced him "Natsu thank you for caring so much about me I appreciate it so much, and thank you for taking care of my kingdom so well you did a good job you became a better knight that I ever was" Erza said Natsu was shocked but hugged back "you're like a sister to me of course I'm always going to protect you and I will serve you no matter what" Natsu said Erza smiled. "But I wasn't the only one who helped take are of your kingdom princess Lucy was with me everyday making sure your kingdom stayed in place" Natsu said. "Then let's go to princess Lucy to give her my regards" Erza said. They went to Lucy castle and arrived Lucy ran to the door "Natsu how's everything in Erza castle?" Lucy said. "Couldn't be better" Natsu said smiling getting off the carriage. Lucy was puzzled but shook it off "sorry I didn't go this time I'll go next time for sure" Lucy said. "That won't be necessary anymore" Natsu said with the biggest grin. "Why?" Lucy said. Natsu opened the carriage place a hand out and another person stepped out. Lucy eyes widen "Hello there Lucy" Erza said. "PRINCESS ERZA!!" Lucy said not believing it. Erza smiled and laughed "how? I- when? I- what's going on!?!?" Lucy said. "We'll explain everything" Natsu said they sat down and Erza explained everything "I'm so sorry Erza you had to go thru that" Lucy said. "It's okay as long as I'm home now but today my purpose for visiting you was to thank you Natsu told me how you helped take care of my castle and I can't thank you enough will you accept a big award for it?" Erza said.  "Oh no! Princess that isn't necessary I did it with the will of my heart, Erza you helped me so much the day my father had died and you and Natsu was there for me throughout it all and that's all I could ever ask for and I'm sure other kingdoms can agree with me when it comes to you you're the most generous and kindest person I've ever meet" Lucy said. Erza smiled "than will you at least accept a hug?" Erza said. "Of course!" Lucy said and they hugged. They talked and talked until it was time to go Erza said farewell and they left and back to her castle.

The next day the news traveled fast everyone had came to visit her and she told her story about a million times and her towns people were so happy and everyone was all the kingdoms celebrate that there beloved princess was back. "You're grace we have missed a beautiful woman like you nothing compared to the other princess!" They yelled. Erza felt happy but once the doors were closed she was sad everything that had still happened to her hurt her and not knowing anything about Jellal hurt as well. She still remover all those terrible memories and it would cause her to shake they would come back in her dream haunting her. She signed and looked out her balcony. When a bird came at her side. "Hey little guy you lost?" Erza said petting it when I'm the leg she saw something a paper she careful took it off and unravels it reading it.

"Go to the broken bridge, please don't bring anyone

   -anonymous "

Erza looked at it should she go she though she looked outside the sun was still kinda high and maybe it was important. She put her silver and pink gown on and a black cloak over it with her hood covering her hair she walked out her castle and began walking to the broken bridge the woods covered the sun making it hard for her to see it was sorta dark she continued to walk and there it was the broken bridge. Was she suppose to cross this she though. That's when the bridge formed itself. Erza was taken back she took out her sword looking around. She looked at the bridge should she cross. She took a deep breath she stepped on it nothing happened she continues to walk cautiously. She was in the middle of the bridge it began shaking. Erza held on she ran to the end that's when the bridge fell apart. Erza manage to jump thru safety. She stayed on the ground catching her breath. When she heard footsteps she stopped and looked up a person with a hood. "Are you the person who sent me this" Erza said showing the message. They nodded Erza stood up cautiously she grabbed her sword ready for whatever was coming. "Who are you? And why did you call me here?" Erza said pointing her sword they have there distance. "No need for fighting I came here to talk" the person threw his sword away. Erza recognized that voice her heart was beating fast something about this person was awfully familiar. "Who am I you asked, well how about I show you" the person said. That's when they slowly took there hood off. Erza eyes widen as she saw the blue locks her heart stopped it felt like her whole world had stopped right there her sword felt to the ground.

I know I said it be long but I decide to make a short chapter so the next one an actually be long the next chapter will be what all y'all were waiting for!
Hoped y'all liked.


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