Betrayal turns to Hate

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💔Betrayal turns to hate 💔

Erza eyes widen in fear . Raven tail the kingdom own by the kings son . "I'm here for my Book " he said . Erza knew this was the end if he got his hands on that book . "Go erza run !" gray said he took out his sword prepared to fight. Erza watched as they forcefully open the gate and enter the kingdom. She started to run she had to she couldn't let him get to book. As she ran she remember the king words to her.
"Erza you have to guard it and Don't ever let it fall in the hands of my son or all the years we lived protecting it shall come to waste "
All she ever knew was to keep this book out of his hand because who knows what danger lies ahead. She ran and ran the echos of her footsteps bounced back but you could hear the canons the swords clans and the horrific screams of those at death. she closed her eyes she wanted to be out their defending her kingdom but she knew she had to protect her book.

Jellal rushed back and forth gathering his army. They began to pack and load the things they needed. "Sir I'm sorry I didn't know " sho said running after jellal who was busying preparing everything . "My prince "sho said but jellal said not paying attention. "Why won't you listen to me !" sho said lifting his voice up to king . Jellal turned "Don't make me remind you everything you have done " jellal said "you told the king where the book was at and now erza is endanger and not only that but if they make it out of this erza will never forgive me " jellal said pure hatred in this eyes . "I'm sorry" sho said. Jellal turned and continue to walk. "You are lucky I did not cut you heard off because right now all I want to see is your head off " jellal said. sho grabbed his throat. Thats when jellal got in his carriage and his army on their horses and they rode off. Jellal knew that this would be the end of the possible chance he had to be forgiven.

Erza was in her room trying to find the key. After a few minutes she found the golden key in a place where the king son would have found it. She stuffed it in her pocket .Thats when she heard more screams she ran to her balcony and her eyes open wide and she covered her mouth with her hands . Fire was everywhere and her army was falling apart and lots of dead bodies am blood everywhere . "Give up Scarlet y'all can win " erza turned is was the king son. "my my the rumors were certainly true an indeed goddess you are such beauty " he said walking around her. Erza pushed him away. "My aggressive arent we ? I'm only here for peace " he said . "I know what you're here for and you shan't have it " erza said . "I'm only here for what truly belongs to me , I mean it is that old mans and whatever he had is mine so this kingdom is also mine " he said . " Old man ? you mean your fath- that's when he grabbed her neck . "Say it and I shall cut your head with my sword " he said and threw erza far in the corner . She hit herself and rubbed her head and that's when she saw her sword. She had to distract him . "Such stupidity you can't even call him your father but yet you come and claim his stuff " erza said standing up . " I shall claim whatever I want " he said . Erza reached for her sword and hid it behind her back. "I see but will you be willing to claim yourself as his son ?" she said and that's was the hit point. he charge at her and raised his swords to hit down at her but she blocked it with her . "Clever girl aren't we " he said he pulled back swinging again erza blocking each . "Where did you learn to fight like that ?" he said .
"I was a knight before my king crowned me as a princess but even If I might not be a fight or doing the things i did anymore a knight will always be a knight " erza said . Their swords clanning into each other with force . The fighting continue until erza slashed at his arm . He wailed and looked at his arm it had a big cut that was deep . "you bitch " he said and he slashed at her stomach. Erza screamed in pain. he pushed her down and lunged on top of her. " tell me where the book is and ill spare your life " he said . "I promise my king I wouldn't let the book fall into your hands and that's what I shall do " erza said and kicked him off her . and stood up and tried swinging at his injured arm once more but he blocked it and punched her in the stomach were her fresh cut was at she fell to the ground. She held her stomach in pain. he stood above her pointing the stomach at her throat . "I was going to spare your life but now my sword will be engraved into that little heart of yours ... What a shame such a Beautiful Face"he said . Erza stared with anger trying not to show fear but at this point she was filled with fear and anger . "oh that right I forgot to Introduce myself my name is Rave King Rave and don't worry scarlet ill take good care of your kingdom " he said. That's when he swung his sword erza closed her eyes preparing for whatever . Thats when a knight came in. " sir we have to leave now " he said . "Why ?" he said . "Because the army of Tower of Heavens is coming " he said . "Let them come jellal was the who told me where the book was " rave said erza eyes widen "what did you say ?" erza said he looked under at erza . "Ahh Yess your little boyfriend was the one who told me where the book was " he said . "No your lying jellal would never do that! " erza said. "We both know he would think about it erza think about to vicious man he is " rave said . Erza remember all he did and after what he did to her she knew he would betray her and no one knew where the book was only her and he was the only person she told. " betrayal hurts doesn't it ?" He said laughing in her face nothing hurt more than to know he had betrayed her once again "Sir we have to leave we can't stay here the kingdom of tower of heaven is prepare to attack and all our army is done we can't fight anymore there only a few of us " the guy said. Rave cursed under his breath . He looked at erza . "Looks like our fun will have to wait but you'll be seeing me soon and ill be back for the book even if I have to tear this tower brick by brick " he said an with that he put up his blade and step away . " Till next time Erza Scarlet " he said and left. Erza got up limping the pain in her stomach wasnt as much as the pain in her heart Jellal had betrayed her. She went downstairs trying to walk the best she could but it was bad she was right next to the door she held the handle she didnt want to open it afraid what she'll see. She took a deep breath and opened it. Pain filled her heart once more as she saw so many of her knights dead and all her fields burned and lots of lands and lives lost. she turned their was Natsu his arm was Injured but he was still trying to help. "erza !" he said. He ran to her he saw her dress ripped from her stomach and saw she was bleeding. "Erza are you alright ?" he said . "I'm .. Fine but where's gray ?" erza said looking around . "I don't know " Natsu said . Panic was sent to erza. she started to Walk "Erza don't your not in the condition to walk " Natsu said . "I have to find gray !" erza said . "Gray !" Erza said calling his name but he wouldn't answer . "Gray !" erza said . she passed all the corpse bodies and she looked away with pain . She prayed gray wouldn't be one of them . that's when she started to walk faster . "Gray !" erza said . She started to run baring the pain and still loosing blood she continued . "GRAY !' erza said . That when she saw him he was leaning against the castle wall . "gray !" erza said as she ran to him she fell on her knees next to him . He groaned he was injured from a leg badly . "Gray " erza said touching his face . "Erza " he said . "Are you okay ?" erza said . "Y-yeah I'm fine what about you did he hurt you ?" he asked . Erza covered her stomach she knew of he saw he would try to get up and fight but right now he needed to rest. "I'm fine " erza said . "Natsu !" erza said she called for him he came . "Take him to the nursery " erza said . "Yes erza " he said . He help gray up and they walked away . Erza looked at her castle. Erza was trying so hard not to cry . "Erza!" her eyes widen she recognized the voice and then turned to anger she turned to meet his eyes.

Jellal arrived everything was on fire and it was burned all her land and all her army was on the ground dead and injured. They looked around the raven tail army was gone they were to late. He looked around trying to find erza. That's when he spotted her."erza" he said she stopped and turned and their eyes met. she was a mess her hair was mess up and her dress was torn and she was bleeding. he ran to her and that's when she step forward and slapped him he grabbed his cheek it has turned red from the pain. "how dare you show your face to me " she said. She was angry . "Erza I - "how could you do this to me " erza said. "Erza it wasn't me I swear " jellal said. "Then who you were the only one I showed ? " Erza said . Jellal was about to say it was sho but he knew it would be another heart break for her knowing the sho she knew before was so cold to tell the king so he decide to stick with the blame . "I trusted you and told you everything ! how could you do this to me after everything that happen !" erza said . "Look what you did to my kingdom " erza said. jellal looked around "You know how much lives you cost and how much pain you brought ? They destroyed the town where my people live their all burned down they destroyed the crops were we grow food from what will my people eat ? where will they sleep ? erza said . "Some children lost their parents the only thing they had, all their love ones gone and they'll never be able to see them again and tell them how much they love them ... Their in pain right now all because of you " erza said . jellal looked down. "LOOK AT ME !' erza said. he looked up and tears were falling. "Did you not think about the damage you would do not only to my kingdom but to my people !" erza said. they stood quiet that's when erza became dizzy and stumble jellal quickly caught her before she fell "erza are you okay !" he said erza pushed him away . "Don't touch me .. Don't you ever touch me again" she said . They stood their and erza wiped her tears away. " Whatever chance you had for our kingdoms to reunite is gone " erza said . "I don't ever want to see you again leave and never come back " erza said. "Because the gates that's were once open to your kingdom are now closed and my arms that was once open to your body is now gone and my heart that once held so much love for you .. is gone " erza said . Jellal felt like his whole world was now falling apart and much as he would try to get erza back she wouldn't come back . Erza will never forgive him for this one and neither will he . Without any more words said he turned and left with his army.
Erza watched as they left and once that did she fell to the ground on her knees and cried

After this day the love thats the kingdom of Scarlet and the kingdom of Tower of heaven shared was now replaced by a wall of Hatred and Scars


Sorry I took a while to update I was busy ill try to update sooner so bare with me and I hope y'all liked !

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