Jealousy ?

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🔥Jealousy 🔥

Chapter 9

"Jellal" erza said . She watched as he looked around and then spotted her . Erza pushed her guards away and went to him . "What are you doing here !" erza said her fierce eyes sending him hate and glares but her heart wanting to love him . Jellal looked at erza eyeing her up and down . "I wanted to see you my precious dove " jellal said trying to touch her but the guards immediately pointed there swords at him . Jellal knights pointed their swords at them . "Enough leave us " erza said without looking at no one but jellal eyes . They did as told and left . "Leave " jellal commanded his and they left . They were all alone hatred on the outside but love on the inside . "Is this how you treat your guest ?" jellal said breaking the silences . "You are not my guest you are uninvited and I treat you how you should be treated " erza said . "After all I did for you ?" jellal said . "After all you did for me ? all you ever did was cause me pain , torment my dreams , take away my oxygen and worse of all you took away the only heart I ever had and all the love I ever had .. Gone and washed down the drain " erza said . Jellal grabbed erza hand forcefully and put it on his chest the side his heart was at " Our love never washed down the drain it remains here " jellal said . Erza pulled her hand away . "Heart ? what heart you and I both know that we lost our hearts that day You lost it because the darkness consumed you and I lost it .. Because of you " erza said . Jellal came here to laugh at her to torment her but feeling her pain an hearing her pain made him hurt . " You may know leave the way you came from " erza said . "It's a long way and it'll get dark soon and their out thiefs what if something happens to me " jellal said just making excuses to stay more just a little more by her side . "Something happens to you ? please you can kill them in a heart beat just like you did with the king and queen and .. I could care less what happens to you " erza said its was hard saying those words it hurt her because she did care even if she never admit it she knew if he was to die .. She'd cry . " What will the other kingdoms think of this ? if thy found out do you think they want to make offers with you or even come here ?" jellal said . "Your blackmailing me in my own kingdom ?" erza said . "Take it as you wish " jellal said . "How long will you be staying " erza said . "4 weeks " jellal said . " 4 weeks ? I do not accept " erza said . "Just like you didnt accept my rosés " jellal said . Erza eyes grew wide it was him . "I knew it was you " erza said . "Such a smart girl " jellal said . "What do you want from me ? why did you come bother me ? you have want you want you have a castle , your prince , you have servants and people that adore you and praise you like you always wanted , you have all you ever wished for what else couldn't you want ? and why can't you just stay away ?" erza said . "Yes my wishes might have all been granted but their one who keeps slipping right off my finger and I can't see to have " jellal said. "And what is that ?" erza said . Jellal came closer each step he took forward , she took two steps back until she hit the wall trapping her his hands blocking her escape . "You " he said . Erza heart beat fast and fast every time but she can't fall for him ever again . "But I don't want you " erza said trying to push him away but he keep his position . " Why are you so cold with me erza after all the things I could give you ?" jellal said . Erza pushed him away . "Don't you understand ! I don't want anything , I could care less about all the objects and accessories all I want is for you to stay away keep you dam diamonds and money and precious kingdom " erza said . " All the diamonds and the pearls , whole money in world means nothing in I ain't got you and all the watches and the rings and all them shiny things means nothing if I ain't got " jellal said . " You shall not trick me with your foolish lies " erza said . "All I ask is let me stay for 4 weeks let me prove to you I have change and I shall not do you wrong again " jellal said . "And after those 4 weeks will you leave and never come back ?" erza said . "I don't know about ever coming back because in the future we might need to sign or trade lands or that kind of stuff but I would stay away from a long time .." Jellal said . Erza took a deep breath . "Alright 4 weeks and that is all " erza said . " Very well " jellal said he extended his hand . Erza looked at it and pushed it away and walked away . Jellal watched her . His knight came by his side . "Did she say yes my sir ?" Simon said . "Yes unload the things " jellal said . "Yes my prince " Simon said and rushed off . Jellal began to laugh . "4 weeks to get scarlet to fall in love with me " jellal said and with that he went in the castle .

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