The Same Cold Eyes

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Chapter 20

Erza fell on her knees and cried. Her kingdom was destroyed, everything was burned and broken but the worst of it all was her heart had shattered and she is now broken. She was angry at the world, angry at jellal but not only that she was angry at herself how could see let this happen how could she not be prepared she was blinded by love she did not notice a sword behind her back waiting to attack she lost everything all because of love. She got up and wiped the tears away. She looked around. Everything was a mess . "erza!" she turned it was gray his wounds were already patched up and he was fine. "g-gr.." Erza started feeling dizzy before she couldn't finish she collapsed but gray ran and caught her just in time . "Erza!" he said he then looked at her injured. He cursed under his breath and picked her up and Carried her to the castle .

Jellal arrived home. He step out and walked to the doors were his servants opened it for him he walked in. He was furiously but mostly pain inside his heart. "where is sho !" he said.
"H-he's I-in t-he - "quit stuttering and speak up !' jellal said raising his voice . "He in the gardens my grace " the servant said trembling in fear. He walked fast going to the gardens where he found sho . "Sho !" he said sho turned. "yes my grace I- Jellal grabbed his sword and grabbed sho aggressively and pointed it a sho "give me one good reason I shouldn't cut you head of in this instant " he said his eyes with fury. Sho was panicking and stuttering upon his words. "I guess you don't want to live " jellal said and raised his sword but another sword stopped it. Jellal looked up it was Simon. "Jellal don't do it don't commit the worst mistake of your life " Simon said . "He already ruined my life " jellal said. "Jellal you're not like this your better than this !" Simon said. Thats when the memory and back.

"The king hit you !" jellal said. Erza looked away she was bruised and bleeding. Jellal became angry his fist balled up into fist "that's it I shall take it if he mistreats me but I shall not take his mistreating you no one lays a hand on you !" jellal said . "I shall engrave my sword into his neck" jellal said storming out the room . "No jellal stop !' erza said running after him. Jellal walked faster and faster the anger boiled up inside him and into his veins. He was at the door when erza shouted once again. "STOP IT JELLAL STOP IT !" erza said . "I know you jellal your not like this ! your better than this " erza said . Jellal stopped as removed his hands from the door knob and turned to her an saw the tears falling to her cheeks and onto the floor. He inhaled and exhaled and dropped the sword and that's when erza rushed into his arms and hugged him . Jellal hugged back . "I just want to protect you" jellal said. "death isnt the way to solve things they will get what they deserve at the end "" erza said ."I know but i just cant stand to see him treat you that way" jellal said " Promise me you won't do it" erza said "I promise " jellal said.
"And I promise ill always protect you" jellal said and he wiped her tears away and kissed her forehead.."

Jellal stopped he saw erza reflection on shos. He shook his head and dropped the sword and stepped away not believing he was about to kill his childhood friend. Sho and Simon just stared at him. He felt horrible he ran away running into his castle and into his room slamming the door. He took deep breaths. "I know you jellal your better than this !" erza words repeated in his head. He shook his head. "i just need to sleep for a while .. just for a while" jellal said he got on his bed and laid down and soon drifted off to sleep.

"Erza ?" Erza heard a voice calling her. it was so familiar. she turned and on the far end of the field was little boy "jellal?" Erza said. it was her old jellal her childhood friend. She then saw she had little hands and she studied herself she also was little. "Erza!" erza looked up. Jellal called her name once more he was smiling and waving. Erza had forgotten how jellal smiled look like he hadn't smile in so long. She remember when they were kids he would always smiled. Somehow they turned back to kids is strange. Jellal then started running to her, and she found herself running to him to. It was a long run in order for them to get to each to each other. but as they ran she notice that jellal started growing that's when he grew into himself as a teenager but somehow she wasnt bothered by it she knew it was still her jellal and she kept running. "jellal !" erza called . They ran some more and saw jellal was know Him as a young adult "erza!" he said and that's when everything went silent and she turned and saw everything around her was burning and there was trees in flames everywhere the grassy fields have now turn Into dirt. She fell to the floor she couldnt stand up she was weak its like she had been fighting or something she had not more energy. She looked at her arms they were all full of bruises and scars and cuts and fresh wounds she check all over herself and she was filled with bruises and cuts and scars she was bleeding all over. But how? not to long ago she was running to jellal where did he go ? She looked around jellal was no where. "Jellal where are you !" erza said no answered she called and called. "Erza!" she turned. It was him. he was standing up with his sword in his hand and he look like he had some cuts and bruises but noting to bad. "Jellal !" erza said happy she found him. "Erza " he said they both smiled at each other when all of a sudden a man comes running to him with a sword ready to attack. "JELLAL LOOK OUT !!" erza yelled. Jellal was to late as he turned the sword strikes down at him slashing his chest ripping of his skin. Erza eyes grew wide as she saw all the blood pour out of him. That's when jellal held himself and collapsed onto the ground and the man ran away. Erza eyes grew wide and tears started falling and that's when she reacted. "JELLLAAAAAAALLL!!!"

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