My Heart Still Loves You

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💖 My Heart Still Loves You 💖

Chapter 21

5 months have passed since that day although the kingdom was rebuild it still had its missing pieces but it was never the same. Erza went around organizing everything that need to be fixed. As she walked she remember what gray had told her while she was recovering .

"Gray why are you always protecting me ? don't you get tired of it ?" erza said. "Erza Ill never get tired of protecting you and being there for you and I already told you I love you erza that why I do the things I do " gray said. Erza looked down. "But it saddens me, that I can't return the feelings " erza said. "You just need time maybe then you'll feel something for me back" gray said as he tried To feed her soup but she stopped. "No gray" erza said. "I don't think all the time in world will be able to heal the whole I have in my heart and gray as much as I try to forget him and try to hate him and as much I try to stop loving him, I can't Because even after all he did to me ... I still love him " erza said. Gray put the soup down and looked up. " Then ill be there every step of the way helping you even if I know you don't love me and never will I won't stop protecting you till I die " gray said. Erza smiled and pulled gray towards her and hugged him. "Thank you gray " erza said.

Erza though about it even after all these months she still can't get over jellal she is to deeply in love with him but she knows she wouldn't want To see him not after all he's done and everything she wished to hate him but she can't because instead of pure hatred her heart feels pure love for him it is not in her to hate him as much as she makes it seem that she hates him it's only a lie she tells herself 5 months not seeing him not hearing of him he did keep his promise to stay away that's what she asked him to do but now she wants nothing more than to see him. "I'm just so confused I don't even know what I want anymore .." Erza said she looked out her balcony .

Jellal looked out his balcony 5 months without seeing her he's surprised he went this long without visiting her. "maybe I should go visit her to see how she's doing ..." Jellal said. "No no you promise to stay away and that is what you'll do. She hates you she wouldn't want to see you anyway and plus you'll only hurt her more "jellal said. He looked at his necklace and smiled as he remember little memories of her.

Jellal laid in his cell all sad. It was almost night and everyone had forgot something maybe it wasnt important to them but it was to him. "I guess no one Remember my birthday " jellal said. today he was officially 11 and no one had remember. "I guess I'm not important everyone hates me .." Jellal said he sneaked out to the towers roof up there was his favorite place it was his special place the only person he had ever brought up here was erza but He guess she to forgot it. From up here you can see the land scape the stars and the moon and you can see the sun rise and everything . He hugged his knees. "I guess I'm not important .." Jellal said. "Jelly-Kun !"
He heard his name being called he recognized that voice. "Erza?" he said he looked down from where she was. "Erza!?" he said. Erza was right below where he was at holding a big brown box she seemed to be having trouble caring "Jelly-Kun helped me up there I can't climb right now and you know I'm afraid of heights " erza said hugging the wall afraid to look down."take my hand " jellal said . He extended his hand out and erza reached for it and he pulled her up. They finally fixed each other and then jellal spoke. "Erza what are you doing up here ?" jellal said . "I was trying to find you and I remember this place and I knew I find you here" erza said. "Why are you looking for me ?" jellal said. "Well I have something for you " erza said she grabbed the box and place it forward right below him. "Is this for me ?" jellal said. "Who else silly " erza said giggling. jellal looked at her and then looked down at the box he grabbed it and opened it slowly and his eyes widen. It was a blue cake. He looked up at erza. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JELLY-KUN!!" erza said "you remembered ?" jellal said. "Of course I remember why wouldn't I ?" erza said. "I though you didnt remember since the rest forgot about it"jellal said looking down. "The rest might have forgot but I did because well ... Your special to me .." Erza said blushing and turning away. Jellal chuckled at her expression and also blushed. "Oh Incase you're wondering the flavor is chocolate you favorite " erza said. Jellal took it out the box erza put the candles on it and then lit them up. That's when she started singing to him ."happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear jelly-Kun happy birthday to you !" erza said. "Make a wish !" erza said. "My wish already came true " jellal said but he still blew them away they ate their cake and then sat their looking at the stars. "Oh I have something else" erza said and she dig in her pocket and pulled out a necklace. "I know it's not much but I got it for us it represented the friendship we have " erza said . "I don't care I love It" jellal said. He put it on. That's when erza jumped on him and hugged him. Jellal blushed really hard he was shocked but then hugged back. "Thanks for not forgetting erza you truly made the best of my birthday" he said . "I Would never forget your birthday " erza said. they pulled apart and smiled.

"You were always the best thing that ever happen to Me " jellal said. Jellal looked at the stars " I remember how much you loved looking at the stars .. How I wish I was with you right now " jellal said looking down sadness played in his eyes and in his heart. "But after all I did to you I don't think it's ever possible ... How could I ever hurt the one girl who truly loved me even if I was a monster how did I do what I did without ever feeling guilty when I looked in her eyes .. "Jellal said . He got angry at himself . "How could I hurt the person I love !!" jellal said. "Why do I do the things I do !!" jellal said he was angry he him the balcony stand is fist turned red. "I'm sorry erza .. I'm sorry" jellal said as a tear escaped his eyes and fell to the floor.

Erza was out on the balcony looking at the stars "Oh jellal where are you .." Erza said . "I wish I knew you were okay but I can't go back to you not after all you done .. " Erza said. she truly did love him but she knew he didn't love her and its hard knowing you gave up everything to the person and they gave nothing in return but a broken heart that's when a memory played In her mind.

"Jellal where are you taking me ?" erza said. She was scared she held his hand. "It a special place just trust me okay" he said erza nodded. They went thru a crack and they were outside barely any space to step erza freak but she kept it hidden they walked slowly across trying to be a caution as could be that's wen they got to another part "wait here " jellal said he began to climb up. He finally made it and then turned around "Okay now give me your hand " jellal said extend his hand. Erza reached for it in her tippy topes and that's when he got a hold of her. He helped her up. "You okay?" jellal said. "Yeah I was just a bit scared .." Erza said. Jellal smiled. "Now this is what I've been wanting to show you" jellal said. "Turn around" jellal said. Erza turned and her eyes open wide a million stars laid before then some were big some were small some were nearer than others. "Wow ! it's beautiful jellal .. " Erza said. "I know it's my secret place it a really special place to me .." Jellal said . "Then why did you bring me here ?" Erza said. "Well because .. Your special to me erza .." Jellal said blushing and looking away erza blushed. "And I though I share a special place with a special person that owns my heart " jellal said. Erza smiled . "Do you like it ?" jellal said . "Like it ? I love it ! Thank you jelly-Kun " erza said. She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed . They laid down looking at the stars laughing and talking. Erza was shaking and jellal notice it . "Are you cold ?" jellal said. "N-no I-I'm f-fine " erza said teeth shattering. "You're lying" jellal said. Jellal took of his hoodie and have it to erza. "Here put it on" jellal said . " What ? on no jellal I can't " erza said refusing "you're cold and shivering I don't want you to catch a cold" jellal said. "But what about you ?" erza said . "ill be alright as long as your okay that's all thy matters " jellal said. Erza smiled he might have been a child but he was such a gentlemen for his age erza put on the hoodie she immediately felt warm and she could smell his scent on it making her blush. He was so kind to her . She leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Jelly-Kun" erza said. He smirked and touched his cheek. That's when they laid down erza Laid on his and they continue to look at the star until they would fall alseep enjoying their childhood , enjoy much of as they could. The time they got they went spend all of it with each other enjoy each others company.

Erza looked at the stars and smiled. "Jelly-Kun " she said she remember how mad he would get when he called her that but then he got used to it and then actually enjoyed it. she then shocked the though off. "No don't forget what he did you have to stop thinking about him" erza said. but she sign it was hard. "But how can I stop thinking about him .. I just love him so much .." Erza said she signed and looked one more time at the stars she was hoping and praying a shooing star would pass by. "please please a shorting star pass by " erza said "please please " erza said. "Cause I can really use a wish right now ...." Erza said but their never was one she looked down and decide to leave. she walked to her door and turned one last time and then went inside. " I hope you're okay jellal " erza said and shut the door.

Sorry it was short and just 2 more days till school is over and then ill be able to write more longer chapters and update more faster but please bare with me a little hope y'all enjoyed

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