Broken Yet Holding On

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🌃Broken Yet Holding On🌃

Chapter 22

Erza woke up she signed she didn't get enough sleep but then again when does she get enough sleep she's already used to it having jellal gone and all the lies and heart break she was never able to sleep. Everytime jellal near or next to her she can sleep peacefully but when he's far and gone she can't sleep or if she does she gets nightmares he makes all her nightmares go away and now that he's gone they continue "no stop you have to get use to it you have to learn to live without him .." Erza said. She looked down she got up and dressed up. She looked out the window It was sunny and beautiful. but that's not what her heart was filled with it was filled with sadness. She looked at herself and tried to smile but it's hard to smile when you're so Close to tears she grabbed her crown and placed it on her head. she then went out. "Goodmorning my princess " she turned it was gray. "Goodmorning gray " erza said giving him a smile."wonderful day shall I say " gray said. "I suppose so but their are better days .." Erza said walking. " you sure cause lately I seem horrible weather this looks like a beautiful day " gray said. " I didnt mean the sky gray .. " Erza said and without any other words she continue to walk. "Erza.." He said. He had fury in him he was mad at how jellal made her she has always been this way but not this bad "it's all his fault I wish he never meet her " gray said. Erza went to Natsu. "Natsu can you prepare the carriage to go to The Youland town I have to buy more stuff to fix the castle" erza said. "Yes erza" Natsu said . "And go get gray to accompany me " erza said. after everything was set they head off they arrived almost past an hour. Gray got off and then helped erza off. They walked around getting stuff "this is taking a lot and we still haven't gone thru the whole list " erza said. "I know we have more things to get" gray said. "Lets separate you get these thing and ill get these and well meet at the water fountain " erza said. "But my princess I shan't leave you alone " gray said. "No need to worry ill be fine now go" erza said. Gray nodded and went off and erza went off another directions. She stopped by many stands so many people looking at her and bowing down and seeking her attention being a princess got you so much praise although it kinda felt nice she never really wanted This what she always dreamt of was to be with jellal and get married but that never came true. She picked out some bread and when she heard singing. "I know I you .. I danced with you once upon a dream " erza eyes open wide their was only one person who ever sang that song. she walked towards it. " why am I walking to him .. Don't I hate him but why do I have this urge in my heart to see him ?" erza said. it was still ft away but she court hear it she began to walk after "could it actually be him ?? " she said that's when the voice grew closer "i know you that gleam in your eyes is so familiar, a gleam" "Stop erza stop turn back " but she couldn't she kept going on that when she began to run. "why are you going if you know it him didnt you promise yourself to forget him ?" erza said but she wouldn't stop her heart kept leading her on. "yet I know it's true that vision are seldom all they seem " it grew closer leading her to little woods. She stopped "should i continue ?" she shook her head. Turning away but she looked back and then turned and pushed the branches out of the way and continued. She looked Aron's still hearing the voice "but if I know you I know what you'll do .." Erza turned and saw a figure siting in the middle with it's guitar. Her heart began to beat fast. "You'll love me at once the way you did once - "upon a dream" erza finished.

"You'll love me at once the way you did once - "upon a dream " jellal eyes open wide it couldn't be it Couldn't be her. He quickly stood and turned his eyes open wide and he locked eyes with her. "Erza.." He said. Erza just stared. She turned to walk away. "Please don't leave" jellal said. She stopped. "Why shouldn't I ?" erza said. "Because I . Lo.. I don't know " jellal said. "You don't know but yet you want me to stay ?" erza said. Jellal knew why he wanted her to stay but he couldn't say it. "I would just like to see you a bit more .. It been 5 months please .." Jellal said. He though erza would leave it but she didnt she stayed she turned. "why do you want to see me ?" erza said. "Because I miss seeing you .." Jellal said. He saw her eyes widen. " if I can't hold you anymore .. Then I would at least like to see you once more before you go .. And forget me once more " jellal said looking down "you're wrong "

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