Another lie

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Chapter 10

They stood by the outside the big deck , they looked at the galaxy their was a whole load of stars . "I never mean to cause you lots of suffering .. " Jellal said . "Never meant ? you did it on purpose you sent me to the dungeon and had them beat me and you cause my heart lots of pain promised you never hurt me but you did " Erza said . ".. I know what I did if I could I would take it all back " jellal said leaning at the deck . "But you can't and if it was possible you would never be able to erase the scars that are scar on my heart till eternity " erza said . "Then let me fix them " jellal said . He turn to erza . "What ?" erza said . "Let me fix your broken heart " jellal said he grabbed her hands . Erza tried to pull away but he was strong . "Let me go " erza said . "If you let me in .. Ill fix what I have broke, ill never hurt you again" jellal said . Her hands in his and she looked into his eyes And he looked into hers . "I won't do you wrong ever again just let me in " jellal said . He leaned In and all erza could do was watch . Her mind was telling her no run but her heart was telling her yes . Every time he leaned in their lips where growing closer and closer until their were inches apart . Erza eyes grew wide . "I promise ill love you he said and that's when he leaned in his lips meet hers . She tried to push his away but he held her hands he kissed her passionately and roughly he deepen it. She felt like she was melting away his kiss was so warm and so loving but yet something was telling her this is wrong she couldn't pull away he had her held in place. He pulled away both gasping for air they looked into each other eyes . When he saw her eyes he felt like his heart had just bursted into a million pieces sadness played into her brown eye full of fear . Her hand meet his face . She had slapped him . He slowly turned to look at her ." Don't ever touch me " erza said as a tear escaped and fell on the floor . "Erza wait ! he said but he had ran off . He looked at her run away he placed his fingers on his lips as if her lips were still on his he could still taste her .

She ran and ran warm tears slipping from her eyes . She rushed into her room and closed the door behind her. Why is he doing this ? all he's doing is playing with her heart he doesn't love her if he did he wouldn't have done what he did . Erza couldn't deny it deep down inside .. She still love him that's why she tried so hard to stay away so that love she had inside wont come out and hurt her heart once more , but it was hard if he kept coming and doing this , shell admit she always wanted to be kissed by jellal but not like this .. She knows he's just doing this for something but for what ? she doesn't know what it is but once he gets it he'll leave her and forget her like he did that day he forgot all their love and all their memories everything they been thru he forgot it but not her no .. As much as she tried to get rid of it it remain in her heart , her mind , and soul everyday it would play and play as if it was a fresh memory . She really tired she tried all these years to forget him but he never could because she loved him an thats something that would never go away her love for him .

Jellal laid in his bed just remembering her face it was full of sadness and pain that he was to blame for he came here for one thing that he's been seeking for and know he nots sure if he wants to do it anymore is it worth it ? Would it be worth having it if he'll be reminded of the pain he'll be putting her thru ? he shook his head . "This is what you always wanted down give it up just for a woman .." Jellal said but he knew she wasn't just any woman she was the love of his life even if he tried to deny it . After tossing and turning he finally fell asleep the trying to escape the though whatever it was he would have to deal with it when the time came .

The night turned to day . Erza woke up and dressed she went down stairs to the table where jellal was waiting . "Erza" he said . She looked at him . ".. I want to say .. I'm sorry " jellal said . "Don't tell me your sorry when you don't mean it " erza said . "Your right .. I shouldn't say sorry because I'm not sorry that I kissed you I've been dying to do that since the first day I meet you , but I am sorry for the pain I caused you I'm sorry for the misery I you thru but ill never be sorry that I love you " jellal said . Erza eyes widen . "All I want is a second chance let me show you , trust me like you once did and let us be like the old days .. What do you say ?" jellal said. erza looked down she wasnt sure about anything anymore . She took a deep breath . "Alright " Erza said and jellal smiled he was about to say something when gray interrupted . "erza may I speak to you " gray said . Erza nodded and they left . Hellas looked outside the window at them they were talking and that's when gray pulled out a red rosé and gave it to her . Erza smiled and took it . Jellal watched with pure envy . He was sadden to see erza with gray . Another man was making her smile and was always there for her not like him he was the cause of her sadness and pain . Jellal was starting to think if he should even continue with this it's clear that she had forgot him and doesn't love him anymore is it worth it anymore .. She'll probably pick him who makes her happy and makes her smile she wouldn't pick him who hurt her and made her cry . Jellal shook the though off his head . "No one will take away erza from me .. No one .. If gray has to disappear for me to be with erza then so it will be ..."

Sorry i updated late and sorry it was short and ill try to make the next one long and more interesting

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