She's Gone

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Chapter 24

"SHE NEEDS YOU JELLAL!" Natsu screamed. Jellal head started hurting his mind was dizzy that's when he remembered.

"Why are you showing me this .. How do you know all this ?" jellal said . "Because I was there .. " The guy said . "I didnt see you in any of the scenes you showed me " jellal said. "Are you sure" the guy said and that's when he removed his good an jellal eyes open wide he found himself staring into his same cold eyes but they looked worn out and that guy had a scar on the right side of his face and he was bleeding and he looked messed up baldy "Your me ..." Jellal said. "No your me I come from the future " the guy said. "But why did you come to show me this?" jellal said . "Because whatever you decide is how my future is depended on and let me tell you the chooses you made then were not good and what your seeing right now is what you've become " the guy said . "What about erza ?" jellal said . " If you knew what happens to her in he future and all because of you .. you'd be living with regret and hatred for yourself all your life like I am now .." The guy said . "Why happen to her ?" jellal said . "You don't want to know " the guy said. "I'm only telling you this choose wisely what you decide to do because then your future won't have a happy ending and you'll see me soon enough" " the guy said.

"SHE NEED YOU JELLAL!" his eye opened with. "Prepared my black horse and sword" jellal said. "Right away sir" they said rushing out. That's when Natsu screamed and passed out. Jellal knew he had to help erza. He turned and rushed out immediately he jumped on his sword and with the other hand placing his sword inside it case "I'm coming erza!" he said and he rode off.

Erza ran and ran she was still in the wood it would take a while until she finally got out the woods. She was exhausted her foots could no handle it anymore she was running out of oxygen she felt like she was gonna drop anytime but she couldn't for the sake of her kingdom and for the sake of this world. She then heard horses she turned but saw nothing she continue to run but the heard laughter. she stopped circling around looking all over "oh no" she said he was nearby. She gripped the book harder. She then hid behind a tree. "oh scarlet come out come out where every you are "he said. Erza gulped she tried to walk away slowly but then stepped on a branch. That's when she turn she began to run but he stopped in front of her she had no way out she was doomed. "Though you could escape ehh scarlet ?? you though wrong" he said laughing. "now where's my book" he said. "It is not your book it belong to my king" erza said. "The old geezer he's dead gone whatever is his is mine" king rave said. "How low of you to talk about your own father he and your mother made you how could you turn our back on him do you not have a heart !" erza said. "You know nothing about my life so shut your trap!" he said swinging his sword at her she ducked down. It hit her arm leaving a cut it started bleeding erza yelp in pain and held her arm. "Give me my book!" he said. "Ill shall never hand it to you I bowed to protect it and I shall follow why I promised !" erza said. He laughed "are you sure about that?" he said that when his other knights came out hoping off their horse an then going in the back and throwing a body. "GRAY!" erza said her eyes wide with fear he was beaten up badly bleeding and bruised "erza" he said weakling. "What have you done to him let him go !" erza said trying to run to him. "Don't you dare" king rave said grabbed gray by his hair and holding a sword to his neck. "Give me the book or your friend shall die" he said. "Don't listen .. To him erza" gray Said. He pulled his hair more cause gray to groan. "Stop it please don't hurt him !" erza said. "You know what you have to do" rave said. Erza looked at the book and then gray. gray shook his head. Erza looked down. "Here .." Erza said. "No " gray said. the guy let gray go and went to erza and snatched the book.
"It's all mine !" he said holding it. "You're a monster " erza said. He laughed "I know" he said. "You're nothing like you father you're - that's when he slapped erza hard erza screamed. "Erza!" gray sai but they held him back. "What were you saying go on see what happens !" rave said. He started kicking her in her stomach erza coughed out blood "SAY IT !" he screamed. "ERZA!!" gray said tears forming. Erza looked up and smirked. "Your dad was a nice man while your a fucken pig " erza said. He then grabbed erza by the hair causing her to scream. "No let her go don't hurt her!!" gray said. "It's okay ill be okay" erza said as Tears fell from erza eyes. Gray eyes widen and tears fell from his. That's when erza passed out "such a beauty isn't she?" rave said. His knights nodded "I shall take her to become my queen and plus if I do I know jellal gonna come trying to rescue her and I need him for another reason " King rave said he threw her on his horse. "No you have your book ! leave her alone !" gray said. "You think I only wanted the book I'm a man I crave for lust " he said laughing gray grew with fury. "STOP IT LET HER GO DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER !!" gray said. "Dispose of this imbecile and tied him to the tree and then tie her just Incase she wakes up . "Yes my king !" they said. They dragged gray "NO ERZAAAAA!!" gray said. They then rode off.

Jellal rode on his horse he his the settle telling it to go faster and it did. His hair flowing back with the breeze. He looked around seeing if they spotted erza. That's when he felt some thing in his heart he knew something was wrong this feeling couldn't get out of his heart giving them the goosebumps. "Erza!" he called. "Gray!" he said. No answer he kept riding until there was a log in the way and he put the settle back making him lift up but then placed down he hoped of his horse. He then began to walk around . "Erza? erza! gray? gray!" he called. Still no answer. He listened quietly all you couldn't hear were birds or creatures near by. The feeling on his heart grew more it started hurting him. That's when he remember this place its like he seen it before it's dejavu. "Think jellal, think where have you seen this before " jellal said that's when he remembered.
Jellal eyes opened wide he remember he was here in his dreams that day he dream this and after he woke up he went to check on erza. That's when jellal recognize the same trees. But he stopped. "No please don't tell me it was a vision .." Jellal said he started freaking out he hoped it wasn't a vision he saw that day because if it was true erzas in danger . He hoped it was all a mistake and hop to find erza and gray safe. He started running. That's when he heard groans just like the vision. He took out his sword prepared to fight that's when he saw gray by the tree bleeding. "Gray!" he said and ran towards him. "Don't .. Fucken touch me " he said trying to get up but he was in severe conditions. "Gray what happen where is erza??" jellal said. Gray looked at jellal in the eye he had pure hatred for him. "She gone all because of you !"gray said. "What do you mean me ?" jellal said. "They took her all because of you !" gray said yelling out loud with anger."What do you mean? where is she!" jellal said. "Raven tail.. They took her " gray said. Jellal eyes widen "no" he said. "Now they have the book and all kingdoms are at risk and they have erza !" gray said. "But why ! why would they take her !" jellal said. ""They took her because they knew you go and chase after her they want you to because they need you for something and He told me he needs a queen .. And that man crave for lust" gray said. His voice crackling . Jellal eyes widen he looked at gray he knew gray was full with anger and wanted to kick his ass but was weak right now to even try. He looked at jellal with hatred and that's when some tears started flowing from his eyes . "I promise ... If they hurt erza I shall burn you alive " gray said after that he collapsed he had Lost to much blood and he need help fast jellal placed him on his horse and rode to the castle this was his fault all his fault of anything happened to erza he make sure they kill him in a second.

Sorry it was short but ill try to make the next one longer

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