Saving Erza

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Chapter 30

Jellal and his knights rode in horses to the kingdom. "jellal " natsu called pulling his horse said his. "do you think they know we're coming ?" natsu said "they shall be expecting us so be prepared " jellal said " they are jellal I don't think we can do this" natsu said. That's when gray pulled on the other side on jellal horse "since when have you back out on anything natsu " gray said. " I know but ... For once in my life Im worried they are truly powerful" natsu said. That's when they rode in silence until they finally arrived they looked at the scary castle and all the knights. "jellal what are we going to do" natsu said. "we have to fight" jellal said. "but we won't make it " natsu said. "I don't care I made a promise to sho that ill save erza and that's what I shall do even if it takes my last breath " jellal said. "I will to " gray said. Natsu looked down then looked up "for erza " he said. jellal looked at his knights they were all ready. He closed his eyes an took a deep breath he then opened them "ATTACK!" he said as they charged at them. They all charged at them you could hear the swords clinging a they hit one another. Painful cries filled the atmosphere. Jellal swung his sword at each knight that came slicing arms or heads off its been a long time since he was in battle once he was crowned king he never once lifted a sword but it felt like he's been doing it all his life. He turned to the side to see gray in full action he was pretty good himself thats when another guy was charging at him from behind "GRAY LOOK OUT!" jellal cried he thrusted his sword into the man before he could lay a hand on gray. The mans blood filled jellals hands all covered in blood he looked at it " you're just a vicious man with blood in his hands and a hand full of sins " the words that were once said to him repeated in his head just like a fresh wound it was forever scared in his hand. "jellal !" his thought were shaken by grays voice he turned "jellal you have to go get erza " Gray said. "But what about y'all " jellal said. "ill be fine we can handle them right pal" he said looking at natsu. natsu nodded "I'm entrusting you on this" jellal said and rode off. gray and natsu hoped off their horses and hand their backs to each other as the other knight charged at them "just like old times my friend " gray said. "just like old times " natsu said smirking back. They rose their swords up "CHARGE !" gray yelled and they ran towards them. Once jellal got to the steps he hopped off his sword running up and killing a few men who stood in his way. This castle was big if he was to find erza he would need help. "I knew you'd come to save your beloved princess" jellal eyes darken and he gripped his sword harder "Ivan " he said. Ivan hisses as he heard the name "I told you many times I am not Ivan " he said. "where is erza!" jellal said he laughed "erza? Why I don't know where is erza ?" he said laughing " this isn't a fucken game answer me !" jellal said. "My we dont have patience I see" rave said. " for the last time where is erza!" Jellal said. "Oh she's in the dungeon probably dead by now you should have seen her face when she was begin tortured priceless and her cries are just to die for !" rave said laughing "YOU BASTARD YOU BETTER NOT HAVE HURT HER!!" jellal said. Kurohebi walked by also joining in the fun "oh but we did such a strong person she is it took her quite a while for her to break " kurohebi said laughing. "You should of heard her " kurohebi said "JELLAL ! JELLAL COME SAVE ME !" he mimicked making jellal angry. "if y'all hurt her I swear I won't fucken rest until your burred 10 ft underground !" jellal said. Jellal tried charging at them but lots of knights surrounded him. "have fun fighting those knights while I take my king far away from here!" Ivan said laughing. jellal tried fighting all the knights they were to much but he kept fighting he had to get to erza he was down to the last knight he grabbed him "what did he mean by take my king far away from here and where is erza!" jellal said. The knight struggle to speak "answer me !!" jellal yelled. "he has revived ... Zeref ... He is just sleeping for now" the knight said. Jellal eyes open wide "no .." Jellal said backing away the knight took this as an opportunity and escaped "dammit !" jellal cursed how was he going to find erza. "she's in the dungeon" he turned it was a red hair girl "how do I know you're not lying " jellal said. "If you really wanted to save erza you would risk it and go help her " she said. "Ill take your word for it then" jellal said running towards the flare smiles "scarlet you're indeed a lucky woman ..." She said. jellal ran and ran "erza " he called her name running and running when he got to last cell he saw her hanging from shackles "ERZA!!" he yelled he tore turn the cell and went to her he looked at her she was naked and had bruises, scars, freshcut, blood and teeth marks and hickeys all over her body. she looks terrible she was so broken "ererza he said as he unchained and she fell he caught her in his arms. He checked her pulse it was low he had to get her to safety now "down worry erza I'm here I won't let you die " jellal said he placed a cloth on her naked body and then picked her up and ran with her in his arms. he go outside gray and the knights were done fighting "weres rave !" gray said. "He escaped but you have to help me erzas in danger ! jellal said. "Erza!" gray said he looked at her "what happen !" gray said. "Idk but hurry" jellal said they hopped on their horses and rode to his castle "stay with me erza please !" jellal said holdin her in his arms. once they finally arrived they immediately attended erza. Jellal roamed impatiently in the hall gray sat their with his hands together. After hours and hours finally someone came out. "how is she !" jellal said. "She was in sever conditions after all the blood loss it was hard but she's stable now but I'm not sure when she'll wake up" the medic said. "Can I see her" gray said the medic nodded. Gray went inside and jellal watched from outside "this is all my fault ... I'm sorry erza .."" He said he leaned his head on the glass. after a while gray finally came out he looked awful his eyes were puffy and red "jellal ... She's so weak I never seen erza before " gray said. "I know go get some rest ill take care of her for now" jellal said gray nodded and left jellal walked in the room. He looked at erza he caressed her face "I'm sorry ... I'm sorry I let them hurt you if only I had stayed by your side and protected you " jellal said holding her hand. "I won't let anyone hurt you ever again" jellal said. He felt her hand grip his eyes opened wide he looked up she was still passed out but yet she gripped his hand did she hear him. "can you hear me erza?" he said. He looked at her "I just want to tell you ..." He looked down and held her hand harder "I love you"


Sorry it was short and everything and sorry I was gone for such a long time I was very busy and right now it's not in action but it will be jut bare with me !

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