The Remedy Of Our Hearts

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Chapter 45

"And we are done" Lucy said stepping away for Erza. Admiring her. "Erza you look absolutely beautiful you certainly are the most beautiful women in the entire kingdoms. "Lucy that is very kind but I think all women's are beautiful" Erza said. "Well now go on look at my master piece" Lucy squealed excited. Erza stood up gracefully walking to the mirror she couldn't recognize herself. Her hair was held up in a gorgeous bun and her makeup was natural. The diamond necklace she wore on top and her little princess crown with her veil and her long white gown with her white gloves. "Wow Lucy you did .. A great job for once I feel like a true princess" Erza said. "You've always been and your welcome" Lucy said. Erza was overjoyed and nervous today was the day of her and Jellal wedding the day Jellal was to be crown an official King and she was to be crown an official Queen. Lucy I'm so nervous right now .." Erza said. "Don't be I know you and Jellal will do just fine, nothing can go wrong, you and Jellal solved everything already and nothing can stop y'all now" Lucy said. It was true after there rencounter they decide to talk to the judges again and this time Erza was there and she gave her statement and the one who killed King Jude was king rave to be able put his plan in action they had done deep investigation and found his sword there and Jellal was free afterward and Jellal and Erza fixed all there issue they had and their trades. Everything was perfect. "You're right.. I'm just nervous to see him .. I wonder how he is doing.." Erza said.

Jellal was messing with his suit. He fixed the hair which he had his prince crown on. His maids polished his black suit and than left. Simon came inside "how are you doing?" Simon asked. "I'm a nervous wreck" Jellal said swearing. Simon grabbed a napkin and handed It to Jellal. "Thanks" Jellal said he tried to remain calm. "Do you think I'm doing the right thing?"Jellal asked Simon. "Jellal I known you and Erza ever since we were kids you can tell how much y'all loved each other it was so noticeable I will admit.. I also like Erza I got jealous but I realized.. I could never win her heart because her eyes were set on you and I wasn't going to be able to take your place.." Simon said "what I'm saying is y'all both love each other nothing's wrong with getting married to the person you love" Simon said. "But that's just it.. I love her but what I've done to her you even witnessed it first hand do you think it's right for me to marry her?" Jellal said. "Jellal you weren't you, you were driven by madness and hatred but deep down inside when they spoke of Erza or you seen her I saw how your eyes got I could tell by your eyes that you were in love and Erza forgives you it's time you also forgive yourself you're a great man Jellal I know you'll treat her well" Simon said. Jellal smiled "thanks Simon you really are my friend" Jellal said. "That's what friends are for now come on it's time you go to the church" Simon said. "Alright let's go" Jellal said he went to the church everyone was already there he grew more and more nervous at the second he stepped on the alter. He looked around all the kingdoms where here present. He was breathing slowly he turned around to face the front of the church. "Never knew marriage could be this Nerve Wrecking" Jellal said.

Erza was getting into the carriage it began to drive off. "All these years today is finally the day.." Erza said she was nervous but happy she was marriage Jellal all she ever wanted as a kid was to be with him and now today was the day. The carriage stopped Erza was so busy thinking she didn't even realize she had arrive at the church the door open and it was Natsu he smiled he held out his hand and Erza took it. He helped her off and his eyes widen "wow Erza you look lovely" Natsu said. "Thank you Natsu" Erza said she looked inside a little "wow everyone is here already?" Erza said "yup we were all just waiting for you" Natsu said. Erza got more nervous "are you ready?" Natsu said "yes" Erza said he held arms with Natsu. "Alright here we go" Natsu said and they began to walk in.

The music started Jellal stopped she was here was all he could think and he slowly turned around and his eyes widen as he saw her. She looked absolutely beautiful this was it the day he been waiting for. That's when they arrived at the alter Natsu handed her to him "be a good man to her" Natsu said "I promise" Jellal said and Natsu nodded and walked out. Jellal and Erza looked at each other they both gave a nervous smile "wow Erza you look ... Beautiful" Jellal said. Erza blushes and looked away "thank you .. And you look handsome" Erza said. The then turned to face the priest. "We are gather here to celebrate Jellal and Erza wedding today they shall be announced Husband and Wife and King and Queen" the priests said. The ceremony went on until the big moment came "Jellal Fernandez do you take Erza as your long wedded wife?" The priest said. "I do" Jellal said. "And do you Erza Scarlet take Jellal as your long wedded husband?" The priest said. "I do" Erza said. "Then from this day forward you shall now be husband and wife and shall be crowned king and queen" the priest said they brought there crowns. "Princess Erza you will now be know as Queen Erza" the priest said as he took her little crown on and but her big crown on it was good and had Scarlet diamonds around it forming a heart. "Prince Jellal you will now be know as King Jellal" the priest said taking his small crown and place the big crown on his head which was all gold and had a few red diamonds in the middle. "You may know kiss you bride" the priest said. Jellal turned to Erza they smiled he leaned in and kissed her. Everyone stood up and clapped they began to walk down the aisle together and into the carriage driving to the their kingdom where there ball would be held. "Wow I can't believe this just happen we are know King and Queen and married" Jellal said. "It fells like a fairytale" Erza said. They chuckles "I'm the luckiest man to have such a beautiful bride" Jellal said. Erza smiled "and I am lucky to have you as well this is all so perfect.. Too perfect I'm scared that something will go wrong.. All our lives we endured sadness, pain and tragedies that I feel something is bound to happen that is bad" Erza softly said "hey hey hey look at me" Jellal said holding her face with his two hands. She looked at him "nothing bad will happen I prom sue you that maybe our lives are just a disgrace maybe this time our life's will get better and now we can live happy and as long as you got me I promise I won't let noting happen to you and nothing will ever get in between us because I love you" Jellal said Erza smiled "and I love you" Erza said. They arrived to the ball and everyone was already there they were all having the time of there lives taking and negotiating for once all kingdoms weren't fighting or arguing they were at piece "this is all my father ever wanted" Lucy said to Erza. "Yes indeed I remember your father trying to bring us all at piece your father was a great man and this is everything he fought for I'm sure he would've been proud" Erza said Lucy smiled "thank you Erza-chan" Lucy said and smiled "time for our lovely couple to dance together" Natsu said Jellal came from behind Erza he held his hand out "may I have this dance?" He said "you may" Erza said and he took her to the center of the dance floor and they began to sway to the music and soon other couple joined in but giving them there space. All Jellal could do was look at Erza "I just can't tell you enough how beautiful you are" Jellal said "you're making me turning red" Erza said "well red does suit you" Jellal said they laughed "remember Erza back then when we were knights when the king had a ball and you gazed at the kings and queens dancing all you ever wanted to do was be out there dancing with them" Jellal said.

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