We Attack

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Chapter 29

He lifted his sword up. tears fell from sho eyes "goodbye Nee-san ... Don't forget me " he said and that's when the king lifted his sword "NOO!!" erza said he swung his sword and sliced his head off. Erza eyes widen "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Erza screamed his head fell off and all the blood poured out of him. Erza eyes widen in terror tears came out her sho was killed right in front of her eyes he didnt deserve it he didn't deserve it he was too young to die. Anger grew inside her. She heard them all burst out laughing. Laughing at her sadness laughing because they killed her dearest friend. "YOU MONSTER HOW COULD YOU !!" erza screamed more tears flowing she struggled to get lose wanting so bad to kill this guy in front of her. "aww did we anger you ?" the king said getting in her face. "I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL!" erza said and spit in his face it angered the king and he punished erza to the max. Erza screamed in pain what more suffering was she going to suffer she already lost her friend, they had torture and done so many things to her to the point were if she gets one more she would see death. Her painful cries filled the while tower tears fell from her eyes as she screamed "JELLAL!!" She screamed hoping he hear her and come for her.

Jellal was getting worried Sho was suppose to send a message today but nothing happen and his aching in his heart couldn't stop and it's not good last time that happen was when he predicted all of this. "Jellal has he send it?" gray said jellal turned "no" jellal said. "What do you suppose happened ?" gray said. "I don't know but I know is not good" jellal said. "Why what's wrong?" gray said. "The day erza was going to get captured I felt the same aching in my heart as I'm feeling now and I got a Visio-" jellal was cut off when his head started hurting he closed his eyes he was getting a vision of something. He saw erza screaming as tears fell down.
"Goodbye Nee-san " "SHO NOOO!!"
Jellal eyes opened wide "jellal what's wrong what did you- "I got a vision" jellal said. "What was it about " gray said. Erza she was screaming and crying sho name and he said goodbye something went wrong I know it" jellal said. "Maybe you're vision is wrong" gray said. "No " jellal said he turned to look at him "My visions are never wrong" jellal said. Grays eyes opened wide. "JELLAL COME DOWN NOW THEY SEND SOMETHING !!" Simon yelled. Jellal and gray looked at each other and ran to the gardens their was a box. "This appeared here out of nowhere "Simon said. "What is it?" gray said "we're not for sure .." Simon said. The knights were all surrounding it and pouring there swords at it. Jellal came close to it and been down. His hands shakes as he picked up the cover. He opened it as his eyes open wide as he saw sho head. Everyone gathered around and their eyes opened wide that's when Jellal eyes grew "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" He screamed.

Erza hung her head low crying she was weak, she lost so much blood, being tortured and played with, she lost her friend she was hurt physically and emotionally her life was a misery why hasn't she already died all, she wants is to die. She heard the cell opened she looked up and saw flare. "How are you scarlet .." She said. "Do what you're gonna do I don't care anymore there is nothing that has already hurt me so just go on .." Erza said. "I'm not gonna hurt you" flare said. Erza eyes opened wide. "I seen y'all talking lots of times ..." Flare said. "Why didnt you say nothing" erza said. "Because you were right .." Flare said.

"What's the matter Scarlet?" erza looked up it was flare. She opened the cell. "Looks like Snake Boy hasn't come to play with you yet? I think imma enjoy playing with you first " flare said laughing. "Why do y'all do this .. Don't you feel guilty ?" erza said. "Oh the contrary I'm filled with delight I like to see people suffer " she said.
" But what do you get in return ?" erza said. "Nothing but it's fun " flare said. "It's fun watching people suffer, what if you were in there place would it still be fun?" erza said. "That enough!" flare said whipping erza.
"If you saw my whole life and lived what I lived would you still try to make people suffer?" erza said "shut up!" flare said whipping her once more.
" I seen people suffer all my life and never once did I though of it as fun if you were just to see what I've seen im sure you understand " erza said flare hit her once more. " but I'm sure you lived your own pain .. I'm sure you didn't choose this life you were forced into it ... I don't blame you they brainwashed you to become who you are just like they did to jellal " erza said. Flare stood their looking at her. "You can stop this flare you can be set free you're still in time to be saved"

"I don't want to be a bad person and it isn't fun to watch a person suffer seeing you get tortured, get used, seeing you're friend die in front of your eyes it wasnt fun .. And seeing you be away from the man you love hurts even more" flare said. Erza lifted her head up. "How do you- "I heard you cry out his name as you were torture I seem you cry for him at nights calling out for him to come save you and that day when you first came and I tortured you ...

"Your so pretty no wonder guys want to touch you, say how was it like having Prince Jellal touch you and fuck you?" she said " I bet his touch was so controlling so demanding he's is a monster I wonder if he's also a monster in bed " flare said. "JELLAL IS NOT A MONSTER!" erza said finally raising her voice flare grew shocked "ohh protecting your little lover aww how sweet but he is. he is a monster I see what he done and I also heard what he's done that man just pleases me so much I want him to make me his " flare said. "He'll never make you his he doesn't like someone like you !" erza said. "Aww is Little Erza jealous " flare said. Erza looked away. Flare grabbed her face. "And I think I am his type I mean we both are evil and all the sins we've did I'm pretty sure we're destine to be and you know that well enough erza I think you know what I'm talking about when I tell you he's a monster " flare said.

"Even after all I said you still believe In him and see the light within him .."flare said. It was true Erza still believe in Jellal no matter what. "You love him don't you?" flare said. Erza looked away. Flare smiled. "I'm sorry I hurt you ... I was just doing it because all my life I've been treated the same but not as worst and I wanted to see how it felt to have the upper hand but in reality .. It feels awful I promise I won't hurt you anymore " flare said. Erza smiled "thank you" erza said. Flare hugged her. Thats when kurohebi came in "well what's all this ?" he said they both turn. "don't tell me you made friends with the prisoner and you're also gonna help her escape?" kurohebi said. "Because if so ill tell master just like I told on sho" he said laughing erza eyes widen "you ! you cause all this how could you !!" erza said trying to break free from the shackles to kill him she was angry. "because I don't care what they do I'm not gonna let them take you away from me Titania you're mine he said laughing. He pushed flare out the way an shocked erza "STOP IT KUROHEBI !!" flare said. Erza screamed more pain coming towards her. "You're gonna kill her ! flare said trying to make him stop but he hit her and flare fell. He tortured erza more and more. He grabbed the whip an hit her making her loose more blood and grow more weaker she screamed her loudest cry. "erza!!" flare said but she couldn't help her. Erza vision because blurry "i guess this is the end.." she though and That's when erza collapsed. Flare eyes widen kurohebi stopped and the felt we wrist and neck he got no pulse. "Looks like our Titania dead eyy but al least she lasted me long and I did get to play with her doesn't matter" kurohebi said. "ERZA!" flare said tears falling she tried running to her but kurohebi grabbed her "you're coming with me !" he said pulling her. "Erza no I'm sorry forgive me !!" flare said hoping she raise her head but She was gone.

"Sho " jellal said tears falling from his eyes. He looked at his dead friend he then remembered the promise he made to Sho.

"Jellal I'm sorry for what I did I didn't mean it "Sho said. Jellal gave a soft smile " I know .. and im sorry i treated you so awfully after all we have been thru i shouldnt have threaten to kill you forgive me" jellal said . "No i deserve it i know you only did that because Erza-chan means the world to you .." Sho said. "Sho ... I know you can do this just be careful okay " Jellal said. "I promise and I promise ill bring nee-san back safely but if it doesn't work ... Promise me you'll protect nee-san and find Milliana and tell her I love her" Sho said. "I promise " jellal said.

Jellal eyes grew with anger he stood up and wipe his tears away. "Jellal what are we gonna do" Gray said. "Are you gonna let this slide ?" Simon said. "No" jellal said lifting his head and turning to look at them his eyes filled with anger "Sho death won't go with being avenge I promise ill kill them all" jellal said. "Simon prepared the sounder load the carriages with swords and the fighting equipment. "why what are you planning to do?" Simon said. "No more waiting no more plans If we die we die but today .. We attack !!

Sorry it was short hope y'all enjoy and what happen with erza is she really dead will jellal be able to save her and kill them all or will him and gray die trying??


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