Good bye

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Chapter 37

They sat at the hospital seats outside waiting for them to prepare gray. They still couldn't believe what had happened everything had went down there kingdoms were ruined there army was destroyed and everything was awful they had one the war but had lost a dear friend. Erza had finally stopped crying but she didn't want to go home she wanted to stay. Natsu was a mess as well. Jellal came back from talking to the doctors he looked at them. "Guys I think it's time we go home gray won't be ready until later on" jellal said. Natsu got up accepting the fact his beloved friend was gone. "Be strong Natsu" jellal said as he walked by. "I'll try .." Natsu said and walked off. He looked at Erza still sitting there like she has hope Gray will get up and walk out the door but he's not coming back. He sat next to her. "Are you alright" he said. "No ... Not at all not after all that has happening nothing will be the same not after all I've seen... Gray is dead all cause of me, my kingdom is ruin because of me, I almost lost you cause of me and everything .." Erza voice cracked. "Why ... Why is life so horrible to me what have I done to deserve all this .." Erza said tears fell. Jellal looked at her it's true life was hard on her he had not known someone who had suffered so much like her as a child she lost her parents was sent to the tower and lost her eye and then came back and he had treated her like shit put her thru much send her away she still got up and tried he had came in her life once again and ruined it and after that she got kidnapped torture and sho was killed infront of her after that all this happened and she was still here trying. "Erza I- wait ... Did you say you almost lost me?" Jellal said. Erza nodded. "What do you mean Erza I've been here you didn't lose me" jellal said. "No jellal .. You died" Erza said lifting her head up to face him. "But than why am I still - "remember when that guy was charging at you with his sword but I got to pull you out of the way this time" Erza said. "What do you mean this time?" Jellal said. "The first time I didn't get to pull you out of the way.. I was all the way on the hill and you near the trees everything seemed okay and we smiled at each other and that's when that guy charged out of nowhere and he stabbed you ... And there was nothing I could do and you died ... Right before me right before I had a chance to say goodbye" Erza said. Jellal eyes widen "then how am I still alive?" Jellal said. "Flare came she had this thing you can use only one time to go back to the time you want the most but the price was her life and she choose to give it up to me to save you and so I went back and saved you ... If it weren't for her I would have lost both of y'all" Erza said and started crying. Jellal was taking it all in but he saw Erza needed him he hugged her. "Come one Erza" he said. Erza wiped her tears away and stood up she walked with him looking back once more at gray and turning away.

After a few house Erza looked in the mirror she had her black gown on and jellals servants fixed her hair and she looked at it. "Can you give me a moment?" She asked jellal maids they nodded and left. She sat down in her bed staring at the wall. She looked at her hands ever since all that had happen to her she couldn't stop trembling. That's when jellal came upstairs. "You ready?" He said. Erza looked up. She nodded. She got up and accompany jellal downstairs. They walked into the carriage the whole people and army following behind. After a few hours they arrived to her castle. Jellal stepped out and held his hand out Erza than stepped out. She gazed at her castle it was all destroyed half standing up half down. She looked at all her people who came running to her "princess you have returned!!" "Our princess is back!!" "Please help us princess" they said. She waved she walked inside until she got to her room everything .. Was horrible she gazed around she walked to her balcony and it was half torn she took a good look at the surrounding and her heart felt like it had turned to knots. "My ... Kingdom" she softly said. "Are you alright?" She turned it was jellal. "Im fine.." Erza said. He knew she wasn't but he knew he shouldn't go more into it. "Erza it's about to start .." Jellal said. Erza nodded and they walked down. Erza looked at the coffin as she walked down the aisle lots of people gathered around. beside her stood Natsu and her other side was the coffin of her dear friend she walked to it and opened it. She looked at gray face it was as if he was sleeping he looks so peaceful. "Oh gray .. My dear gray ... I'm ... So sorry" Erza said. She touched his icy cold skin that was like a stone. A tear escaped her eye and she brushed it off slightly. She went to the stand that had the little mic. She looked at the people a lot had came. Her hands trembled as she grabbed the paper she was to read off but that decide she there was no use for papers "today .. We have lost .. Our dear Gray Fullbuster not only was he a worthy knight but my closet friend when we lose someone it's very hard it's like we are losing a part of ourself. For a while we think it's not true, it can't be true we sit there thinking this can be real, it just can't be, but.. It is.. It's hard knowing you won't be able to see that person anymore, see the beautiful smile or there laughing or the most annoying things they do that would tend to bother us but know how much we give for them to do it once more when we lose someone it's like we lost everything ... When I was little before I lost my mother I asked her "mom why do the best people always die first" she told me "when you're in a garden which flowers do you pick first?" And I responded "the most beautiful ones" and she said "that's why the best people die first because God picks the best people first" she said being a little girl I had just nodded my head and had not understood but thinking about it know as a young lady I come to realize what she meant and it hit me hard an that's why we are here today because God has chosen to taken our beloved Gray because he saw what a beautiful person he truly was he had the most kindest heart I have ever know and the most lovely smirk I've ever seen no one would ever be able to repay for what gray has done to me and the kingdom and I know deep down inside he is still with us and our memories will continue to live and today I crown his as the Royal knight" Erza said she lifted her sword "to Gray for he shall never be forgotten and shall continue to live within our hearts" Erza said. "TO GRAY!" everyone said the Knights lifting there's swords people standing and cheering. Erza walked over to gray. "I'll never forget you my dear friend"Erza said tears escaping she placed her sword inside his coffin and that's when they carried him to the grave yard placed him down "goodbye my dear friend.." Erza said throwing a rose. Erza watched as everyone placed roses at his grave. Jellal came by her side. "How you holding up?" He said leaning on the wall. "It's hard knowing I'll never be able to see him again.." Erza said. "I know but just know he's in a better place and is watching you from there" jellal said. "Yeah .." Erza said. "Erza I just want to say Im here no matter what and I'm sorry I .. "Jellal said. "Don't apologize" Erza said. "Why not ?" Jellal said. "Because no matter what you did in the past and how much your hurt me and even if we come to being enemies again just know .. I'm with you" Erza said. Jellal eyes widen "and I'll always be with you" Erza said "Erza ... You .. I don't know how to ever repay you .." Jellal said. He grabbed Erza hands. Erza looked at him. "Erza I just want to tell you I lo- "Jellal Fernandez" jellal turned it was the whole police army. "yes?" Jellal said. "You are hereby under arrest "


I'm so so so sorry I took forever to write again I'll try to update soon so sorry!!

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