The Pain Returns

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Chapter 25

Jellal was planning attacks on the kingdom of Raven Tail. "If send some troops from the east an send some from west and then south that would block their entrance " Sho said. "But Sho what about north ?" Simon said. "Well come from the north " Sho said. "What do you think my Prince " Simon said turning back at jellal who was staring at the window "I say it's to risky " jellal said finally speaking. He turned to face them "gray said they took her knowing I would come to search for her, so I'm guessing either way they know I'm coming " jellal said.
"Indeed your right sir then how else do we put this plan in action " sho said. Jellal though hard. "We have to make them think I care less about erza and I'm not going ... " Jellal walked around his room till he stopped. "Sho you wanted to have my forgiveness right?" Jellal said. "Yes my Prince it mean the world to me " sho said. "It's settle then " jellal said smirking. "Here's what were going to do " he said.

Erza woke up. Her head was throbbing .She tried to touch her head but she couldn't she looked up and saw she her hands were shackled so was her foots. She struggles but stopped when pain winced in her stomach she then remember he had kicked her so many times it had hurt her. "woke up so soon my princess " she lifted her head up to see Master Rave. "Why? why are you doing this ?" erza said. "It's my destiny " he said. "No it's not its the path you choose aren't you aware of how many kingdoms you will destroy" erza said. "Oh in very much aware of it all " he said. "Have you not heard the tale do you know what is bound to happen to you once you revive the him" erza said. "Oh yes and I don't care one bit I would gladly accept zeref he is what keep me living " rave said. "Your wrong he's my what keeps you living he is what hurts you all the pain in the world all the sadness is caused by darkness and darkness is what comes from him !" erza said. "Nothing will change my mind it's my future and you or no one will stop me " he said. " Don't you see how much harm you'll cause your father do you think he would want this ?" erza said. "Te old geezer is dead and he could care less about me he only cared about this protecting this stupid book" rave tail said. " You're wrong Ivan " erza said. His eyes widen. "It's been a long time someone has called me that" he said
" Your real name what you dad named you! he cared about you how could you let him down !" erza said. "Enough!!" he said. That's when he swung his whip at her stomach. She screamed the pain was un bare able but she held it trying to breath for air. "I love the sounds of pain especially when in the cause of it" he said. Erza then remember jellal use to say the same thing when he was influence by darkness maybe Ivan is to erza has to change his mind no matter what. "you .. Can stop this I know you're better than This" erza said another whip but this time at her back she screamed holding in the tears "you know nothing about me so why talk " master rave said. "I do .. I Remember how your dad talked about you he - another whip erza screamed if that shackles werent holding her up she be on her knees right now. "he said I remember riding horses with my son ivan teaching him the techniques he get so overjoyed you can see it in his eyes " erza said another whip. "shut up !" rave said. " he used to go on and on about you always you were always on this mind their was not a day he would think about you " erza said. He kept hitting her "SHUT UP !"he said. Tears were falling from her face the pain was to much it hurt her she spoke so weakly but she still was gonna try. "He .. Told me how you became evil and ran away but he told me even after all the bad stuff you've down and even of you werent walking in the light anymore - erza screamed again as the whip met her skin. "He ... Still loved you " erza said and dropped her head she hoped it had worked that's when she hear laughing she picked her head slowly up. "You think I care what the old geezer felt about me nothing at all in fact when I heard he was dead I threw the biggest party in my kingdom the celebration went on for a week that's how much I Could care less about what he felt and my names is not Ivan anymore it's rave !" he said and hit her once more erza wailed In pain. "Oh I love the look on your face when your in pain it turns me on to back I have stuff to do " he said walking away but he stopped. "I remember the old geezer use to tell me about the book ...

"Daddy daddy can you read me a bed time story " Ivan said. The king chuckled "alright but this is not really a story it's a tale " the king said "there is this book it is to be guarded with life " the king said. "Is that the book you guard dad ?" Ivan said. "Yes son " the king said. "But why must you guard it ?" Ivan said "Because the book is the secrets of all kingdoms this book is the key to becoming the king of all kingdoms" he said . Ivan eyes opened wide . "There once was a bad king who ruled all the world his name was king .. Zeref the people where slaves and work for him everything was bad. His queen didnt like how he was and she stoled his book and separated from the kingdom and made her own. The king found out his book was missing but it wasnt just a book that book was a part of him almost like his soul and he was dying slowly and slowly without it , before he past away he cursed that book he said one day a person will come and will find the book and when that day comes he will do the same thing king zeref did and zeref will be reborn in the person and all shall come to an end " the king said . "Dad how did you end up with the book ?" Ivan said . "The queen herself gave it to me before she died to protect " the king said . "But why do you tell me dad ?" Ivan said . "Because I know ill pass on sooner or later and I want you to protect it when you grow up dont let it fall in the hands of darkness" he said .

"But what the old geezer never knew was I was the one who was going to be the person to reborn zeref " master rave said. "You're .... a monster " erza said. He laughed "I know " he said and walked out. Erza was hurting the pain was to much to handle she felt like any moment she was going to pass out how longer would she be like this? if it was forever she rather die. She knew know that the book was in his hands the whole world was endangered and all the years the king spend protecting this book was now a waste. "I'm .. Sorry my king ... " Erza said she started crying "I've let you down .."

Jellal went down to were Natsu and gray were getting treated he got their and saw Natsu was still in some bad conditions but not severe as they were. Gray was still severe he winced he moved back and forth he must be asleep he gripped the sheet "erza " he said . Jellal look at him. "Erza .. Must protect .. Erza " he said. Jellal looked down. Gray loved erza Alot to but he never caused her pain like he did. He indeed deserved erza unlike him he out her through so much. when this was all over he would leave them alone so they can be happy because all he was doing was getting in the way on gray and erza way and erza deserved to be happy with someone who would treat her right. "Don't worry gray .. We'll save her but when we do .. Promise me .. You'll treat her right " jellal said . He turned and walked away "dont worry erza ill bring you back safe and sound .." Jellal said.


Sorry it was short and sorry it took me forever to update on this one it's just since in writing two stories it's pretty hard writing two at once lol but ill try to update more regularly

- Alondra

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